Chapter 12 - What's Done is Done

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Kakashi's POV:

It's been weeks since Rin came back and told me about our son, Rein. She went to fetch him and said she'd be back in 10 days. I'm so nervous, will I even be a good father? I feel like I've already missed so much. To make matters worse I haven't seen Ankha either. I know she's avoiding me and she has every right to. I just want to see her again and explain, it's selfish of me but  want her in my life...even if we aren't together.

The Jonin mixer starts in a little bit and since she's my partner I hope I'll see her there.

*Time Skip to a few hours*

I walk into the club and immediately search the crowd for Ankha, it takes me awhile and I spot her. I didn't think it was possible for her to look even more beautiful. She's wearing a mesh top with a black bra underneath and a matching skirt with a slit going up to her thigh. She captivates me without even trying. I start to make my way through the crowd, until I see him dancing with Ankha...and she's smiling. My body fills with jealousy, it should be me she smiles at. I ball my fist and turn to the's going to be a long night and I'll need a drink.

Ankha's POV:

It's been fucking hell trying to avoid Kakashi and his wife. I knew it was too good to be true, of course he's married. I don't even want to think about it. I knew tonight was going to be the night I wouldn't be able to avoid him any longer so I made sure to get here early to start my drinking. I'm definitely tipsy, but I'm sober enough to notice Kakashi enter out the corner of my eye and I won't lie he looks good as hell!

"Pardon me, but may you do me the honor of dancing with me?" I hear a deep voice and turn around and see a tall man with long black hair; with piercing black eyes...he is certainly handsome and  I could use a distraction; I nod my head yes.

He swiftly moves behind me matching my rhythm, he can dance too. I smile and enjoy the vibe and notice Kakashi coming this way, but stop when he sees me dancing with someone else. I'm feeling petty tonight so what the hell, let's give him a show. Even in the crowded club I can feel his eyes on me. I seductively grind against my dancing partner feeling something hard against my ass, I smirk and turn around pressing my breasts against his chest and snaking my arms around his neck caressing his hair in my hands. I hear a grunt and look up at his face and he looks like he's in pain, he bends down to my ear and says, "I'm trying to be a gentleman and court you, but you're making it hard" he says while blushing. I giggle, "I'm so sorry! I'm Ankha" I was so busy trying to make Kakashi jealous I didn't realize I might be taking it too far. I smile again and look into his eyes, wow he really is quite handsome.  "I'm Uchiha. Itachi Uchiha" he says with a smile. Uchiha? Where have a I heard that name? "Would you like to get out of here? Maybe go for a walk?" I ask feeling bold, he raises an eyebrow curious for what I have in mind. I take his hand and make my way to the door when someone grabs my arm. I look and it's Kakashi. There's rage in his eyes. I've never seen him like this; it's almost terrifying. 

"Ankha I need to talk to you" Kakashi says in a stern voice.

"There's nothing we need to discuss Hatake." I snapped back noticing him wince at the sound of me calling him by his last name.

"Ankha Plea-" He's cut off by another voice, "She said she doesn't want to talk to you Kakashi, so leave her be" Itachi says, putting himself between me and Kakashi. They would be staring each other down all night if I hadn't pulled Itachi out the door, leaving Kakashi in the middle of the dancefloor.

I feel myself sober up as we get outside in the cool air, Itachi offers me his jacket. "Uchiha-san, I'm sorry I put you in the middle of that" I say embarrassed. 

"Please call me Itachi and there's nothing to be sorry for. I don't know what's going on, but I could tell you weren't in the mood to talk" He says sincerely.

We continue to walk hand in hand laughing and getting to know each other until we reached my door.

He's so beautiful under the moonlight and his lips look so soft and supple. He chuckles and I turn red realizing I'm staring. 

"I'm sor-" My words are cut off by his lips against mine. There's a sense of longing behind his kiss, he pulls me in by my waist and bites my bottom lip for entrance. I happily oblige and he moans in my mouth at the taste causing my knees to buckle. He deepens the kiss holding my face in his hands. My hands around his neck, touching himself softly. He breaks away leaving me wanting more.

"Ankha I was serious about what I said about wanting to be a gentleman and court you." He says heavily, still catching his breath from our passionate kiss. "I knew from the moment I saw you that you were special, please allow me to take you on a real date" He says in an almost demanding tone. 

I take him up on his offer and he give me another kiss goodnight, this time more gently. "Now if you will excuse me, I will go before I do something very un-gentleman like" He says hungrily while looking me up down. I bite my bottom lip and squeeze my thighs together thinking about all the ways I want him to be un-gentleman like. He kisses my hand before disappearing into the night. 

I'm too dazed from the kiss to even notice someone was watching us.

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