Chapter 26

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Milyn POV 

Yes ! A day to finally relax and catch up with OITNB and other TV series on Netflix. I still haven't seen Empire's season finale and everyone keeps talking about it. I plopped down on my bed and turned on my TV. I turned it on OITNB and my phone rung just as the theme song began.

I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Allysa. I clicked pause before answering, "Hello ?"

"Milyn get to Cheyenne's house now !"

Immediately I began to panic, "What- what happened ?"

I started slipping on my shoes as I kept my phone between my shoulder and ear.

"Just come over please and hurry."

She hung up and I slid my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my keys off the dresser and walked towards the front door.

>>>>>> >>> 

"Is she okay, where are the kids, is Shai and Jo-

"They're fine Milyn.", Allysa said as she let me inside, "They're at school."

I nodded, "Where's Chey ?"

"Her room."

I followed her down to Cheyenne's room and saw Cheyenne sobbing as she held her pillow close to her chest. She looked horrible and hungover. Dark circles were under her eyes and her hair was all over the place.

I walked over to her and started to rub her back as Allysa sat down next to her.

"She won't tell me what's wrong with her.", Allysa said.

"Cheyenne we can't help you if you won't tell us what's the matter."

She shook her head as more tears streamed from her eyes. At least she's not sobbing her heart out anymore.

"Please Cheyenne tell us what happened.", Allysa pleaded.

She stayed quiet.

"Cheyenne what happened ?", I asked, "You can tell us."

She sniffed, "Chris wants a DNA test on Josiah."

My mouth hung open and Allysa furrowed her eyebrows, "He denying that Josiah is his ?", I asked.

"I was drunk Milyn. I didn't-

She shook her head and bit her lip.

"Tell us from the beginning. We got you okay ?"

She nodded, "I agreed to go to the club with Chresanto because he kept egging me about how it's too relieve my stress and everything. Once we got there we started taking drinks and just having fun.", she said, "I got too carried away and got drunk. Chresanto and I started grinding and dancing with each other. I admit that we were getting too carried away."

"Did you guys have sex ?", Allysa asked.

Cheyenne shook her head, "Chris unexpectedly showed up and started beating on Chresanto. He and I both knew he wasn't going to stop until he saw blood. I tried breaking it up but was too weak, so some of the bouncers had to help me. He dragged me out the club and I remember us arguing.... like we were yelling at each other and everything."

She held the pillow closer to her chest and squeezed it tightly, "I- I ruined everything.", she cried.

I began rubbing her back again as Allysa started pacing around the room, "What did you do ?", I asked her.

"I was drunk, I swear I didn't mean to !"

Tears were beginning to fill her eyes as she looked up at me.

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