Chapter 16

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Two chapters, One night Bitche$ !

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Cheyenne POV 

 It's spring break for the kids and Milyn and I thought it'd be a great idea to take the kids to the beach.

Shai and Mell were running around playing in the ocean while Milyn, Josiah and I build sand castles.

"Feels like we didn't hang out in forever.", I laughed.

"You're right, these two weeks have been kind of hectic.", she replied.

"How are you and Montrell ?"

"We're not together anymore."

"Aw, what happened ?"

Josiah brought back some seashells and started to stick them on the castles.

"I just wasn't feeling the same being with him.", she shrugged.

"How has Mell took it ?"

"He's happy. Speaking of happy, him and Shai think Tyler and I are dating."

I raised a brow, "You and Tyler huh? How has that been ?"

"Well, we see each other here and there but it's been some hi and bye. Nothing major."


She laughed, "Enough about me, how has your little family been ?"

"Just a little rocky."

Her facial expression changed into a worried expression, "If anything crazy is going on, you guys are more than welcome to stay with us any time."

"It's nothing crazy like that but Chris hasn't been home since the last time I saw him and that was two weeks ago."

She looked at me like I was crazy, "How are you so calm at stuff like this ?"

"I'm used to it now. He always seems to disappear when we get into a fight."

"That's such a bitch move. You shouldn't be used to that Cheyenne."

"What else am I suppose to do ?"

"I can't really tell you what to do but i'll say that he's not treating you how you should be treated."

Shai walked over with a bucket filled with water and sat it next to Josiah. Milyn started to hep him dig up another sand castle as I started collecting random shells.

"What was the argument about anyways ?"

"I couldn't find the keys to my car so I took his keys when he told me not to and I slammed the door when he was talking to me."

"After I came home we got into a fight because I apparently kept interrupting him. He called me a rude bitch then grabbed my arms and pushed me into the wall. He then let me go and left the house. I haven't seen him since."

She just stared at me, "I'm shock but then again i'm not.", she said.

"I'm in a stuck position right now."

I watched as Josiah put the last seashell on the castle, "I'm done mommy !"

"Aw, I love it.", I smiled.

"Look Auntie Mimi !"

"It looks nice Josiah."

He looked around for Shai and Mell, "Can I play with them ?"

Milyn called Shai and Mell over.

"You rang ?", Shai asked.

"Your brother wants to play in the water with you guys. Can you promise to keep an eye on him ?"

"Hmm, can we ?", Shai asked.

"Shai.", I said sternly.

"Don't worry, we will.", she giggled.

"We promise.", Mell said.

Shai grabbed his hand and they walked off, "Don't go too far !", I yelled after them.

"So what are you going to do when he comes home ?"

"I know i'm going to lash out on him but with the relationship.... that's complicated. Engaged people don't do this ! The shit he does pisses me off so bad. Then he flips over this glass table leaving glass shards everywhere."

"Chris is really losing. Maybe you guys really do need space. You need to have a talk with him whenever he comes back."

"I know.", I pouted.

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