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Newt's leg is really damaged and he limps around everywhere, but that's it. Gally and I keep an eye on him and Minho spends an extra hour in the maze. We haven't come across any other Grievers and have never got stuck in the maze. Today I'm taking a break off running and am going to spend the day with Newt helping him decide what he wants to do. He does not want to be a slicer one bit and is not very good at the cooking. He seems to be good at the gardening sides of things but I don't think he is that bothered on what he does. 

"Newt, what job do you want to do now?"

"I don't really mind y/n. As long as you're happy" He says grinning. 

"Ok!" I say. "We need a gardener/trackhoe if you wouldn't mine doing that?"

"I would love to dig up weeds everyday" He says sarcastically "But fiinneee" 

I smile. He walks away limping. "Newt are you sure your leg is ok?"

"It hurts a little but I can live with it" He says. "As long as you don't worry about it it will be fine" He smiles. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I get butterflies. We walk to the kitchen and I ask Newt if he wants to help me make lunch for everyone. He says yes. We decide to make burgers because it was easy. I prepare the meat and Newt attempts to make the buns. He does not do very well. He dropped the flour all over the floor and it is all over his face. He then says "You're looking a bit too clean" and then he throws the flour bag all over my head. He attempts to get more but I run out before he can throw it at me. Gally sees me running and looks confused and I smile at him. I continue running and see Newt limping behind me. I immediately stop because I don't want him to damage his leg even more. 

"Why did you stop love?" He asks,

"I didn't want you to hurt it more"

"Aahh come on it's fine" He says. He grabs my shoulders and tackles me to the ground. That's when we smell burning.

"Y/n what's that smell?" asks Gally

"Oh shit, I think we burned the burgers" I run into the kitchen and see the meat is completely burned. 

"Are they eatable?" Newt asks,

"I mean if you like burnt stuff then yeah" I say. "Gally go look after Newt, I'll try again so they are good for Minho" I explain. I try again and this time they look good. Minho comes back from the maze and he tells me to come into the map room.

"So what did you find today?' I ask

"The usual, nothing different. How's Newt"

"Haha you can never find anything interesting without me. Newt has got a bad limp but he seems happier"

"Ok that's good" He replies. "what's for lunch"

"Today Minho you have a 5 star meal" I say "Burgers that are not burned with buns that are probably a bit low on flour"

"Gee thanks y/n"

"No problemo Minho :)"

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