chapter 22

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"Vaishnavi, if you want to file a complaint against Harish... I will support you no matter what... even though he is my best friend I can't close my eyes in front of his inhuman behaviour," Eric said consoling her, who was sitting on the bed leaning back to the bedpost in Erik's house.

Eric's mother Anna Mathew and father Mathew stood near them being unable to comprehend everything that was said by their son about his only friend Harish who they have been seeing for years.

"Don't hesitate to ask me anything you need..." Anna said creasing her hair after sitting near her on the bed

Even though the three of them are trying to convert her mind from the depressing thoughts Vaishu didn't pay attention to any of them standing near her. The only movement from her was the tears flowing from her eyes controllability.

"Vaishu you have to say something then only I can help you... Suicide is not a solution for everything... We have to face our problems strongly..." Eric sighed heavily looking at the girl who was sitting in front of him like a dead body. "for how long are you going to sit like this?" he continued. By that time her muteness started to disturb Eric, he wanted to help her but he couldn't if she sat there like a statue.

Vaishu didn't give any answer, whenever Eric asked her something a new set of tears started to wet her cheeks. Sensing her state of mind Eric's mother stood up interrupting him from saying anything further that would disturb her more.

"She is disturbed Erik I will talk to her..."

Hearing her words Eric and his father walked out of the room giving some space for both of the ladies to talk their heart out.

"I can't believe any of these happenings Eric... how can Harish behave in such a way that also to his wife..." saying this Mathew sat on the couch thinking about Harish, he was no less than a son to them.

"Even I can't believe anything dad, but everything I said was true..." Eric sat near his father closing his eyes, he was in deep thoughts to find a way to solve everything. He wanted to save both his best friend and the girl Vaishnavi

Both of their thoughts got interrupted by the calling bell sound. Eric got up from the couch wiping his face with his hands and stepped towards the door.

He saw Harish standing in front of him with reddened eyes and blood-curdling look when he opened the door. Harish got inside furiously pushing Eric aside.

"Vaishnavi...!" He screamed getting inside the house making everyone in that house startled.

" Harsh come with me... she is not here... I need to talk to you... come" Eric said placing a hand on his shoulder but with a quick move he forcefully removed Eric's hand from him.


"Come out...!"

He continued to scream her name repeatedly not listening to what Eric or his father was saying.

Vaishnavi came out of the room not listening to Anna. Vaishu's heart skipped a beat looking at the person standing in front of her with reddened eyes and disheveled hair. Her eyes welled up seeing her husband like that.

Seeing Vaishu coming out of the room Harish stepped near her. Eric stood in front of him preventing him from going near her but he pushed Eric to a side forcefully making him fell on the floor with a loud thud.

Harish stopped in Midway when a new wave of headache attacked him, he placed his hands on both sides of his head being unable to bear the pain. Everyone in that room looked at him not knowing what was happening.

Soon his vision started to blur and extremities started to shiver, he sat on the floor when he felt like he couldn't stand anymore. Vaishu ran near him not being able to watch this.

"Harish...Harish what happened?" She asked looking at his half-closed eyes holding his face.

Eric ran to him and supported him from falling when he felt like Harish was losing his balance.

Harish took his antianxiety pill from his pocket with shivering hands. Everyone standing around him felt numb watching his condition. Before opening the white bottle everything in front of Harish turned black and he fell into the hands of Eric.

"Ha...rish...Harish...please look at me." Vaishu cried looking at his state.

" Dad, call the ambulance " Eric shouted seeing at the blood coming from his nose...............................

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