Chapter 5

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As Tuesday loomed, you'd never found yourself as busy. Work began to pile up and you found yourself becoming more occupied as the days went on.

The Ministry finally decided to make contact to confirm the transportation and also the members of the Ministry that would be accompanying you to Azkaban more specifically the cell of Bellatrix Lestrange. After what seemed like only a few hours, before you knew it the day was here. You'd overthought everything as usual. What to say? What to wear? What to take with you? After all, you'd never been to Azkaban in your life and you hoped to God that you'd never enter there other than a visitor.

You eventually chose quite a bright outfit to wear which you hoped would radiate the warmth and light inside of you and protect you from the darkness that Azkaban held. A light blouse with a matching pencil skirt. Sheer black tights and black patent heels aswell as a white blazer. Your classical rounded glasses which enhanced the intelligence you held. Completely professional. Your hair held back in a sleek bun with minimal makeup except for the dark tint on your lashes and the cherry red colour painted upon your lips - you were ready.

You took with you a pen and a small notepad to scrawl down whatever Bellatrix said. You held your wand in a dark case. You tried to refrain from using magic given the fact you wanted your life to be as normal as possible and also due to the negativity that came along with using magic. However, given the current circumstances and the place you were going, you thought it be best to take it with you.

A carriage arrived at approximately 1 in the afternoon to take you to Azkaban. It held a dark mystical vibe and was pulled along by four Thestrals. Thestrals were another thing you found most odd about the world you lived in. A breed only visible to those who've witnessed death and accepted its reality. Death. For which you had enough experience in. You sat in between two men of whom you assumed to be the members of the Ministry as one tapped the side of the carriage before heading inside.

"The nature of this trip will be short and informative. I trust you have questions that you'd like to ask Prisoner 93" one said. "Prisoner 93?" you asked, slightly confused as to who they were on about. "We tend to refer to the prisoners as numbers it's easier for everyone that way Miss Y/N especially as the impression of Azkaban can have a certain effect on a young lady like yourself" another said. You thought about how the prisoners were stripped of their identity. Only referred to as numbers. Starved of their humanity so to speak.

The sky gradually got darker as you approached the building of Azkaban. Looking out of the window, the place sent a wave of discomfort over you. An island in the middle of what you assumed to be the North Sea stood Azkaban. A derelict building surrounded by rocks as waves crashed against it.

The carriage pulled into a small opening and all proceeded to get out. Before entering the building, some sort of charm was cast over you to ensure no harm came whatsoever. Then, you were talked through a number of different rules for the period you were in Azkaban. "Make sure to report back at every given hour" one of the three men said. "Do not give the dementors any reason to interfer with your studies" another said. "In and out Y/N.. you got it?" the final man said. "I do" you said, nervously as you approached the building.

Everything came down to this moment. You were escorted down a dark corridor. Everything in Azkaban was dark. The light.. the happiness had clearly left this place a long time ago. 'Lumos' casted one of the Ministry members which lit up a few lanterns held upon the walls. They gave off minimal light and shone dimly but enough to enhance the grime on the walls that had started to form.

You then came to an opening. "Cell 713 - Bellatrix Black Lestrange" it read. It was dark inside which made you feel uneasy and uncomfortable. "Your time with Mrs Lestrange has now begun. You have approximately one hour" one of the men said, before opening the door to Bellatrix's cell. With nothing but a wall separating you and Mrs Lestrange, you'd never felt more nervous.

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