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“Tell me again, why you dragged me into this?”

Simmons asks, even though it was already to late for her to change her mind, seeing as they are already in the car, heading for Stark tower. Skye nods her head however, she has been lost in her own thoughts throughout the drive. 

"What I'm trying to figure out is why Pepper wants to meet with me before the party starts."

She points out, this is something that has been bothering her for a while now. About an hour after she had accepted the invitation to the party, Pepper had sent her an email, asking if she could come to the tower a few hours before the party was to start. Feeling that Melinda looks at her through the mirror, Skye shakes her head, already knowing what her mother is thinking about it. And seeing as Simmons is about to learn the truth about almost everything, the girl beside her can't help her figure this out right now. 

"Yeah, that is a mystery."

Simmons managed to say and Skye nods her head, all they can do now is wait and see. Turning her head to look out the window, Skye can see that they are getting closer to the tower. With a deep breath, she tries to calm herself, knowing she will be fine. She has Simmons with her and she knows her siblings will be keeping a close eye on her the moment the party starts. 

The moment Melinda parks the car outside of the large building, Skye can see all of the fans that are standing outside and she rolls her eyes. Making sure to leave the car through the door closes to the building, Skye is the first to get out and Simmons follows. Moving to the open window, Skye looks in and she can see the older agent look slightly worried.

"I will be back later tonight. Don't do anything stupid, don't make anyone convince you to do anything stupid and stay clear of suspicious people."

Melinda orders and Skye nods her head, she couldn't believe that she was getting this type of a lecture from a mother and she tries to keep the large smile form forming on her face. But it's clear that Melinda can see right through her and with a ghost of a smile, she drives away. As Skye turns towards Simmons, she sees that the biochemist has already talked to the guards, telling them why they are there and the door is being open for them. Entering the large building, another woman is waiting for them, an elevator open.

"This way, Miss Potts is waiting for you."

The woman explains and the two of them nods their heads, entering the elevator and the door closes behind them. It was a silent ride and when the door opens once more, another woman is waiting for them outside.

"This way."

She orders, before she starts to walk down the hallway. Looking towards Simmons, Skye can see how the biochemist lifts one eyebrow in question about what is going on. Not able to answer, Skye shrugs her shoulders before she starts to follow the woman, having a feeling she doesn't wish to get lost in this building, who knows how many floors are really in here. Seeing that the woman has come to a stop outside one of the offices, Skye takes a deep breath as she opens the door. 

Carefully entering the office, Skye sees that Pepper is sitting behind her desk, working on something, but hearing that someone is entering her office she looks up. The moment she realises that Skye is standing in front of her, she smiles large and rises from her seat, the woman is faster than Skye would have expected, seeing as she is being pulled into a tight hug a few seconds later.

"Skye! I'm so happy you accepted my invitation of coming over."

Pepper tells her and Skye smiles, a smile that dies down a few seconds later when what Pepper had just said sinks in and she takes a step back to look at Pepper, her eyes narrowed.

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