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I lay down on my hammock and try to doze off but it was pretty difficult considering all the things I was thinking about. I finally start to feel tired and I started hearing some noises. Very strange noises. It sounded like someone was being killed. I think it is an animal. I reluctantly get up and tried to see where it was coming from. There was no way I was sleeping in that racket so I leave my hammock and try to let the noise guide me to where it was coming from. I couldn't find anything. I came to the conclusion that it must be outside the walls. I go back to the hammock and hear another noise - not the strange animals. This time it sounded like when the wall doors started too close. It is like there are hundreds of more walls outside the big wall surrounding me. I am so confused.

I couldn't fall asleep again or even close my eyes for 30 seconds without opening them. It was now pitch black and the creatures and walls were still making so much noise. I decided to call the creatures Grievers because it sounds like they are grieving because of their wailing, plus the name sounds kinda spooky like they are so I'm just going to go with that. I walk around the field again and go towards the platform to see what else is there. It looks like resources. I see a pen and paper so I take that and walk around mapping everything so I have a clear idea of what to do. It was still slightly dark but light enough to see things. I walk back to the platform and again look at the resources. It seems like someone has given me loads of stuff to make a home here almost. There is lots of wood, kitchen stuff, tools, a few more hammocks and a syringe with some bluey purpley liquid in it. 

I decide to make a plan on what I could build so that I would have something to do for a few days. The Grievers are still making sounds but the walls have stopped moving. The night is getting brighter now and I'm as confused as I will ever be. On the platform there are some seeds which I assume is for gardening or some other shit. I sit down in my hammock and go over my plan so I am completely ready for tomorrow. Then I remember something. My name. It's y/n. 

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