Chapter 6

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As your heart rate increased by the minute, you walked into the small room trying to appear confident. Then you saw her.

Her health had quite clearly deteriorated in Azkaban as well as her cleanliness. Bundles of messy dark curls exploding from her scalp, her skin cracked with dirt beginning to settle in the lines that had formed on her face. Her eyes were on another level of darkness. They reflected the cruelty and the evil that controlled her personality.

You quickly sat, getting into position before eventually making eye contact. She smiled maliciously before running at the wall screaming. This woman was undeniably bonkers. "G-good afternoon Bellatrix I'm sure this has all been explained to you but do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" You stuttered. She sat there, looking at you silently before proceeding to jump at you, causing you to flinch. She laughed hysterically.

'First of all, childhood I understand you were raised by the Black family" you asked, your throat beginning to dry from the tension. She remained silent. "Siblings? I do believe you had 2? Narcissa who married Mr Lucius Malfoy and Ms Andro-" you said, before she quickly cut you off. "How dare you speak of the filthy blood traitor that claims to be my sister" She screamed, lunging forward at you. "M-my apologies" you said, before writing comments into your pad. 'Obvious family issues and possible psychopathic tendancies' before looking back up at her.

The hatred you felt for this woman was immense. How she could commit such cruel acts and feel no remorse was completely bizarre to you. You felt angry. Angry that this woman had been allowed to get away with her torment for so long.. but regardless of this, you knew you had to push forward with her. To get every bit of information out of her in order to make a good impression with the Ministry.

She then proceeded to walk towards the small wall that was separating you both. "Don't mess with me or try to assume you know me you silly little witch" she spat making you feel extremely uncomfortable and vulnerable. Suddenly, the safety you felt left your body. The vulnerability you felt was unmatched and it caused you to panic. You felt your entire body become paralysed, wanting to run but something was holding you back.

'Manipulation is a technique that allows Bellatrix to stay in control. Possibly to do with her troubled childhood and the disowning of her sister Andromeda Tonks neè Black' you wrote. You knew that she was indeed trying to manipulate and that in order to carry on, you needed to regain your confidence and take control of the situation. "Well, it appears I have gathered enough information for now. I would however like to make these sessions regularly if thats okay with you?" you said, confidently before getting up to head out. It was clear that this wasn't what Bellatrix expected. She'd lost the control, the power she held over you and it infuriated her.

You then left her cell trying to be more confident in every step you took. Once you reached the other side of the wall, your emotions ruled you. The fear you had for Bellatrix was on another level. You'd always thought yourself to be a fearless young woman not scared of anything or anyone but that all changed when you met her. Despite how frightened you were, there was something drawing you in. Urging you to get closer and discover the roots of her evilness.

Wiping the tears from your cheeks, you walked through the dark and gloomy corridors of Azkaban to the carriage awaiting to take you home. "Are you alright Miss Y/N" one of the men asked before helping you into the carriage. "I'm quite alright thankyou I just find this whole situation overwhelming" you smiled. "Understandable.. most people would've run from that cell the second they saw 93 you'd make an excellent auror Y/N" another smiled.

It was getting darker as you flew over the London skies. You felt yourself getting more tired and couldn't wait to indulge in your duvet and for your head to hit your pillow. There was nothing you wanted more in the world.

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