Past, Present & Future

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Kakashi's POV:

I've been running around all day running errands and doing some intel for the Hokage and all I desperately want right now is to be back in bed with Ankha and these texts she keeps sending me only make me want to drop everything and rush home. Luckily all this running around has made the day go by quickly. I have one more stop before I'm done and then I'll stop and pick up some flowers- no flowers wouldn't do her beauty justice, maybe some chocolates? No she's sweeter than any chocolate. What do I get her? It's been years since I've been this way. She consumes my thoughts and I never want to stop feeling like this, I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

After my last run I pickup both flowers and chocolates and order dinner for Ankha and myself. Not wanting to waste another second, I drive home as fast as I can. Pulling in I see the lights are off at her place and see them on in mine, smiling she must be waiting for me. With the food and other gifts in hand I make my way to the door and open it.

"Hello gorgeous! I'm home!" I call out making my way to the kitchen to set the table. I smile as I feel a pair of hands wrap around me.

"Well that's one way to greet me" a voice I recognize all to well, but it's not Ankha's. I turn around and I see her. Anger and sadness boil up inside me. She hasn't changed, she looks as beautiful as she did when I met her. I thought we were going to be happy together forever until I came home to an empty house and a letter confessing her love for Obito, my best friend, and they ran off together leaving me behind.  

"What the fuck are you doing here Rin!?" I damn near shout. Ignoring my question he wraps her hands around my next getting close enough to where I can feel her breath on my neck. 

She curves her lips into a smile, "Now Kashi, is that anyway to treat your wife?" She eyes the bags on the counter, "Awwwh is this for me? You've always been such a romantic!"

I back away from her, rolling my eyes. She knows that stuff isn't for her. I sigh heavily snatching the things away from her "Answer my question, what are you doing here?  I cross my arms and wait for an explanation. 

Her eyes soften and she looks at me, "I'm here because I missed you" she pouts.

"Rin, you've been gone for 8 years, you don't just suddenly come back in to my life it's nothing and say it's because you missed me. You left me and I was broken for years!" I feel my blood boiling at this point. "I lost my wife and my best friend, I searched for you everywhere thinking we can make it work. You don't get to stand here and say you miss me." I managed to say without stuttering. I kept thinking about what I would say if I ever saw her again and now that she's here it doesn't feel real. Why now? 

"I hear you and I'm sorry, I really want to work this out, I love you" she says it so emotionless. Does she love me? I wasn't sure I knew what love is anymore. 

"It doesn't work like that Rin. I've tried so hard to move on and learn how to love again and I'm sorry, but I found someone else" I say, waiting for her reaction.

An almost evil-like laugh escapes from Rin's lips, "Please tell me you're not talking about that dark skin girl who stopped by here earlier, you can't be serious."

"Watch your fucking mouth Rin! Don't you dare talk about her like that and her skin color doesn't fucking matter. What did you say to her?!" I say in disgust and a slight panic.

"I said enough for her to leave us alone" Rin smirks.

Fuck. I have to go see Ankha, I can't lose her. Not now.

"Rin, get the fuck out and don't come back" I warn, walking to the door to run after Ankha.

"I wouldn't walk out that door Kakashi" Rin warns, unbothered by my threat.

Not listening to her I keep going.

"If you walk out that door you'll never seen your son!"

I froze. 

What did she say...

My-m-my son?!

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