no • b. gray

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I haven't had to put many of these in my books, but this imagine involves cursing, attempted sexual assault, and trauma.

I am writing this as a way of calling attention to the long time issue and current conversations on sexual assault, the ignorance surrounding it, the trauma it produces, and the stigma around it.

First of all, please know what you can handle reading, and if you can't handle this, don't read it. The last thing I want to do is cause harm.

Second, many people have had their own personal, individual, and traumatic experiences with sexual or otherwise assault. It is not talked about enough, and when it is, it and its victims are often dismissed, ignored, and otherwise neglected. This is a safe place and this is not a place to discredit the seriousness of this topic and the effect it has on the human race as a whole.

I am writing this because of the reality our current society is facing and completely unacceptably disregarding.

I have had many conversations about consent, the specific definition of various forms of this, and what is okay and not okay with people on this platform. Please read the following carefully.

No means NO.

Minors are minors, and if someone over 18 has done anything to you that has made you uncomfortable or otherwise hurt you, that is never okay. Especially if that person is an elder, a family member, a teacher, a boss, or any other example.

No matter who someone is, how long you've known them, or when/how something happens-

You get to decide everything about you and your body.

The next thing I have to say, is that not every girl, or boy, or person gets saved like the girl below does.

This is not the normal.

Which is horrible, but it's the truth.

Also, Blake, in this story obviously, is not the normal. Yes, "not all men" do things like the character Jake does here, but that doesn't mean most guys are like Blake.

This is a reminder that no matter when you get help, or however you get your control back and your ability to feel, love, and live life back, you can still be a person who moves one. You always deserve love and kindness.

Lastly, the issue of sexual assault on females is not a female issue alone. This is a HUMAN issue.

Help those around you, check on your friends or even people who aren't your friends, and do everything you can to help yourself and others.

If anyone wants me to add anything to this, or wants me to change something, please tell me. I'm not doing this to do it wrong. I just ask as usual that you do so kindly, respectfully, and genuinely.

This is important.

My private messages and my comments are always a safe place and I love every single one of you.


Becca POV

I flash a forced, but kind, smile at the man sitting at the counter, Mr. Wallace, before turing and walking into the back to the kitchen. I sigh, letting my face drop. I lean back against the wall, wiping my face with my hand.

"You okay darlin'?" I hear Mary's voice, making me jump slightly before turning to face the kind old woman. She's the cook here, but also, she's kind of like my mom. My nineteen year old self hardly can hardly be supported by the job and the few hours of sleep I get in between shifts, so her kindness is well, which keeps me going,

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