Chapter 34 Jackson

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It was a 10-hour drive back to Idaho Falls. My grandparents live in a small house with a big tree in the backyard. The last time I saw them was before we moved. The thought of them still talking to Raymond makes me sick. They treat it as him kidnapping me was nothing. When my story when worldwide they tried to act as if they were consoling my family and me, but most of their time was spent calling that bastard in prison. At a point, I felt guilty for him taking me when it should be the other way around.

Tall trees hover over our car until we to my grandparents. The sun has gone down by now.

"Jackson grab your suitcase and Charlie's," dad says putting the family car into park. I nod and unbuckle Charlie from her booster seat.

A part of me is extra cautious bring Charlie around this side of the family. I'm extremely protective over her and this family has a whole bunch of mental illnesses. When I first met Charlie I immediately clung to her. I was mad at my parents for moving on so fast, but I loved Charlie with my whole heart and still do.

I wouldn't let anyone hold her when we visited family members. She was my sister and I didn't want anyone getting ideas of taking her away from me.

"Stay close to me," I tell Charlie, lifting her out of the car.

"Okay, Jack," she says twirling. I grab both of our bags out of the trunk as dad grabs his and mom's.

Charlie follows behind as we enter the house. Memories come flooding back. Good ones and bad ones. "Come on in, Jackson we missed you guys," Grandma says putting her hand on my shoulder. I shrug her off and blink at her a couple of times before continuing into the house. I heard her talking to Charlie as I grind my teeth.

"Welcome back boy," Grandpa says smiling with her curly mustache and cowboy boots. I can't lie, I missed my Grandpa. Growing up, he was the only one that encouraged me to do better when others told me I was just a disobedient teenager. I give him a curt nod and his smile grows, knowing I missed him too.

"Jackson, you and Charlie will share a room. Is that okay?" Mom asks setting her purse on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah. Which room?" I ask still holding the luggage.

"My old room. Make sure you hang up your suit and Charlie's dress so they don't wrinkle," mom says pointing upstairs. I nod and brush past them. Mom and dad are staying in Raymond's room because they know it would make me uncomfortable being in there.

In the hallway, I cringe at the pictures of Raymond on the wall. They are of him in high school. He had jet black hair and almost black eyes. I almost want to smack all the frames off the wall.

In mom's teenage room I drop off my and Charlie's suitcases and hang up my black suit and Charlie's pink dress. Mom's old room has been remodeled. The purple walls are now white and the pink bed sheets are grey.

I unlock my phone and ring Blondie's number. I told her I would call her when I got here and before I got to bed. She also asked that I call her every morning and every night that I'm in Idaho.

"Hey Boyfriend," she says making me crinkle my nose. It feels so unnatural to be called that.

"Hey Blondie, we just got here," I say looking out the window.

"I already miss you," she says making my lips curl into a toothy grin.

"I miss you too Blondie, I'll be back Monday night," I say leans on the windowsill.

"You better be, or I'm driving down to Idaho and dragging you back myself," she says laughing at her own joke.

"I wouldn't mind," I say sucking in a breath of air.

"But seriously, are you okay staying down there?" she asks, her tone turning stern.

"I'll be okay Blondie," I say truthfully. I hate staying here, but I'm not going to die. "How was school?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"It was good, although it would have been better if you were there," she says sighing.

"I'll make it up to you when I get back," I say biting my lip.

"You better," she says giggling like a kid. Being in a different state than Nadia is killing me. "What's it like in Idaho?" She asks.

"It's quiet. And there aren't pretty girls for miles," I joke.

"You better not get any ideas, Mr. Peter," she growls through the phone.

"I'm not. The pretties girl is 10 hours away in Oregon," I smirk wishing to see her face.

"You're going to make me blush Jack-," Blondie says getting cut off by my mom yelling

"Jackson, dinner!" Mom yells from downstairs.

I groan rubbing my eyes. "Sorry Blondie, I have to go Blondie," I huff into the phone.

"It's okay. Try to have a good time," Blondie says and I can almost see her hopeful smile.

"I'll try. I'll call you later," I say running my hands through my hair.

"Okay, bye Jackson," Blondie says and I hang up. It took my eyes before exiting the room and moping down the stairs.

When I make it to the kitchen everyone is already sitting around the dining table. Plates are stacked high with grandma's cooking and cups filled with grandpa's wine.

"Come sit, Jacky boy," Grandma says using her disgusting nickname. I internally cringe and make my way to the open seat next to Charlie.

"Were you calling your girlfriend Jack?" Charlie asks. I mentally scold myself for telling a kindergartner my business. Now I'm going to have to answer everyone's questions.

"Girlfriend?!" Grandma shouts. I flinch at her outburst. Mom and dad sit there wide-eyed while grandpa continues to cut into his dinner. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend!" She continues.

"Who is it?" Mom asks raising her glass to her lips.

"Nadia," I say picking up my fork and digging into my food. Mom gives me a knowing smile and dad pretends he never heard.

"You'll have to bring her next time you guys come," Grandma suggests and my answer is already no. I hate this fucking state.

A couple of moment of silence passes until mom breaks the silence. "Carson is staying with Maggi's sister?" Maggi is Raymond's now deceased ex-wife.

"Yes, Carson has been staying there since he's been released. Thank you for taking him to Oregon while we deal with the house and the court. Maggi's sister has been having a really hard time so I think it would be good for Carson to get out of the state for a week," grandma says with an exhausted expression.

I can tell my grandparents and mom are emotionally tired. Mom lost her niece and my grandparents lost their grandkid. I feel bad for Raymond's kids, but I will never feel sorry for Raymond.

"We're glad to have him come down. It's really no problem," mom reassures grandma. On the other hand, I do not want random people at my house even if it is a kid.

After dinner, I take Charlie to brush her teeth. "In circles," I tell Charlie. Brushing my teeth as an example. Blondie sent me a sexy picture of her in the mirror and told me she was going to bed. It left me very sexually frustrating and I only miss her more.

Before bed, Charlie and I changed into our pj's. As soon as I turned the lights off Charlie fell asleep. I lay on my side trying to block out her snores.

A funeral awaits...

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