Chapter 23

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The both of you continued to get on each other's nerves right up until Hogwarts split for Christmas. Christmas at Hogwarts had always been one of your favourite things but this time you were spending it at Malfoy Manor. With Narcissa, Lucius, Draco and Bellatrix.

As you safely arrived back at Malfoy Manor, you immediately felt home. "Y/N" Narcissa said, as you entered the hall. Draco glared as he went upstairs, barging past you. You immediately felt Lucius' smirk on the back of your neck as soon as this happened. "Welcome back Y/N" he said, coldly. You wandered through Malfoy Manor. It was just as you'd remembered. Nothing had changed.

"Y/N" Bella cried, before noticing everyone standing in the room to which she reacted by composing herself. "Glad to be back" you smiled, as you placed your bags down and took off your winter hat and coat and hung them over the chair by the fire to dry off. You sat and rested in the large armchair, feeling the heat against your numb cheeks. "How was the journey" Narcissa asked. "Leave her Cissy" Bellatrix said with both a stern and cold tone. "She's been in the bloody house two minutes".

You smiled. The journey was cold. It was snow and ice. It would've seemed suspicious had you have gone with Draco so you took a different route. Thankfully, you were practically invisible and kept your head down, only acknowledged by muggles in London whilst you were making your way on public transport. You eventually met with Draco as he came off at the last stop. "Following me?" he grunted. "Can we discuss this later? I'm cold and tired and your the last person I want to be with right now" you replied, as you marched off in front and stayed there until you reached the gates of the Manor.

Once everyone had left, Bellatrix finally embraced you into her arms and kissed you gently on her head. "Back where you belong" she grinned. "Did a certain someone miss me?" you teased until her hand suddenly met your throat as she pushed you deeper into the chair. "Watch your tone" she hissed. It was incredible how she could change. Go from one extreme to the other. A true pyscho. Perhaps her craziness was the reason you were destined to be mad yourself. Utterly bonkers.

You nodded as she squeezed tighter. "Use your words" she purred as you felt yourself melt in her grasp. "I'm sorry" you gasped, struggling to breathe. Her crazed eyes didn't look away from you for a second. They were full of madness. Her insanity was truly inspiring. "Good" she whispered. You felt the hot mist from her breath hit your skin as she edged closer. "Respect does wonders" she said, before slowly realising you from her grasp and exciting the room.

You were glad to be back. Hogwarts just didn't feel like home. It was drafty, cold. A lot like Malfoy Manor in that sense however Bellatrix made it feel like home. The curly, crazy-haired pyscho you'd grown to love and adore. Perhaps that was what was scariest about this whole situation? How you were that besotted, that enchanted by her presence you'd do practically anything for her. She was crazy by nature. You were crazy by love. That was probably the most wildest thing about the love you both shared. The sheer unpredictability of it all.

"Y/N, Madame Lestrange is requesting your prescence in the upper wing of the Manor" a little voice called. A house elf. No bigger than a small cabinet. He stood near the large oak table which rested on a rug. "Dobby Ma'am" he said, as his stupidly big eyes stared back at you. "What on earth are you wearing" you questioned. "Uniform ma'am. We all have one" he said so quietly and so soft like a mouse. "Oh do speak up" you tutted. "Bad dobby.. BAD DOBBY" he shouted as he suddenly jumped on the table. He then grabbed a lamp and started beating himself profusely.

You ignored him and headed upstairs. It would be wise of you not to keep her waiting. Bellatrix was not a patient woman. The ability to remain calm definitely did not come naturally to her. The house elf 'Dobby' or whatever his name was left making rather large dints in the lamp until Lucius clouted him. Still, you followed the winding gothic staircase to the right wing of the Manor where Bellatrix was supposedly waiting.

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