chapter 6

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The car entered a villa, Vaishu's heart rate raised to its extreme when the car stopped in front of the villa. When the car stopped, Harish opened the door and got out. She sat in the car because she was scared, she couldn't see anyone else there. She was scared to be left alone with him.

Disturbing her thoughts the door opened and she was forcefully dragged out of the car. She struggled to stand steadily with the impact of being dragged out.

"Do I need to invite you specially to come out?" He asked her in a calm but dangerous voice. When she saw his face trembling with anger, she stepped back a little.

She nodded negatively at him.

"Words" he repeated. When she heard his dangerous majestic voice again she was moved to a state where she would cry any instant.

Before he could say anything else they both heard the sound of the door being pulled open and moved their gaze towards the door. Vaishu saw a woman in her early 50s coming out, the lady had similar facial features as Harish. By the looks itself, Vaishu could understand that the person was her mother-in-law.

The woman had a shocking expression on her face looking at Vaishu. But Vaishu was seeing her for the first time in her life.

" Harish! " she shouted at her son looking at their wedding costume.


Vaishu was shocked at what happened right there. Harish's mom slapped him while shouting at him 'why did you do this?'.

Vaishu stood there numb realizing that he married her without the permission of his family. 'But why? Why me?' She asked herself.

"Mom, I will talk to you later..." Saying that Harish opened the back door and took a bag and two plastic covers which Vaishu packed yesterday. Vaishu didn't have any idea about when he got her bag. After throwing the bags near her, he got inside his car and drove away. Not even saying the reason for this marriage or reacting to his mother's slap.

Harish's mom turned at Vaishu with burning eyes. "Why are you standing here? Come inside... We don't have a habit of making the guest stand outside... even if it was the person who destroyed our family." Vaishu flinched at her words. Hate was evident in her words.

'But why? Who are these people?'

Swallowing a lump formed in her throat Vaishu got inside the house taking her bags without saying anything.

She entered a large living area which showed how wealthy Harish's family was. After getting inside she saw Harish's mother getting inside a room which was near the stylish wooden stairs and closing the door with a loud thud. Vaishu flinched at the sound of it.

She just stood miserably without knowing what to do. When she ran her eyes through the house she saw a woman in her 40s peeking outside from the kitchen. But when she looked at the lady, she immediately withdrew her gaze and went back to cooking.

Due to all the dramas that happened today, she was extremely tired and her empty stomach was not helping her at all. Feeling week she sat on a nearby couch without thinking much.

When she sat there a framed photo hanged at the center of the living room caught her attention.

'Their family photo.' she stood up and walk near the picture to see it clearly. In that picture there was Harish's mother and a man who looked like in his early 50s was there sitting in two chairs, behind them there was Harish and a beautiful young girl smiling brightly. By looking at the picture it is evident that they are Harish's father and sister.

When she saw that happy family, a sincere smile erupted on her lips. A family she always dreamed of but never got.

Feeling dizzy after standing for a while, she turned back to sit where she sat before. That's when a photo caught her attention, that was Harish's father. When she saw the flowers hanged around the photo she realized he was dead.

She felt sad thinking about his family because she know the impact of losing someone................................

I know this chapter was a little dry. Don't worry next chapter onwards there will be more encounters of Harish and Vaishu...

Please continue reading to know what happened in their life and why Harish hate Vaishu.

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