Chapter 12

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Milyn POV 

"It's the weekend Mell !", I shouted.

"Finally !", he replied.

I plopped down on his bed, "Guess who's coming over today ?"

I began to play with his curls. He needs to et a hair cut soon.

"Who ?", he asked.

"Shai and guess where we all going ?"

"Ugh wassup with all this guessing ?"

"Just one more time.", I laughed, "Pleasseeee-


"Zarmell, really ?"

He started to laugh, "We're going to a basketball game silly head."

I watched as his eyes went wide, "A basketball game ?!"

"Yep.", I said, popping the P.

He surprised me by a tight hug and I willingly hugged him back, "Thanks mom !"

"You welcome but we're leaving in three hours."

He nodded and I hopped off his bed, "Oh and Shai's spending the night."

"Ughh, why ?"

"Because she's your cousin and you love her."

"I do love her, she's just... girly."

"Just promise me you'll behave."

"I promise."

I walked out his room but he call me back, "Momma is Montrell coming too ?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "No, why ?"

"I was just asking."

Now he has my curiosity, "Did you want him to come ?"

He shook his head, "I don't really like Montrell."

I sat down on his bed, "Why are you just telling me this ? Did he say anything mean to you or did anything ?"

"No, I just don't like him. I miss Tyler."

I stared down at the floor trying to figure out the words to tell him. 

"I miss him too Mell but some things in life just aren't meant to be. Tyler is on his own path and we're on ours."

He stayed silent, "Why can't we be on the same path ?", he asked.

He leaned on my shoulder, "It's going to be okay, alright ?", I told him.

He nodded, "Now lets go pick up Shai. Remember our promise."

"I remember."


Chris POV 

I was sitting at my desk with my feet kicked up.Cheyenne said that we need to start planning our wedding. We agreed on a date in June because it's not too hot like summer time. I was reminiscing everything that happened in the past years and laughed to myself. I now have two children and engaged, what the fuck?

"Daddy, what are you doing?"

I lift my head up to see Shai peeking through the door, "Wassup princess and thinking."

"About what ?"

She walked inside and sat down on my desk.

"My past events. Everything that happened lately."

"Good or bad things ?"

"Hmm, a little of both. What you doing ?"

She found a blank piece of paper and started to draw pictures, "Nothing. Mommy and JoJo are sleeping, so i'm bored."

"And you came to me to make you happy ?"

"Well duh."

I chuckled a little, "You remind so much of your mom."

She looked up at me and went back to drawing, "I'm going with Mell and Auntie Mimi to a basketball game. Then, i'm spending the night."

"Sounds legit. Don't forget to take pictures."

She hopped off my desk, "I won't. Want to see my masterpiece ?"

I smiled and nodded. She gave me the paper and I stared at the drawing. It was Chey, Josiah, her and I. She drew a huge heart on top with the word family inside.

"Thanks my new artist."

She took a bow, "You welcome."

"You're too cute Shai. I just can't."

She smiled and stood on her tippy toes to kiss my forehead, "I love you daddy."

"I love you too."

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