press conference • b. hall

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Okay, as a preface, this is kind of all over the place. I've been really struggling to write and with motivation on this one and I wanted to get it done. So if you guys hate it, I'll rewrite it at some point.

Also, I know very little about Austin McBroom, but he is definitely a villain in this. That doesn't reflect on him in real life. It's just my story.

Let me know what you think!


Kaia POV

I lift my head off the edge of my seat, looking around the plane. I roll my eyes, seeing Tayler Holder twerking horribly on my boyfriend, as someone films for Bryce's vlog.

"Hey, look! She's awake!" Blake laughs, announcing from the across me. Noah looks up from next to him, nodding his head at me with a smile before looking back at his phone. I yawn, replying,

"I swear I get more tired when we fly. I just never want to stay awake on plane rides," I shake my head, sitting back down as I speak so I can pull out my phone from the cup thing next to me. I see all the normal "@xyzfan tagged you in..." that I get everyday, but I've had more so since the fight was announced.

"I mean that's kind of how planes work, isn't it?" Blake says, teasing me. I roll my eyes, smiling at him jokingly. Bryce walks back over, sitting down in his seat next to me and immediately moving his hand to my thigh,

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" he asks, his voice laced with anxiety. I smile at him softly, forcing myself to shrug. I don't really know how else to answer. Within three or four months, my parents passed away, I inherited all of their money and everything, I moved in with my boyfriend only for him to lie to me about agreeing to a several million dollar boxing match with someone who all but wants him dead, and I found out about said match through social media. Which three days before finding out about, I had decided to take an officially break from. Also, that fight, which I am essentially not on board with whatsoever, I'm being forced to go to as well as where we're going currently which is the press conference, where Bryce essentially only wants to aggravate Austin McBroom, his opponent, even more than he already does with Austin hating him with a passion.

And I'm a pacifist who doesn't believe in violence ever, and refuses to watch hockey.

And I'm dating Bryce Hall.

I make great decisions.

"I just want to get this over with," I look up at Bryce into his eyes. He sighs, looking down before looking back at me. The hand on my though moves up to my face and the other moves to the little thing between us so he can lean over it better,

"I know you don't want me to do this fight," He says, clearly coming up with what to say as he's speaking,

"No, I really don't." I say, biting my lip,

"But you know this is something I have to do. I've agreed to it, it's the next step for me, and plus..." He trails off, and I just shake my head before finishing for him,

"You wanna shut the fuck head up." He widens his eyes before smirking, clearly not expecting me to use his usual descriptor for Austin, "What? You've mentioned that desire once or twice," I giggle as he leans towards my lips and connects ours passionately. We kiss sweetly for a few seconds before Bryce goes to deepen it, but Blake interrupts,

"Ey! Some of us had to leave our girlfriends behind and also don't care to watch the two dogs you liplock so uh uh, stop!" I laugh lightly and pull away from my boyfriend, leaning my head down into Bryce's chest as he glares at Blake and wraps the arm that was on my face now around my body, the other joining it to squeeze me in a hug. I lay there for a second, content, before looking up and waiting until he notices to match my gaze,

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