22. pda

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Narcissa woke up before Selene that morning, a very rare sight. Narcissa was not a morning person to put it nicely. Selene had been met with countless pillows, semi-harmless spells and whatever Narcissa could reach from her bed while trying to wake her up. It had actually severely improved Selene's reflexes.

So this morning when Narcissa rolled out of bed to find Selene still sleeping, she did two things. Check the time and check Selene's pulse. Both were normal. The seventh year girl got ready suspiciously, this had to be related to why she was gone all day yesterday. Practically all the Slytherins and even some people from other houses were talking about her disappearance.

There were tons of rumors flying around, 90% of which were definitely fake. Various people thought she was dead, Narcissa already proved that wrong. A lot of people said she was dating Theodore Nott, but there was no way in hell that was true. Narcissa felt bad for the hell Selene would face today from all the Slytherins. 

Once Narcissa had finished getting ready she tiptoed over to Selene's bed. Selene's was laying with her back to the ceiling and her face buried in the pillow. Narcissa tapped the girls shoulder twice and was met by a groan that sounded like 'go away'. She shook her harder this time, 

"Selene, wake up" she said semi-gently. Selene rolled over in her bed and covered her face with her hands to help adjust to the morning light. Narcissa was glad to see Selene could move, but her relief was soon replaced by horror when she saw the faded red marks on the girls neck. 

"Selene... what happened to your neck?" Selene's eyes darted open at Narcissa standing at the side of her bed and her exposed neck which to Selene's extreme displeasure was still noticeable.

"Oh hex went wrong" she laughed. The older girl raised her eyebrows

"Try again." she crossed her arms 

"Well it seems like you already know what it is" Selene challenged

"Who gave it to you?" she asked. Selene scoffed in response,  "I'll help you hide it if you tell me" Selene didn't want to tell her but she needed it to be hidden. 

"Theodore" she mumbled 

"Oh god" Narcissa sighed, she held her hand out, "C'mon let's get you ready" she smiled sadly. Selene took her hand and got up. Narcissa helped Selene with her hair and did her makeup. 

The girls were currently sitting on Selene's bed with an assortment of makeup scattered on the bed. Selene's head was tilted back, and Narcissa was trying to cover the bruise with makeup without hurting Selene. 

"Cis, there is something I need to tell you" she sighed. 

"Yeah what's up?"

"I'm dating Theodore"

"WHAT?!" she screamed

"No no no, I'm not actually"

"Then what are you actually" she asked curiously

"I'm actually dating, as you like to say it, my-"

"Secret lover man. Yes I am aware of our womanizer." Selene rolled her eyes playfully. 

"Well you know that we would both be in danger if anyone ever found out, and well, Theodore found out" 

"How?" her eyes were wide

"He found a letter he sent to me, he using it to blackmail me into dating him" 

"What an asshole" she scoffed

"I know" They continued talking about Theodore and 'secret lover man' while she did Selene's makeup. Narcissa was nearly done when she checked her watch. 

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