Chapter 3

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Milyn POV

"Remember to just shake it off. I know that it's going to be hard to ignore but it's worth it, I swear."

"But what if he keeps saying it ?"

"Then tell Ms. Heyward. If it continues then I'll talk to her my damn self and see what's up."

Nobody child is going to play with my baby.

"Go ahead in the car and tell Montrell i'll be there in a minute."

He nodded and ran off out the front door. I pulled out my phone out my bag and texted Larenz that i'll be there in 20. I put my phone back in my bag and headed for the door.

"So you still have time to pick me up or..."
My words trailed off trying to figure what he was going to say.
"If they hold me in longer then nah but do you have another ride ?"
"I guess I can call Cheyenne or someone."
"If you don't have a ride I can leave -
"No I don't want you having to leave your meeting early. You're still picking up Mell during your break ?"
My car is in the shop because I backed into a pole. It's all good though.


He stopped at a red light and glanced at me, "Call me if you're ride shit doesn't work out."

I nodded my head.

A few minutes later we pulled up outside of the Glamour company. I looked up at the building and suddenly got the jitters. I was excited yet nervous.

I felt Montrell hand rub my thigh, "You're gonna kill it bae, what you so nervous 'bout ?"

"I don't know. It just feels different this time."

He kissed his teeth and laughed, "You got this Milyn. It's just one more step before successing."

I looked up at him and smiled, "Good luck though." He said.

I reached over and grabbed his face, pecking his lips, "Thanks baby."

I opened the car door and slipped out the car but not before Montrell pinched my ass.


"I love you too."

I rolled my eyes and closed the car door. I walked inside and scanned for Larenz in the room.

"Milyn, welcome beautiful."

I was greeted by Zoé, the chief editor.

"Hey doll." I smiled and gave her a hug, "When do we start ?"

"Oo eager, I like. But we can get you with Gisselle over there for your first outfit to change in and then meet me onto the shoot."


"Those were great Milyn ! We just have to wait for Mr. Player to show up for your next shots." Zoé smiled, "you can just take a seat I guess."

I nodded and walked over to the relaxing area. A few minutes laters I felt a presence behind me and I turned around to see Stephen Curry. I guess he's the NBA guest.

I was kind of starstruck for the first time. He's quite cute but nothing compared to my baby Montrell... or Idris Elba.

"Um hey ?" I said.

"Oh I didn't mean to intrude, wassup Ms. Westbrooks ?" He smiled.


"Do you mind if I sit here ?"

"Um, no. Not at all."

I slid over a little so he could sit down with there still being space between us. I started texting Cheyenne about my current situation. She told me to take a selfie with him for her 😂. After a few minutes of silence because texting with Cheyenne, I cleared my throat to start a conversation.

"So how's life for you ?" I asked.

"It's cool, no complaints. I'm getting prepared for my daughter to start school. She's growing up too fast for me."

I laughed, "Aw, i'm pretty sure she'll always remain a daddy's girl. I get your feelings though, I have a son who's eight and it feels like time flew by way too fast."

His eyes grew wide, "Eight ?"

"I'm an young mother."

"I didn't mean to offend you or anything-

"No it's okay," I laughed, "I love the feeling of when people see me as young."

"You don't look a day over twenty."

"Thank you."

Zoé walked over to us, "When ever you're ready Milyn."

I looked over at Stephen then back to Zoé, "This isn't the NBA player that I was shooting with ?"

"No, didn't Larenz tell you ?"

I shook my head, "Well he's a cutie so you might be excited."

I nodded and she walked away, "Nice meeting you Stephen. Oh, and may we take a picture please ?"

He nodded and we took a picture together, "See ya Ms. Westbrooks."

I waved off to him and walked over to the shoot, "so who's the mystery player ?" I asked Zoé.

"So who's the lucky lady ?"

That voice. Nah, it can't be. It couldn't be.... can it? I slowly turned on my heels to see Tyler right behind me. I froze as we both stared at each other. I didn't know what to say. Oh why him out of all players ?

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