Hourglass Games: Task 3 (Maisy Bellon) D10

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The anthem momentarily distracted the eyes as I watched the faces of the fallen. The girl with the fiery red hair was up first, which surprised me. She was followed by her District partner, the girl from 5 and both from 6. Next was a girl about my age who I remember to have been killed by a Career – I recall the ocean of hair around her floating body and shivered. The next two were both from 12, both younger tributes which saddened me.  I didn’t know any of them but part of me felt sad that someone who loved them was grieving for them. Then I remembered the eyes in front of me.

“Well, well, well…” I recognized Vibbius’s voice, “A fairly moderate bloodbath if I do say so myself,”

The air got cooler and despite the intense gaze that was fixated on me, I listened to the horrible man’s voice as he continued.

“It has been too long since I last did this. But my next creation for you will prove that even in death, I’ll never quite lose my touch. Oh, and may the odds be ever in your favour!”

I turned back as a howl erupted. I knew we had to run. Ransom was already ahead of me – and carried a bow that he must have hidden from me. Then he disappeared from view. My heart dropped. I glanced behind me only be mesmerized by the mutt but snapped out of it. Run! I ordered myself. But I was getting tired and I could practically feel the breath of the thing behind me.

“Ransom!” I cried out desperately. At first, nothing happened. Then an arrow came out of the darkness and I heard shattering as it hit the wolf behind me. Something cut into my ankle – I had to stop. And as I gazed down as the wolf – well, what had been a wolf – I was transfixed on the colourful glass that I barely noticed that another had crept up. My ankle burned and I could feel the hot blood sliding down into my shoe but I forced myself to run.

I had no idea where I was running to, but somehow I ended up in the glittery water where it all began. I wouldn’t say I was surprised to find other tributes here. I didn’t have time to see who they were – I jumped into the icy water and forced myself to swim. The wolf didn’t seem to like the idea of swimming, I gave it a childish poking out of the tongue before stopping in the murky water. I watched as my wolf turned its attention to a girl with snowy hair as she fought other wolves. Even though she was winning with her humongous axe – which looked wrong in the hands of such a pretty girl – her blood seeped through her entire body. You could tell that she was getting tired and maybe a bit crazy at the loss of blood. My wolf jumped at her and she cut straight through him, only to get a face-full of coloured glass. Her screams pierced my ears as she fell to the ground in defeat. But it wasn’t a pretty death – if there is such a thing. The wolves teared her limb from limb and clawed her until she was a mess of organs and skin. I shuddered as the canon sounded. Just a few minutes earlier she had been a walking angel. This was why I needed Ransom. I could work alone – which I wouldn’t mind – but something about him made me feel safer. Of course I was an idiot for thinking he would stay with me after I helped him swim but some part of me wished he would do it. Not for me, but maybe one of us could make it and shower our District with gifts and food. I needed him to help me through, I needed security.

I was easy pickings and it was a miracle I had made it this far – Ransom saved me with his arrow and then he left. Maybe part of him felt sorry for me but I highly doubt that. He is the craftiest little (well rather tall) scumbag that I have ever met. He left me. Maybe I can’t do much – but I didn’t flick that knife to kill that boy for nothing. Maybe that was why he helped me. To get even: so nobody owed each other. Once he returned the favour – he left me. I’d die soon anyway, but I’d like to think I tried my best.

I jolted as I felt something slippery slide against my leg. I fought my urge to scream before I swam off to the shore. There was nowhere safe.

Just as I stepped out of the water – shivering like a rattle toy – a howl erupted from behind me, followed by screaming and shouting. I would say it was the Career pack but they could handle themselves. Suddenly a girl bolted past me, only to be impaled by an arrow like the wolf that was behind her. The glass tinkled to the ground in a heap, glinting with the moonlight. The girl had blood tainting her right over her heart.

“Are you heartless?” I cried to Ransom, he was somewhere in the shadows. I ran to the small figure and ripped out the arrow: it only made it worse. But the canon hadn’t sounded yet.

“Should I have let her taken her chances with the wolf?” Ransom appeared from the woods. I groaned in frustration – maybe I should have just left him in the water.

“No!” I whisper-shouted,

“Then I think you should be thanking me,” he said arrogantly.

“Shut up! Otherwise I’ll throw you in the water myself!” It was the meanest thing I’d said in my entire life but I hated rude people who only cared about themselves.

“Someone’s time of the month,” Ransom muttered. I stood up as the canon boomed.

“You are the most obnoxious little prick I have ever met!” I hissed, “Show some emotion and stop being such an ass or I’ll make one of those god damned wolves come after you, or maybe I’ll kill you myself.” The last part wasn’t true, I hated killing people. And I retract my earlier statement about the meanest thing I’ve said. Because what I just said is much meaner than anything – me being mean or angry was a rare occasion. These Games were bringing out the worst of me. I began walking – leaving a stunned Ransom behind on the beach, but I heard him running to catch up.

“Okay, where did the rainbow-happy-sunshine girl disappeared to?” Ransom said in disbelief.

“She dies every time she sees your face!” I retorted. I did a mental fist-pump.

“I don’t need to put up with you,” Ransom sighed.

“I didn’t ask you to,” I snapped, keeping my brisk pace. The majority of me felt absolutely terrible, but the mean side – about 0.01% - of me was screaming to punch him. I sighed. I didn’t want Ransom to leave – I wanted him as my ally. Then my mischievous side – approximately 50% of me – came up. I could make him think I don’t want him and use reverse phycology or I could make him think that I’m useful to him – which I am, I think.

He was still walking with me in silence and hadn’t moved. A glance at his face told me that he was also in deep thought.

“Let’s not lie to each other then. We both need each other’s help,” I broke the silence that had devoured us.

“Sure!” he scoffed, “And how would you help me?”

“I can swim: you can’t. And even you can admit I’m a good aim with a knife,”

“A: I’ll just stay away from the water. B: I have my own weapon.” He replied.

“Well, feel free to leave. But on one condition,”

“Depends on what that is,” he shrugged.

“We have a truce. Besides, if you killed me: our District would hate you.” I said.

“Whatever,” he waved his hand. I turned into the scary forest and ran away. Just in time to hide my tears from him too. I didn’t want to be alone. I was scared. I climbed up the dark tree into a high enough position. Hopefully the wolves can’t climb. Think positive! I reminded myself. Right. The wolves can’t climb anyways. I would be fine till morning. I wiped the tears off my face and stared up into the sky. At that moment, I couldn’t have felt more alone in my life. I missed my Dad. I missed going to school and talking to the girls about who we liked and our dreams. I burst into tears again.

All I wanted to do was to go home. And in my moment of weakness, I felt every eye of Panem on me. I was alone, but being watched. I was scared, but had to be brave. I pulled out the pack contents to find a small sleeping bag and a water bottle with a small amount of water. I drank it down thirstily and wedged myself in the tree, holding my small knife. I buried myself in the sleeping back. I could hide from the Games and cameras and tributes. But nothing would ward of the nightmares that haunted me that night.

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