Finding Y/n

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Minho's point of view.

Y/n has been missing 6 days now. The Galde isn't the same without her. Newt is a mess and the other Gladers seem so depressed. I miss her more than anyone. She is my best friend and I'm not ready to let go. I go out running with the runners everyday to look for her but she is no where to be found. I don't think I'm ready to accept the fact that she's gone, it's like a mystery. I know she would never put her life on the line but there is no where she could go. Fry makes us all breakfast and calls me into the kitchen.

"Minho?" He asks,

"Yeah" I reply,

"We are missing lots of things. Food, water pots and pans" 

"Do you think y/n took them" I say,

"I think she had a plan to leave for a certain amount of time and got the resources to last her"

"But where would she go?" Suddenly I remember, "Fry I think I know where she is"

"WHAT WHERE" He shouts, 

"Come with me," I take him to the map room and look for a map on a certain day "I knew it. Fry I know where she is"

"Ok tell me then"

"Well one day when we went running we saw this hole in the wall. It was spacious and well hidden. I marked it on a map and now that map is gone so maybe she took it"

"Can you go there now?"

"No because it was there on day 8. Today is day 6. Hopefully it should be there in 2 days time" 

"I really hope she's there Minho" Fry exclaims.

"So do I. But Fry you can't tell anyone. I don't want to get their hopes up"

"I won't don't worry" Another day passes and the Glade is worse than ever. Gally had turned his grief into anger and all the Gladers were slacking off work. Newt works but he doesn't talk to anyone and Nick just screams randomly every now and then. Fry is happy because he knows that y/n may be alive but the boys seem slightly suspicious of him because he is so chippy. 

Today is the day when I should be able to find y/n. Nick and Ben come out and I tell them to stick together and me to go off on my own. They agreed. I tried to follow a map to find the hole but I have no luck. I remember the hole being hidden by ivy but all the walls were hidden. I follow the map more and go to the wall that I think it is in. I pull apart all the ivy and see an outline of a circle. I found it. I push it slightly and hear a scream coming from inside.

"Y/N" I shout "Y/N ARE YOU IN THERE" I push the door further and I see a figure in the corner. 

"Min-nh-o" The figure says,

"Y/n" I say crying. I jump in the hole and hugged her. "I missed you so much" 

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