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Phil is quite sure he has never gotten out of the best as fast as he did in that moment. But the scream had him flying out of his bed and within seconds he was opening the door to Mary's room. Scanning the dark room, his eyes lands on the young girl, curled up into a ball crying. Phil had read the reports, the mentioning of her nightmares and night terrors. This was however the first time since Mary had been put under his care that it happens, now he would have to be put through it by himself. It was too late to call Natasha to ask for help. Letting his eyes take in the room a second time, his eyes lands on the Mushu plushie on the floor, moving towards her bed slowly, making sure he doesn't scare the already petrified girl. Reaching down, he takes hold of the plushie and sits down on the bed.

He can see how the girl freezes up as the bed beside her shifts, Phil keeps quiet, all he does is hold up Mushu. It took a few minutes for Mary to move, when she finally does, her eyes land directly on Mushu. Her right hand reaches out and grabs hold of the plushie and Phil lets it go, letting Mary hug it close. He wants to ask her what she had been dreaming about, but he knows it's not a good idea in this moment. Looking towards the clock, it read 2 am and Phil had a strong feeling that there's no chance to get her to bed anytime soon.

"Would you like to watch a movie and have some hot coco?"

He asks, keeping his voice low and calm, just trying to not scare the girl even more. Seeing how Mary finally looks at him, he can see her trying to figure out if she trusts him or not. He had earned a bit of her trust, but it had only been shown when Natasha, Clint or even Maria is around. This is the first time she would have to trust in the man without her security net.

"I had Natasha buy the Mulan movie, it's in the living room."

Phil tells her, hopping that letting the girl watch the movie she had seemed to grow extremely attached to would make her feel safer. He could see that his plan worked, a spark lights up in her eyes and Phil can't help but to smile slightly. Standing up, he is tempted to hold out his hand for her but knowing that would be pushing it to much in this moment. Leaning the way out to the living room, Phil starts the tv and preps the DVD. Hearing Mary move behind him, Phil stand up and places the remote in front of her on the table.

"I'm going to make some hot coco; you can start the movie if you want."

He tells her, giving her the choice to start the movie by herself, giving her a feeling of control over what is going on. Seeing how Mary looks at the remote, Phil leaves the living room to make some hot coco for her and some coffee for himself. He would need it if he were going to stay up for as long as Mary needed to. When he returns to the living room, he realises that Mary still haven't started the movie. Lifting one eyebrow at this, Phil carefully puts down the cup in front of her before sitting down.

"Do you want to watch something else or?"

"I just thought waiting for you so you could see the beginning was the best thing."

Her voice was low as she spoke, eyes on the plushie that's still being hold in a tight hug like grip towards herself. Hearing her explanation, Phil starts to smile.

"Well, I'm back now so let's start watching. And thank you for waiting."

He tells her, taking the remote himself to start the movie. Silence feels over them as the movie starts playing. The fact that he's sitting on his couch, with a silent and scared girl beside him watching a cartoon movie at 2 am was something Phil never thought would happen to him. Then again, the fact that he would be taking care of a child wasn't on his list either. Fury had his way to make sure to surprise his agents, somethings those surprises were good once. This one on the other hand, Phil still has a hard time to figure out if it's a good one or not. As the movie starts to reach its end, Phil realises that Mary have managed to fall asleep beside him. Not wanting to risk another round of her waking up screaming, Phil carefully moves from her side to get some paperwork. Returning to the couch once more, he restarts the movie but turns down the volume, there was no way he would end up with any of those songs on his brain for the rest of the week.

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