Chapter 2

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Milyn and Mell in the Photo <3

Meanwhile with Mell 

"Hey Snoop, Khalil and Marcus."

I sat down next to Snoop as I scooted my chair back some. I hate sitting in the front of the class. I feel like i'm being stared at all the time.

Snoop, Marcus and Khalil are my best friends. We met in first grade and they always had my back just like how I have theirs.

"Wassup Mell ?" Snoop said.

Me and Snoop are the closest. Marcus is kind of the wild one and Khalil is shy but he's cool too. Khalil and Marcus are brothers.

"Hey Mell." They both said at once.

"Okay class, we're going to finish the parent week list starting off with Zarmell." The teacher, Ms. Heyward said, "Your the last one buddy and i've been moving down the list from being third."

I watched as she looked around the class, "Zarmell, where's your parent ?"

I sunk lower in my seat. I hate Parent week.

"I didn't bring my parent." I mumbled.

"Excuse me ?" She asked.

"I said I didn't bring my parent." I said louder.

She frowned, "Why is that ?"

"I didn't want to." I said.

Snoop stared at me, "I don't have any parents." I lied.

Ms. Heyward put her hands on her hips, "Zarmell are you telling me a fib ?"

I sighed, "I only have my mommy."

"Why didn't you bring your mother ?"

"Because I don't want to bring her !" I snapped, "How come I have to bring my mom when most of the kids here brought their dads !"

"Mell I think you should be appreciative that you have a mother."

Appreciative? I don't even know what that means.

"Ha ha ! You don't have a dad !" William laughed.

William is a big bully and I mean big. I clenched my fists as I felt my nails dig in my hands. I hate William so much. He's fat, mean and ugly.

"Shut up William !" Snoop said.

"Yeah, you big fatty ! That's why you have dots all over your face." Marcus said.

"My mom said they're freckles !" William yelled.

"Enough boys." Ms. Heyward said.

"You're still ugly." I said.

"At least I have a dad." He said, sticking his tongue out at me.

I stood up and punched him in the face. He cried out and I punched him again in the eye. He pushed me down as he held his eye. Snoop helped me up as Marcus and Khalil pushed William on the ground. I got up and started punching him. Uncle Chris always told me to get them while they're down. We started wrestling on the ground and all I could hear were people screaming "Fight, fight !"

Milyn POV 

"Sorry i'm late. Traffic in LA is crazy."

I quickly sat down across from my manager Larenz. We scheduled a meeting about my next shoot and of course I would be late. Hint to the sarcasm.

"Oh no worries Ms. Westbrooks. It's not like I was sitting here for an hour and a half."

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