Chapter 18

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Shout Out to the babes bcuz the rest of yall aint shit! : 



.... 1luv


Go read the sis book: Harlem's Very Own


It's good as phuck!

...But Anywaysss..

_______ ___________ _______

(Dnt take me seriously, lmao)



Chris POV 

 "Something has to be up for you to be here.", my mother said as she opened the door wider for me to come in.

"Why does something have to be up for me to visit you ?", I smacked my teeth.

I heard her close te door as I sat down on her couch and took a deep sigh.

I need a fucking blunt.

"You know you don't visit me like you used to. So what's been going on ?"

She sat down next to me.

"Everything's been so damn stressful lately."

"Are the kids-

"They're fine. It's just Cheyenne."

"What happened ?"

"She's being such a bi-

"Don't you dare let that word slip from your mouth Christopher !", she snapped.

"She's been acting crazy mane."

"What did you do ?"

"Why does it always has to be me doing something first ?"

"Chris.", she said sternly.

"It started when she was looking for her keys and I didn't see them. She had to go to some meeting and she was freaking out over the shi- keys. So she asked me for one of my keys and I didn't really want her driving my babies. It's not that I don't trust her but I like being the only person behind the wheels of my own cars."

"They're cars chris."

"And those big ass church hats are just hats. Let me give Shai to play in one-

"I wish you would.", she said.

"Exactly. The love you got for those hats is the exact love I have for my cars."

She stared at me but I continued on with the story.

"So she walked downstairs and when I finally walked down there to tell her not to take MY car, she's 'gonna do the shit anyways and the door when I was talking to her ass."

My mother stared at me, nodding for me to go on.

"So I left to go cool down and smoke a couple blunts. I came back and saw the car was back. All my anger instantly came back. When I started the topic of her taking my, she gon' talk about I don't deserve an apology."

This shit still has me pissed.

"Why would she say you don't deserve an apology ?"

"I yelled at her.", i mumbled.

"You what ?"

"I somewhat yelled at her."

"Well there you go ! I wouldn't apologize to your rude ass either if you yelled at me."

"Mama whose side are on ?"

"There is no sides. Now hush up and finish the story."

"To make shit short, she kept cutting me off and I called her out of her name-

My mom eyes widened but I continued, "I grew frustrated from her cutting me off and I put my hands on her."

"Christopher don't tell me you-

"Nah, I pushed her into the wall. I didn't punch her or any shit like that. She kept clawing her damn nails in my skin to let her go but I wasn't myself mama."

I sighed, "It's like... I heard her crying but I was just seeing red. I quickly let her go and flipped a glass table over before leaving."

Before I knew it, my mom's hand connected to the back of my neck. She just slapped the shit outta' me.

"Damn mama !", I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Christopher you know better than to put your hands on a female !"

"I didn't mean to ! She kept pissing me off. I swear she kept cutting me off just to test me."

"You can't just put your hands on her every time you're angry Chris."

I could hear the disappointment in her voice. I dropped my head into my hands as my elbows rested on my knees.

"I know i'm in the wrong. But she won't even answer my calls or text me back anymore. She even changed the locks on the house now."

My mother shook her head, "I can't blame her. What if Josiah was there ?"

I thought about it for a few minutes.

"What if he saw how you put your hands on Cheyenne ? That would always stay in his mind Christopher. Then he's going to think it's right. Children will always copy what they see. That's just a repeated cycle ready to begin."

I let her words sink into me. I wouldn't want Josiah growing up to thinking what I did was right. That shit would hurt me.

"What am I supposed to do ?"

"Walk away."

I kissed my teeth, "Walk away ? So when she does some disrespectful shit i'm just supposed to walk away ?"

"It doesn't make you less of man to do so. Maybe being civil and actually talk it out instead of yelling at her."

I nodded, "You have a short fuse Christopher and that's not good. You need to learn how to control your anger."

"Ima' try-

"There is no trying. It's doing so. You're not young anymore. You have kids and a beautiful woman that you're engaged to. Being a hothead and leaving all of a sudden isn't going to pass anymore."

"You're right."

"You damn right I am. Now go and make things right. You better pray on your way to there."

I got up from her couch and made my way to her door. She followed behind me.

"Give me hug boy before you go."

I gave her a hug and felt another hard ass slap on the back of my neck.

"What the hell as that for ?"

"Being a jack ass. Don't you ever disappoint me like this again. Now get out of here."

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door still rubbing the back of my neck. Her damn man ass hands.

I got in the car and texted Cheyenne for the umpteenth time, praying that she'll have the heart to reply back.

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