~Chapter 13~

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Jin:"Lia is actually Mina."

My eyes widened, did he just expose me in front of everyone?

Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok looked at me in shock, but after a while they started laughing.

Jungkook:"They don't even look similar, stop fooling around."
Hoseok:"She looks completely different."

I noticed Jimin staring into my soul so I laughed awkwardly.

Jungkook:"Jin why would you joke about it like that?"
Yoongi:"Because it's true."

Now it was quiet at the table.

Everyone thought, why would Yoongi joke around, that's when they all realized that Jin was telling the truth.

Now the three boys who didn't know about me stared at me.

Jimin:"Mina is it really you?" he sounded like he was going to start crying soon „why didn't you tell me first? I thought I was your best friend."

Luckily he was also sitting next to me and I immediately pulled him into a tight hug.

I explained them my situation and they understood.

Jungkook:"To be honest, in the beginning I thought you were Mina, but like in a different font, you know what I mean?" I looked at him confused, showing him that I didn't understand what he meant „like you're almost the same person, but still not the same"

Jin:"Kookie, you don't make any sense right now."

Jimin was still hugging me and decided to finally talk „so everyone except for Kook, Hobi, Tae and me knew about you?"

Jin:"Yes exactly, but we don't want Tae to find out yet, he'd be devastated."
Hoseok:"But isn't it only going to be even worse, imagine how betrayed he's going to feel. I still feel betrayed as well."
Me:"I think it's the best for now. But in case he's going to find out earlier, just act surprised."

Jimin:"Me as your best friend should've been the first person to find out about you." he pouted and I started explaining to him what it was like when I met Jin accidentally for the first time at Jia's Appartement, obviously not disguised.

I also told them how their former girlfriends are and that they'd be proud of them for sure, because I felt the same way.

We noticed Tae walking back to our table after his very long trip to the toilet.

Yoongi:"So guys when do you think the food's going to arrive?"

Jin:"Ah I think I see the waitress arriving"

The waitress actually came and brought us the food, Tae sat down on his seat.

Jia:"By the way guys, I wanted to congratulate you to your wins."
Me:"Ah yes me too, you did great. It's awesome seeing you guys win so many awards. You're so talented."

Jimin:"Thank you so much" He pulled me into a tight hug once again.

Tae:"When did Lia and Jimin become so close?" He asked after he noticed us hugging like that.

Jin:"I don't know what you mean, they were always this close."

The other boys agreed and Tae was even more confused now.

After our delicious meal we parted ways and I went home.

What an awesome day.

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