Misfortune: Form (Tessa Whitlens) D7

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Name: Tessa Whitlens

Age: 13

Gender: Female

District: 7

Weapon: slingshot or knife/dagger

Appearance: Tessa has a small build, but don't let that deceive you, she's fairly strong. She has round dark brown eyes that match her long chocolate brown hair, which hangs just above her hips. She does work in the trees to learn how to use an axe so her skin is lightly tanned.

Personality: Don't get on Tessa's bad side, she can be quite sarcastic and rude. She hates being treated like a posh girl and often her temper is short. She has a soft spot for her younger siblings, which makes her quite nice at times.

Gift/Token: Tessa carries with her a silver coin with a tree imprinted on it. It was a gift left for her by her deceased mother.

Family: Tessa has a father and two younger siblings. Rohan is her brother, he is age 11, not yet eligible to be Reaped. Clara is her younger sister at age 12.

Background: Tessa's mother passed away by giving birth to Rohan, when she was only 3, so Tess doesn't remember her too well. As the eldest, she took on the mother role and works hard while her father is out mining wood. She loves playing with her siblings, which is how she came to use a sling. Often using a wolf that lingers in 7 for target practice.

Reaped/Volunteered: Tessa volunteered for her younger sister, Clara. Tess couldn't bear watching her younger sibling fight to the death on TV.

Fears: Tessa fears losing her siblings the most, she is also afraid that one day the wolf she hits so much will bring back it's friends and eat her alive.

Strengths: Tessa is good at climbing trees - she lives in 7 after all - and using her sling. She can find food, mainly because she is the cook.

Weaknesses: Tessa cannot swim very fast, she only knows enough to keep her from drowning. She also cannot use many weapons, other than her sling, axe and knife, and when it comes to fighting, she doesn't even comment. She only has one choice - to run.

(Picture to the side)

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