Chapter 16

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When you woke, everything was different. Everything felt different. It was like you'd been completely rewired from the inside out. The man and woman who you'd known to have been inflicting the cruelty on you had gone. Hatred was powering you as you left the chair and strided out into the room.

The table was still the same. All of the deatheaters along with Voldermort were staring at you was you walked back confidently. The Carrow twins were also there - sat next to one another as they smirked. Voldermort had a wicked smiling only growing. "Y/N?" he said. "Yes, my Lord" you said, looking only at him paying no attention to anyone else in the room. "I'd like to introduce you to our new guest Ms Charity Burbage" he said. "Do you recognise our guest Severus?" he hissed. Severus Snape looked away in what appeared to be utter disgust. You then realised who Ms Burbage was. The professor who led Muggle Studies in your fourth year. She was a plump woman with shoulder length grey hair with a brown tinge. She was hung from the ceiling - her arms and legs bound above her with some sort of enchantment. She cried out to Severus Snape who just looked at her coldly with no emotion - like they were strangers. "Now Miss Y/N it appears that Ms Burbage has been corrupting and polluting the young witches and wizards minds with pro-muggle ideas" he said. The whole room reacted in disgust. Some even started retching. You were suprised at your reaction. You were disgusted and felt hatred for this woman that you didn't know was possible. You tried to conceal it but the Dark Lord noticed. "Do you have an opinion on this bloodtraitor Y/N? He said, as your stomach turned. 

"Avad-" you screamed before Bellatrix stopped you. "No no my pet like this" she purred, before performing the Cruciatus Curse on the woman. She grabbed your waist and spun you round until you were in front as her head rested upon your shoulder. The scent of mixed cigarettes and roses clouded your head but this newfound force and power urged you on. She took your hand and guided it upwards until your wand was pointing directly at the witch. "I'm so proud of you my love" she whispered, before you performed the Unforgivable curse on your former professor. As the curse left the tip of your wand, you felt an overwhelming cloud of satisfaction as Charity Burbage screamed out in pain. The whole room was grinning especially the Dark Lord who nodded to Severus who then came to where you and Bellatrix were stood and demanded you to hold out your arm. "The final stretch" she said, before gently placing a kiss on the back of your neck. You willingly held out your arm this time. "I pledge my allegiance to you my lord" you said. As Snape held his wand to your inner left forearm, he muttered a few words as jet black ink appeared upon your skin. You gritted your teeth in pain as the mark burned through your skin. It was offical. You were now a deatheater.

"Upstairs in 5" she whispered, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand before she exited the room. "Oh Y/N" said Voldermort, with a devilish smile. "What ever has got into you?" he jeered, as the whole room erupted in laughter. "With all due respect my Lord, I advise you to never underestimate me or my abilities.. I'm just getting started" you whispered. You then decided to go upstairs to where Bellatrix had told you to go. You checked in your room where you presumed she would be however it was empty. After this, you walked down the corridor and came to the end of the hall. A dark door slightly ajar. "This must be it" you thought, as you gently pushed the door. To your delight, there she was. She grabbed your arm and pulled you inside pushing you on to a bed covered in black silk. Her hand slowly moving and cupping your cheek. Her other hand roamed freely up your torso until it met your breast. The smirk was only growing across her face. "I find it so incredibly sexy when you lose all control" she whispered, as she kissed down your neck, letting her hands explore your entire body. As her lips touched every inch of your body, the pleasure you were feeling in that very moment was indescribable. 

"You are my biggest weakness and I hate it" she said, as she moved back up your body until she was directly on top of you. "Oh really?" you grinned, before moving from underneath her and pinning her down as the look of utter shock and confusement on her face simply egged you on further. "Don't tease me baby girl" she hissed as she fought for her dominance. "Oh really my love?" you smirked, grabbing her neck as she pursed her lips in amusement. "Now Madame Lestrange" you taunted, as she squirmed under your grasp. Continuing down her body, you came to her opening pleased to discover that she was already dripping. "So wet for me all ready.. my my Mrs Lestrange giving in so easily" you giggled. "I swear to-" she muttered before her words were lost in the sweet moans that had escaped her lips. "Come again?" you teased before pushing one finger inside of her, slowly pumping it in and out.  She gasped in pleasure. Both women asserted a different kind of dominance. Bellatrix much preferred to be on the recieving end of the pleasure whereas you got off on the pleasure you inflicted. Her moans only encouraged you to go further, adding two more fingers, thrusting them into her harder and faster as her hands gripped the mattress as she dug her nails into the silk. You eventually gave in to her cries and gave her the pleasure she so desperately desired. 

You both laid there, breathless before Bellatrix grabbed your throat. "I advise you to not pull one of these little stunts again my love" she whispered as you rested your head on her chest. You glanced to see the smile that she was trying to hide. This only enhanced your belief that Bellatrix enjoyed being dominated and that she wasn't as terrifying as she made out. "Goodnight" you said, before proceeding to go back to your own room. "Y/N stay" she pleaded as you turned back around. This was a completely different side you'd seen to Bellatrix. One you'd been desperate to see ever since Bellatrix was in Azkaban. It was a more caring, more softer side that very few people had seen. As your eyes grew heavy, the room around you grew smaller and darker until you were eventually asleep. Breathing in her signature scent of burnt out cigarettes and fresh roses, you were content. Her scent brought you a great sense of comfort as you nestled into her chest. Out of everything that had happened from you first learning about Bellatrix Lestrange to you becoming a Death Eater and all the torture involved, this moment was your favourite. She was your happiness, your drive and your reason. The craziness and the passion that you both now shared was what made you powerful. It was what made the love between you both as strong as it was. 


I finally had free time so here is the next chapter as promised xxxxx A different side to the wonderful Ms Bellatrix Lestrange and a new personality change for us <3 Hope you enjoyed, again let me know your thoughts in the comments <3 xxxxxxxx

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