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The problem with the Glade is that you can't really go anywhere without someone finding you. I have an idea. Today the hole in the wall should be there, what if I hide there? It is away from everyone and the only one who knows where it is is Minho but I think he forgot about it. I'm going to go there. No one would bother me.

It is a risk because I don't know what will happen if the maze moves around but I will be completely stuck there for 8 days. I go into the kitchen and get enough food to last me that time and get double the amount of water. I would probably get bored so I got some pens and paper and wood so I can maybe make some sort of piece of furniture and fabric. I also remember to get some Griever serum just in case I get stung. I grab a map so I can find my way to and back from it and run into the maze. I look behind me and I don't think anyone saw me run in. The maze doors will shut in a couple of hours which will give me enough time to get to the hole.

I run around the maze and eventually get to the room. I open the door and jump in, I then shut it. It is pitch black so I turn on my lamp. I set up my hammock and prepare the food. I start to make a cupboard but I stop and start crying. I don't know why but I was. I hear the doors shut and carry on building again. I finish it and put my water and food in it. It's pretty late now so I jump in my hammock and fall asleep. I hear the Grievers walking past and it keeps me awake because I am scared that they will find me, I finally fall asleep and all the noises go away. I lie-in because I have no reason to wake up and open the door. I am still in the maze, I just don't know where. I close the door again just in case one of the runners come across it. 

I make myself breakfast and start working on a pillow and blanket for the hammock to make it comfortable. It doesn't take me very long. I get my hair caught on something so I look on my neck and see the necklace Newt made me for my Gladeday. Streams of tears start rolling down my face and I hug it tightly. I engrave my name into the wall there and start putting down lines for each day I have been here. I don't know how long I want to stay but I know that I am not ready to go back now. I look at the door again and don't see anything so I close it once more. 

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