Chapter 20

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Cheyenne POV 

"What are you doing here boss lady ?", Veronica asked.

I walked inside the store and saw her and Britt were at the registers.

"I just wanted to come check things before closing time."

"Which is soon.", Veronica replied.

I watched as Britt gave a smile to the woman as she walked out the store with her bags.

"Ooo, I spy with my little eyeesss, hickeys !", Britt laughed.

I quickly covered my neck in embarrassment, "Stop it Britt !", I nervously laughed.

"Chris must've laid down some good ass-

"Veronica !"

"What ? It's true.", she shrugged.

"I thought you and Chris were on bad terms.", Britt asked.

"We are... we were.... I don't know."

I really am confused. We were arguing and everything then things got escalated and changed into us having an intimate moment. It wasn't supposed to go down like that at all. Not even close. I had been avoided him though. He's been calling me nonstop but I always forward it to voice mail.

"You sound confused.", Veronica said.


I sighed and leaned my elbows on the counter, "He still doesn't see himself in the wrong and it's so frustrating."

"Don't stress yourself out Cheyenne."

"I'm not trying to-

"OMG ! Where's your ring ?", Britt gasped.

I looked down at my naked ring finger and sighed.

"I took it off."

"The situation is that bad ?", Veronica  asked.

I was about to say something but Veronica nodded her head to behind me.

I turned around to see Chresanto walking in. I turned back around.

"Yeah, we were pretty busy today.", Veronica said, changing the subject.

I don't want Chresanto that much into my business.

"That's good. I'm about to lock the shop, so you two can go. It's closing time anyways."

"Hey ! I thought we were talking about why Cheyenne took off her-

"Britt, have you tried the anything from Starbucks secret menu ?", Veronica asked.

"Oh my god, they have a secret menu ?!"

Veronica nodded and grabbed her hand, "Bye Cheyenne. Hey Chresanto, bye Chresanto.", Veronica said, walking out the store with Britt.

"Bye guys !", Britt smiled.

Britt is the first, actual blonde I know. She not the brightest crayon in the box, if you know what I mean.

I could feel Chresanto presence behind me and I turned around.

"Wassup beautiful ?", he smiled.

"What did I tell you about calling me that ?"

He shrugged, "So what were you guys talking-

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