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It has been a couple of weeks since I had the fight with Gally. Everyone was so shocked but Minho looked so happy that Gally got put in his place - especially by a girl. Today a new greenie comes and everyone is betting again on what type gender it will be. Minho, Newt, Nick and I all say a boy but the rest say a girl (Gally doesn't take part) they clearly haven't accepted the fact that I will probably be the only girl. Fry makes us lunch and we sit on our log and wait. The noise starts coming up and then stops. We open it up and it's again a boy.

"Told you shanks" I say. I make Alby do the tour as I'm still angry at him but he doesn't do a very good job because the greenie has no idea on where we are and who we are. I had to give him a second tour annoyingly but eventually he got it. We go to bed and he reveals to us that his name is Dave. I show him how the maze doors work and he doesn't like it one bit. He can't do any jobs and is terrible at everything. Gally calls him a slopper because he is useless. We decide to just make him clean Frypan's pots in the kitchen and he washes our clothes. 

1 week later......

Me, Minho and Nick take a day off and I spend the day with Newt. I help him with the gardening and he helps me make more blankets and cushions for everyone.

"Y/n this is really hard for me" Newt says

"What is?" I reply. Before Newt can answer Minho has run up to us and said,

"Y/n we need to go now" He says 

"Why?" I reply

"I will tell you later, just get Nick and come to the map room" I collect Nick and we go to the map room. Minho is there with pencils and paper.

"Minho what's going on"

"The stupid shank Dave ran into the maze" He says angrily.

"What a slinthead, right let's go get him" I say. "What door did he go out of?" I ask,

"The south" Minho exclaims

"But we don't know that yet" Nick says

"That is why I am panicking" Minho answers "Come on let's go" We run through the South door and try and find Dave. He isn't anywhere. We search for another hour but then we hear distant screaming. 

"It's coming from the Glade" I say. We all sprint back and see Dave. He is holding a knife and is chasing everyone and pushing them to the ground whilst screaming "WHERE IS Y/N"

"He's been stung" Minho whispers. I see Dave running towards Newt but he doesn't realise so I run into the Glade and crash into Dave before he could reach Newt. Dave sees me and then turns me around and is about to put the knife in me. I stay still and he says "This is all your fault" And puts the knife if me. Cold rushes through my body and all I feel is pain. I look down and see that he had stabbed me in the chest. I scream and shout and everyone runs over to me. Newt and Minho are by me in seconds and I look at Dave. Minho had put a spear through his heart. I start crying and the Gladers lift me up and everything turns black.

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