chapter 32

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"Our enemy was stronger than we think...he will have his people at your office... And as we decided we have given clues about Harish's health condition to his staffs... It will definitely reach our enemy's ear." Rishi said being determined about something.

"Are you saying that he will come in front of us revealing his identity?" Harish asked finally dropping his silence.

"No...he won't...but he will make his next move".


Vaishu suspended her time in that house by doing all the household chores even after Lekshmi asked her to take some rest. Vaishu also spend some time with Haritha in her room along with Lekshmi.

Now Haritha was not behaving violently when she saw Vaishu. Instead, she will always drop a few drops of tears seeing Vaishu in the thought of how her fate destroyed Vaishu's life.

When Vaishu was sitting near Haritha, reading her a fairy tale she heard the sound of a car entering into the compound.

"Vaishu, can you check who it was?" Lekshmi asked her while folding Haritha's clothes.

"Okay, aunty" without any hesitation Vaishu got up from the chair, she was sure that it won't be Harish as he won't come this early.

When she came to the living room to check who it was, Geetha already opened the door for the person. She walked forward to see who it was. But she blamed the time in which she decided to come there seeing Harish standing there giving her his most pleasant smile. But his smile slowly faded seeing her dull face.

He stepped forward consoling himself that 'she needs time'.

"Why Didn't you go to your college?" Harish asked her remembering she didn't attend her classes.

She didn't have an answer to his question. Her reason for not attending was she didn't have anyone to pay for her college expenses and also she thought Harish won't allow her to attend the classes. But she can't express her thoughts at him.

During her silence, Harish was observing her like he was seeing her for the first time. In these days one thing he observed about her was she will blink her eyes several times and will bit her lips when she was in deep thoughts. In those times she will look like a child who was trying hard to frame a suitable lie.

Seeing her not responding to his question Harish called her "Vaishu, are you listen?...come with me I need to tell you something" this time he stepped towards the stairs not waiting for her answer.

She followed him after few minutes of hesitation. Her heart started to beat heavily when she reached his room.

'Should I go inside? what does he have to talk to me', she asked herself not getting into the room.

After a few minutes of debate with her inner self decided to go inside. There Harish was sitting on his bed loosening his tie. Even after feeling her presence in his room he didn't look at her or said anything to her, it made her more nervous.

Getting disturbed by the silence inside his room, she cleared her throat to get his attention. Listening to her doings he looked at her hiding his smile, putting on a serious face. He knew his calm behaviour won't work at her.

"You can go to your college from tomorrow... I called you for saying this... do I need to drop you?" He said in a serious tone.

"Ah...that... I..." she stammered at him not knowing what to say.

"You're doing final year, right? Then it won't be good to miss classes... Be ready tomorrow I will drop you at your college..." Harish completed without showing any change in his expression.

"What! No..." She said as a sudden reflex. Not even in her dreams, she would go with Harish to her college. No one other than her best friend Midhuna knew she got married.

"It will be nearly two months right...since you attend your will have to give an explanation for this long I will personally meet the principal..." He said without giving a gap for her to interrupt.

"'t do that...please" finally she opened her mouth stopping him.

"Why?" He asked her doubtfully. He could read well how nervous she was by looking at her face. Her face didn't show any hatred but it showed sadness 'but why?' He asked himself.

"It's... That... Nobody knows that I got married..." Finally, she expressed her thoughts to him. She didn't want anyone to know that she was married that also to the young businessman Harish, she know this relationship is just temporary one.

"So what? If no one knows then we can make them know the truth..." he said like it's not a big deal " otherwise it won't be easy for you to join your classes as two months gap is not a small one... I will clear everything by talking personally to your principal... and don't worry about the fee and other expenses I will take care of it." he added like it's his final decision

Vaishu stood there not being able to say anything she couldn't disobey him as he had already decided everything.

Even though she didn't want the outer world to know the truth about their marriage. A part in thanked Harish silently for making her continue her studies.

Even though they didn't exchange much words between them, they are getting closer to each other through the silence without even knowing.


Pridhvi drove his car outside the city area with a victory smile on his face. He was eager to convey the message about Harish to the person he was going to meet in personally.

The car entered into an old mechanic shop which was now not in use. The mechanic shop was the only building present in the area where there was not even a single human being present. A man waited in the front to open the door for him as expecting his arrival...


As I promised I made this update faster and made a move between Harish and Vaishu... Keep reading to meet our villain...

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