Chapter 35

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shout to youz bby girl ✨☺️@liyah2118

Tyler and Milyn in MM

Milyn POV

"I woke up on top of Tyler as I listened to his snores filling my ear. I grabbed my phone off the dresser and called Crystal.

She picked up on the fourth ring, "Hello ?"

I could hear the tiredness in her voice, "I called to check on Mell.", I wiped my eyes before yawning.

"Well he's still sleeping and I just woke up."

"Oh sorry."

"Nah you good, I have to start the day anyways."

"Well okay, i'll call you later."


I hung up and stretched before slipping on Tyler shirt that was on the ground.

I got my clothes and hygiene products before walking to the bathroom.

After I got out the shower I walked over to Tyler and started poking his cheeks. He turned away so his back was facing towards me. I sat down next to him.

"Tyler get up."

He moved around and groaned, "What time is it ?"


He yawned and sat up, "You already took your shower ?"

"I'm dressed aren't I ?"

"Don't get smart. Why didn't you wake me up ?"

I gave him a confused look, "Why would I wake you up ?"

"So I could join.", He said in a duh tone.

I laughed a little, "Nah, I had enough of you."

"You wasn't saying that when you was throwing that-"

I quickly covered his mouth with my hand and started laughing, "Shut up Tyler !"

I removed my hand, "Do I still have sweats here ?"

I nodded and walked out the room so he could do his business.

- -

I walked back in the house with bags from McDonalds. I really didn't feel like cooking today so I went to McDonalds instead. I put the bags on the table, "Tyler ?", I called out.

I walked to my room to see him on the phone and I turned back around. Last time I was nosey, everything went wrong.

I walked back to the kitchen and sat at the table pulling out the food.

A few minutes later Tyler came and sat down next to me, "McDonalds ?"

"Yeah, I didn't really feel like cooking."

He shrugged and grabbed the biscuit that I was eating.


"We're going out tonight."

"Are you asking or telling me ?"

I tried to grab my biscuit back but he moved it, "Telling."

"I don't really feel like going out tonight.", I sighed.

"Well you're going.", He gave me back my biscuit and grabbed his keys off the counter, "I'll be back.", He walked over and kissed my forehead before heading to the door.


I heard the door close and I sunk in my chair and continued to eat my biscuit.

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