When in Rome: Form (Tyber Mitango) D1

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Name: Tyberius 'Tyber' Mitango
Age: 17
District: 1
Gender: Male
Personality: Tyber is your typical 'bad boy' act. He has been expelled from the Career School twice for harming students and suspended for threatening a teacher, but despite that he has been allowed back. He is charming and enjoys flirting with the girls. It may seem that flirting is all he does at the school, but his skills disagree. Tyber is interested in learning new things all the time - especially weapons. He is curious too but is 'too cool' to show it. On the outside he is mean and vicious towards any threat but on the inside he calculates every move he will do and the consequences of it. He knows that he will do well in the Games.
Description: Tyber has short blonde hair that is messy is the 'bad boy' way. Always to the side and stylish. His muscles are well-defined but he still looks like a normal teen. He is tall, at 5'11 and uses the fact to threaten his opponent. His eyes are a dark blue and his skin is lightly tanned. His smile is to die for, perfect white teeth. (Picture to the side)
Family: Tyberius is one of three children. His family disowned his older brother, Dione, a few years ago because he did not volunteer when he was 17. Tyber also has a little sister, Jewel, who is 14 years old. She is very enthusiastic about the Games. Tyber lives with his mother and father in a very luxurious house. They are a family of four now, and if Tyber didn't volunteer he would also be disowned.
Volunteer: Yes
        Why? He has been training for this his entire life. This is the moment to make his District and family proud.
Alliance: The Careers (Districts 1,2 and 4)
Weapon of choice: Any type of knife that is large and a spear.
Backstory: Tyber was enrolled in the career institute as soon as possible. He takes his training seriously and pretends not to listen, but he does. Growing up with his brother, Dione, he learnt how to fight an older opponent. He was like every other kid in District 1 - wealthy. He has always had everything that he needed at his fingertips. He takes care of his sister and watches over her in training. He encourages her to volunteer as soon as she is 17. After Dione didn't volunteer, Tyber - aged 15 - was disgusted. He was the first to disown him despite the close relationship they used to have.

Tribute Owner: Soft_Serve7

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