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The greenie is called Ben and he writes his name on the wall. Frypan makes us all a delicious breakfast. We get the luxury of omelettes and fresh orange juice. Gally seems distracted and keeps on going away separately with Alby. Every night him and Gally would go into the the building where we would have meetings and wouldn't come out until half an hour later. Me and Minho started to get suspicious. Tonight we have chicken pie and Gally and Alby have just got up to go to their secret meetings.

"Where are you two going" Minho says

"None of your business" Gally replies,

"Actually it is" I exclaim "You two have been going off every night and who knows what you have been doing. You need to tell us. RIGHT NOW" I shout.

"Looks like we are going to have to do it tonight Alby" Gally says

"What are you going to have to do?" Newt asks,

"You will find out" Alby answers. "Just say the speech slinthead" He says to Gally.

"Right. Y/n is in charge here but I don't think she should be. You need someone who is prepared for anything, they need to be strong, cunning and clever. I can do that. Y/n has been here from the start but only for a couple of months before me. I know everything about the Glade and I can protect everyone. Y/n has let two people die..."

"Ok Gally we get the point" Minho says,

"This has turned into a bloody election" Newt says

"For fucks sake Gally" I say "1 - you don't know everything about the maze because you have only been in there once and you were too scared to ever go back in again. 2 - Nick died of my fault yes but you were the one who suggested finding a way out in the first place, Sam was practically begging me to let him go - it just was unfortunate that he didn't make it out of the maze." At this point all of the other Galders looked confused "Oh yeah, Gally didn't tell you those bits did he" Newt squeezes my hand and smiles. Minho is in the back laughing away and Gally looks like he is about to kill me. 

"What about the strength and power problem. You couldn't fight one of us if you tried"

"Ok on this one I'm with Gally" Minho chips in.

"You shank" I say "I guess you don't know anything about me. Know one does (not even you reader) but I'm a lot tougher than I look" Gally starts laughing but everyone else is dead silence.

"Gally you ready to fight me" I say. Gally immediately stops laughing and then says,

"You seriously wanna do that" He says. I nod my head. "Well sorry if I break your girl Newt"

Newt is about to run in and stop me from doing it but Minho grabs his hand "Y/n is full of suprises" He says.

"That I am" I reply. "You ready Gally" He laughs and says

"Ok but I'm not promising that you won't have any broken bones by the end of it" 

"Don't be so cocky Gally" I say. As I said that I punched him as hard as I could in the nose. He did not expect that.

"YOU BITCH" He screams. He charges towards me but I move out of the way so he falls right down. 

"WAIT" Nick screams. "We don't want this to go on forever so what if whoever leaves this circle (he draws a circle) first loses" 

"Great" I say. Gally again charges towards me but I duck and grab onto his legs and pull him down. It took a lot of effort because he was extremely heavy. 

"Come on y/n"Frypan says,

"Thanks Fry" I reply. This time I kick Gally in the balls and he struggles to move. I drag him to the end of the circle and pull him out of it. "Oh dear, looks like Gally was beaten by a girl" I say sarcastically. "Alby you are lucky I am not sending you into the slammer and Gally I think you got enough punishment already" I look at everyones shocked faces and leave. 

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