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We look again and see that it is completely different to the one yesterday. Everything has changed. We draw our maps and go back to the Glade. Me and Minho have so much fun now. We always sing and dance by the fire. We fall asleep again but the Grievers were quite loud. Minho was getting really annoyed and screaming "shut up" every 10 minutes. We wake up but don't go out until a couple of hours later than usual to see if anything changes. I make him some clothes because I was extremely bored and he kept on begging me too. In the end I made him his own closet with loads of clothes and shit in.

We did the same routine for the next 4 days. Minho had now been here for 8 days and I think he had got pretty used to it. The next day we both wake up around 6:00 and we watch the Glade doors open. I make us our water bottles and bring a few cupcakes with me because I was very hungry last time I went out. We leave through the passageway and I recognise the way the maze was laid out. "Minho I'm just going to go back to the Glade to check something can you come with?"

"Um sure" he says. We run to the Glade and I collect the maps. We go back into the maze and i examine them. 'I KNEW IT!" I shouted.

"Know what y/n?" Minho asks

"The maze! Look at map 1! It's exactly the same." He looks over at them for a while then says,

"Your right!"

"And I bet you that tomorrow will be the same as map 2" I say excitedly.

"Don't get your hopes up." He says

"Wow classic Minho ruining the fun. Yes Minho I'm sure that the maze has thousands of different combinations and it just happens to go to the one it did 8 days ago" I saw sarcastically.

"Ok bu-" I cut him off.

"Just let me have hope ok"

"Ok" he mumbles. We walk back to the Glade and I put the map I made today on top of map 1. I eat a cupcake and I walk over to Minho who is by the river. He looks a bit sad. "Minho are you ok?" I ask. He doesn't reply. "Minho you can tell me anything, it's not like I have anyone to tell"



"What if we never escape. What if this is our life forever."

"We will escape Minho, look at our progress today."

"But what if I have no one to go back too" 

"You can come back with me" I assure him. 

"Ok" he says whilst a tear is rolling down his cheek. I hug him and he hugs me back and we stay like that for a while. He sits up and looks in a mirror "My hair is such a mess" he says.

"Well then I will make you some hair gel" I smile. He smiles back and we go back to the fire-pit.

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