Chapter 31

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Milyn POV

I woke up and slipped from under Tyler's arm. I stretched before getting up and walked over to my dresser. I got out my clothes and hygiene products before walking towards my bathroom.

After I got done with my quick shower I walked over to Mell's room and carefully walked over to Jasmine sleeping at the end of the bed.

I lightly shook her, "Jasmine."

She stirred around a bit but didn't wake up, "Jasmine wake up."

"Hm ?"

She was still half-way asleep as she sat up.

"Jasmine I need to take you home."

Her eyes shot open, "No !", she yelled, "I'm not going back !"


"You're not taking me back.", she cried.

"Come on. We're going to the backyard."

She hesitated before nodding and following me. As we walked to the backyard I slid the door close and sat down on the grass as the sun warmed my body.

I noticed Jasmine was still standing looking around and I patted the spot next to me, "Come sit down. I'm not going to hurt you and you're safe."

She walked over and sat down next to me. I watched as a small smile crept on her face as she began grabbing a handful of grass and releasing it.

"You like nature ?", I asked.

She nodded and looked up at the sky before focusing her attention back to me.

"I like it to but i'm not a big fan."

"It's peaceful and calm. I like feeling like that inside."

"Also a nice place to think."

She nodded.

"So Jasmine, what's going on back home ?"


"Jasmine you can trust me. I want to help you and if you let me then you won't have to be scared anymore. I promise."

She pulled her knees against her chest as her lip trembled.

"He's hurting me.", she said.

"Who's hurting you ?"

"My father."

I could hear the tears in her voice as she quickly wiped her tears.

"He's the reason behind all the bruises on your skin ?"

She nodded, "I'm scared Milyn."

"Where's your mom? Is it just you and him ?"

"I don't know where my mom is ? She left me alone.", she said, "I hate her."

"Don't say that. You don't mean it."

"But I do ! She left me alone and never came back."

I put my arms around her as I hugged her. I see myself so much in this little girl that it's crazy. I used to be like that. Angry, sad, hurt and all these mixed up feelings. I get where she's coming from and I don't want to see nobody in that place because it's the most uncomfortable spot to be in.

"You're not going back Jasmine ?"

"You're not sending me back ?"

"No. You can stay here as long as I say so."

She smiled brightly at me, "Are you serious ?"


She hugged me tightly then go, "Thank you Milyn."

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