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Watching Simmons walk back and forth in the lab, was starting to grow on her. She can understand why the biochemist is worried, she is worried, but tearing hole on the floor isn’t the way to go. At least that’s what Maria taught her when she was younger, when Natasha and Clint were out on their first mission since they took her in.

Melinda had already sent them of once, blaming that she had to run diagnostic, which was just a window for her to ask Coulson what is going on. But that conversation didn’t lead to any good news and the two of them returned to the BUS. By now, Skye is quite tempted to use Victoria’s or Coulson’s log in to find out what is going on but using them on the BUS and with Simmons in the room, would lead to more questions than it’s worth.

As the biochemist pass her once more, Skye let’s out a deep sigh.

“Okay, that’s enough! You are driving me crazy!”

Skye says, turning to the computer behind her and starts working.

“What are you doing?”

Simmons asks, steeping forwards to look over Skye’s shoulder.

“We are going to find out what’s going on and since no one wants to help us, we are doing things my way.”

“And what do you suggest we do?”

Simmons asks, her voice taking on a worried tone. Turning her head slightly, Skye gives the biochemist her best Clint mischief smile.

“Oh, wait. No! No!”

Seeing how Simmons eyes grows large as she realises what Skye means, makes her smile bigger.


“No! I can’t be part of your bad-girl shenanigans. I like following the rules and doing what’s expected of me. It makes me feel nice.”

Simmons informs her and Skye rolls her eyes, she really needs to work on Simmons. This girl needs to let go and if things had been different, she would have called Gwen or her sisters to help out.

“Simmons, wake up! Ward and Fitz went on a top-secret, two-man operation, and look. There are more men. And either it’s a bigger deal and they’re not telling us, or something went wrong out there. And maybe there’s nothing we can do to help, but we got to know if there is. What if they're injured or being tortured somewhere right now.”

Skye tells her, hitting that she puts horrifying images in Simmons head, but knowing from experience that this will make the woman in front of her want to help out.

“Fitz. Tortured. ... What exactly do you have in mind?”

“Well, the plan is very simple, and you don’t have to do much.”

Skye explains, turning towards the computer and pulls put the flash drive with a smile, a smile that makes Simmons look worried once more.

Reaching the closes panel to the plane, Skye hangs back as Simmons steps towards the door, her level 5 I.D showing as she gets scanned. Seeing how Simmons looks over her shoulder, Skye gives her a nod of her head.

“You got the flash drive?”

She asks and seeing how Simmons nods her head as an answer, Skye waves her hand in a signal for her to step through the doors as she herself takes a spot where she can’t be seen.

“I programmed it with a decoy crawler. It’ll uses my browser history to simulate my usual online activity, so while S.H.I.E.L.D thinks I’m trolling reddit and Facebook with the laptop you gave me.”

Skye starts to explain, not that her explanation is true. It is a decoy crawler, but it will inform Victoria that she is about to use her log in and there won’t be anything she can do about it.

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