Chapter one

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Milyn POV

I hate when I begin to over think. It causes me anxiety. It causes me stress. I get aggravated and miserable towards the ending. I think back to the past and wonder if I made a mistake. All the "What ifs" fill my head and I sometimes cry myself to sleep. It hurts at times but I get through it. I push through all the pain and barriers that try to hold me from being happy.

But that same question keeps finding its way to pop back into my head. What if I told him yes? What if I took him back that day? Would that decision change everything ? What would it effect ?

It's been three years now and I still have these thoughts. I shake them off at times but some days just bring back the memories and I deeply hate that so much.

"What's on your mind ?" His tired, husky voice interrupted my thoughts.

Damn, turn on.

"Just thinking."

"You've been thinking a lot lately. You good ?" Feeling his breath on my neck sent a chill down my spine.

I snuggled more into his bare chest as I breath in his sweet scent. I wrapped my leg over his torso as I rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm fine." I muttered.

I could feel his stare. He gently grabbed my chin as we stared into each others eyes, "You know you can tell me anything."

"I know. What time is it ?"


I sighed as I was mentally preparing myself to get out of bed and get myself together before getting Mell ready for school.

I groaned as I pulled the covers over my head.

I heard Montrell chuckle as he pulled them further down, "Get up mami, you got to get ready."

He tapped my thigh and I heavily sighed while slipping from under the covers, "Nice ass."

I flipped him off.


"Please be well behaved Mell." I sighed.

He turned from the window and looked at me, "You know that if you're-

"I'm fine." He huffed.

"Zarmell I don't want to hear that you've done something else ridiculous at this school. If someone or something is bothering you just tell me. I'm your mother, I want to make sure you're okay."

He stared down at his lap as if everything I was saying was going in one ear and out the other.

I sighed, "I love you."

He opened the car door and closed it, walking out to the front entrance.

I sighed and waited for him to walk inside the building before pulling off.


I walked inside the boutique and saw Cheyenne walking out, "Oh hi Milyn, I was just leaving. Want to join me for lunch ?"

I nodded and she frowned, "What's the matter ?"

"We can talk about it at lunch."

I followed her out her store as we walked down the sidewalk. I adored the hot sun on my skin.

Yep, Cheyenne now owns her own boutique. She was excited and still squeals every time someone walks in. I find it weird but adorable. I'm proud of my best friend.

A few minutes later, we walked inside Chick-fil-a an ordered our food. Once we got our food we sat down at a random table and started to eat.

"So what's bugging you Mimi ?" She popped a fry in her mouth.

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