Chapter 23

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Milyn POV

"Hey momma.", I smiled.

She held her front door open as I let Mell walked in front of me. I walked upstairs and placed his bag in the room that he sleeps in. I walked back downstairs and saw Mell stuffing his face with cookies.

"Maa.", I whined.

"What ?"

"Why did you already give him sweets ?"

"I don't see a problem with it.", she shrugged.

"Yeah, me either.", Mell said, stuffing more cookies into his mouth.

"Don't call to complain to me about his sugar rush."

"Oh child please, now come talk to ol' mother bear.", she laughed, "Feels like we haven't talked in years."

Now why she being all dramatic ?

"Mom I have to go-

"Girl you better sit yo tail down."

I groaned and mumbled under my breath before walking to the living room to sit down. A few minutes later she came and sat down too.

"So are you still with that fuzzy head boy ?"

I laughed a little to myself, "Nah, we broke up some weeks ago."

"What happened, he was a nice guy."

I thought back to how Tyler came into the picture, messing things up.

"Things. I just wasn't ready.", I lied.

She raised a brow, "Oh."

"I'm not thinking about boys anymore-

She gasped, "Milyn ! Don't tell me your swimming in the other pond now ?! I would still love you the same but it'd be a lot for me to-

I kept laughing, making her screw her face, "I don't see what's so humorous."

"I'm not going all lesbian mom."

She let out a breath of relief, "So you're not looking for a man now ?"

"Or any time soon.", I said.

She stared at me with a smirk before shaking her head.

"What ?", I asked curious.

"You're just like a mule ! Stubborn as hell."

I felt sort of offended, "I am not !"

She smiled, "What's going on with you and Tyler ?"

A small smile came to my face, "We're... friends."

She looked back at me with a sly grin, "Friends ?"

"Yes, we talk but not that often. Busy schedules I guess."

"Is that right ?"

I nodded, "Don't go on and thinking something out of proportion momma."

"Don't think I didn't see that smile. Why aren't you two together yet ?"

"I'm not ready for a relationship."

"Not ready or afraid ?"

I had to think about it. I mean Tyler is my friend and everything but i'm scared if we don't work out again. I don't want Mell getting used to him and having him not seeing him anymore. It broke my heart to see Mell mope around about Tyler because we were no longer in a relationship.


She pulled me into a hug, "Don't let being afraid of making a mistake stop you from making anything at all."

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