Chapter 7

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The next morning, after your encounter with Bellatrix you decided to start the report. She was definitely one of the most vindictive and psychotic people you'd met and that terrified you. However the bravery, the power and the resilience you showed towards the end of the session shocked her. It was something she definitely wasn't expecting. Being in control was what Bellatrix craved the most. She quite enjoyed seeing people squirm upon hearing her name or actions that she had committed.

From the information you'd gathered in the short space of an hour, you'd come to conclude that Mrs Lestrange was most definitely crazy - mad in fact. She thrived off of fear and cruelty which made her even more dangerous than you'd originally anticipated. However, you'd also started to wonder about her reaction to the mentioning of her sister Andromeda. You decided that would be the next step in your research.. to find out everything about what happened to Andromeda. About why she left the Black family and why things started going wrong after she left? Was life within the 'noble house of Black' as good as it seemed?

During the afternoon, you decided to take a trip to the library within the Academy to find out more about the Black sisters and also, more about the family in general. Stumbling across a tattered book which was labelled 'NOBLE HOUSE OF BLACK' you were in luck. Opening it, on the first two pages was what you believed to be a photo of a tapestry or more specifically the Black family tree. Around 20 solemnly faces looking straightforward at you, branched off in different directions. One woman in particular that struck you was Walburga Black. Her stern face and cold expression caught your eye. It appeared that she was married to a man named Orion Black, who was coincidentally her second cousin. It was clear to you now that incest was second nature to the Blacks. 

They had two children. Sirius and Regulus Black. You'd heard about Sirius back when you were at Hogwarts. It appeared that he was Bellatrix's first cousin due to the fact her father and his mother were siblings and it also appeared that both of the Black cousins had fallen down the wrong path which led you to think maybe it wasn't Bellatrix's fault after all. Maybe, the main reason that she is the way that she is is because of the Black family.. because of morals and negative values that were imposed on her as a young girl. It was at that moment you saw her in a different light. Yes, the actions she committed were indeed despicable.. horrifying in fact but was she really that different to anyone else? A troubled young girl who'd been introduced to darkness at such a young age, she knew no right from wrong.

Where Sirius was on the image of the tapestry, there was no photo. No face looking back up at you. Instead, a burnt out patch. Possibly a cigarette burn? Possibly scratched out. You also noticed that Andromeda was burnt out. Was this a sign of both cousins being disowned from the Black family? This led you to think back to your trip to Azkaban or more specifically your meeting with Bellatrix. About how crazed and psychotic she became after the simple mentioning of her younger sister Andromeda Tonks. You decided, that despite the reaction this would be one of the next questions you asked Mrs Lestrange upon your next visit to Azkaban. About Andromeda and why she left. You were sure, that underneath the mass of curls and beneath the dark, soulless eyes there was something else to this woman. More than what met the eye.

It was decided that on Monday 11th, the two of you would meet again. This time however, you'd be more prepared. You wouldn't give her the opportunity.. the chance to control you. Instead, it would be the other way around. Under Section 43 of the Ministry of Magic, you were given the permission to use the curse Imperio. During your time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you'd learnt about the three unforgivable curses and sworn to yourself that you'd never use them no matter the circumstance. However, this wasn't your everyday situation. Bellatrix wasn't your average witch. She was highly skilled. Highly talented. She never let anything get in the way of what she wanted. No matter who she had to kill or what she had to do. Her thirst for power overweighed all of that.

Despite the fact you were given permission, you were still unsure. After all, this went against everything you believed in. This type of magic wasn't taught within the class 'Dark Arts' for no reason. It apparently had serious negative effects on the witch/wizard who used the curse and you most definitely didn't want to find out what those effects were or the impact they'd have upon a young witch like yourself. However, you were too motivated. Too driven to find out more information. Your curiosity urging you to delve deeper into Bellatrix's past no matter what was at stake. Eventually, after days of weighing up the positives and negatives of using the Imperio curse you came to the conclusion that using the curse would be a last resort. A last chance at trying to uncover the personality of a psychopath like Bellatrix Lestrange. It was an opportunity that couldn't be dismissed for it was one you may never get again.

Slightly longer chapter this time. I hope you enjoyed <3 Let me know what you think :) Love you all xxx

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