Chapter 19

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"I'm awake" you groaned, to the endless knocks on your door. Throwing on a deep black gown with matching heels, you were good to go. You pretty much stuck to the same makeup routine now. Everything had been delivered and Bella along with the Dark Lord had treated you to an entire new wardrobe as well as a new vanity filled with new copies of everything you had previously owned. You'd never been so grateful. The Death Eaters to you, when you were younger, had been painted as an evil, ruthless group of dark wizards. Evil and dark yes but their tendancy to look after their own and made sure they shared whatever they had had changed your entire perspective of them.

A few months had passed since the killing of Ted Tonks. Narcissa was simply growing and glowing by the minute and had started to organise and decorate a small nursery in the back room. It had a huge window which simply let the light dance around the room. Below the window, was a rocking chair. It was a chocolate brown colour and was made out of the smoothest wood. You stood in the doorway looking into the room when you felt two familiar slender hands start to work their way around your waist, gripping it tightly.

"Please tell me you don't want one my sweet" the voice said. It was the one and only Madame Lestrange. You smiled as she held you. "Not just yet" you giggled as you spun around so you were now facing her. "However it would be nice to have a little one who is the perfect mixture of both me and you. Your wild hair and my green eyes. Fabulous" you grinned, as you stroked her chest, playing with the necklace that rested gently above her breasts.

She grabbed your hand causing your whole body to spiral. She was clearly amused by your reaction as she started running her hand through your hair as they made their way down your body. "Not here" you hissed, as you heard footsteps coming down the corridor. "The Dark Lord has requested your prescence downstairs" said the man. It was Severus Snape. You smiled weakly as Bella's hands roamed your body. He looked at Bellatrix then looked away embarrased. "Something to say Sev?" She smirked, with her typical pount as she taunted the poor man. He looked beyond the pair of you and managed to stammer out a quick 'no' before recognising the room. "Careful Bella we mustn't touch what isn't ours he said" he said, referencing to the nursery you were both now standing in & yourself. Bellatrix rolled her eyes then headed down the corridor, dragging you with her. Snape shook his head in disappointment as you giggled, running down the hall after Bella.

You eventually came to the room whete Voldermort and a few other deatheaters had settled. You arrived very flushed - pale but full of life. "My Lord" you smiled as he beckoned you and Bellatrix to sit near him. "Y/N Rosier over the past few months, you have shown true loyalty to our side which is why I bestow the greatest and most important mission upon you" he said, as Bellatrix stared at you in utter admiration as though she's never been so proud. "I ask that you enrol at Hogwarts as a professor, teaching the young witches and wizards Defence Against the Dark Arts" he said, sternly. You looked shocked. Why would he ask you to do this? Of all things how could he ask you to work in one of the most high security schools in the Wizarding World after who you had now become and who you were now known to be.

"Of course, my lord but if you don't mind me asking.." you stuttered, before you were cut off by both Bellatrix and Voldermort. "Shush Y/N" Bella hissed, gripping your hand from underneath the table. "As I was saying, you will claim to have fallen under the Imperius curse and say that you worked for me through no awareness of your own" he said. "Unfortunately, something ghastly will be happening to the current Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher.. courtesy of our very own Madame Lestrange" he said to which Bellatrix smirked wildly as she heard her name mentioned.

"Both of you get some rest" he said. "I expect this mission to be started promptly tommorow and for you to not dare mention it to anyone - especially you Y/N" he said as you both left the room. "My mark Bella how will I ever cover my mark?" you said, panicking. "I do know a few concealment charms and despite how untalented I am at the subject, they do work" she whispered, referencing back to one of the many nights you shared together.

She performed the charm and the mark soon vanished. You could still feel it there  burning against your skin to show the Dark Lord's prescence. "I'm going to miss you Trix" you sighed, gathering your belongings together. "I guess I've grown fond of having you around too my love" she smiled, holding your head in her palms. "Promise you'll write to me?" you said, as you felt tears drip down your cheeks as you smiled back at her sadly. "Every day" she smiled, as you wiped the dark curl that had fallen on her face. "You're the most important person to me Y/N stay safe and don't let Albus catch you or I'll have him" she giggled. "After all, I may need to come see you in the broom cupboard at Hogwarts" she smirked as you blushed.

Soon, you were off. Your first stop was at the Weasleys where you had been covered in dirt and blood to back up your story. According to Bella, these people were kind. Easy to manipulate. They would help you without knowing on your quest to fulfil the Dark Lords wishes. The old Y/N would've cared deeply about the people she was hurting and the lives she was destroying. The new one simply didn't give a fuck.


hi besties! i hope your all okay and sorry for not updating in a while. soo the new chapter is out and i feel i have a clearer view now on where i want this story to go. i hope you enjoy this one.. showing the softer side of ms bella. im also thinking of making a helena groupchat on snapchat so drop your users and ill add you to it🖤thankyou for all your support on this story so far it means the world xxx

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