Chapter 2

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"Ex boyfriends are just off limits to friends. I mean thats just like the rules of feminism."

That Means Girls quote was the first thing that came to mind as I sat in class after seeing Chris and Mary hug. Well, they didn't date but still. If Mary likes him, then I can't like him because friends always come before boyfriends! And also she saw him first. I'm sure if I liked a guy, she wouldn't go after him. On top of all that, I know I can't compare to Mary. Every guy would choose her over me.

Class was boring. And the 3 classes that came after that were boring. I made sure to pay complete attention in all my classes but after a while it just becomes one big blur, you know? Since, my morning was so uneventful, I was finally starting to perk up because lunch was my favorite part of a school day. I really love food. There's nothing better, to be honest. School lunch was nasty though, so I made my way to my locker to get the packed lunch I had. I saw Mary standing at my locker.

"Hey Dijah, I need a favor. Can I borrow your calculator for math class? I gave mine to Chris because he forgot his at home. But I don't wanna get in trouble for forgetting it. So yeah, can I use it?" She babbled. I nodded my head, "Yeah, of course." I handed her the calculator and grabbed my lunch. Then, she and I preceded to walk towards the cafe.

"So, I saw you talking to a boy this morning at the lockers. Was that Chris?" I asked her even though I knew it was him.

"Oh my gosh, yes, he's in 4 of my classes! I'm like so lucky, right? So, we talk alot in class and we facetime alot too. This morning before school he said he wanted to chill and in English we talked and i'm going to his house tomorrow for a movie or something. I'm so excited! Hey, did you know he lives by you? Like 3 houses down actually. You should go over to his house and become friends. We could be like Lizzie, Isabella, and Gordo from Lizzie McGuire!"

"What are you gonna wear? What kind of movie is it? You should watch a scary movie so you can like hug him. Oh, and didn't you say you're running out of perfume? You better get some today. Come to my house right after to give me all the-" I was cut off by someone shouting Mary's name. It was Chris himself. She looked away from me and at him. He waved her over to him. Mary looked at me once again with sort of a sorry look on her face. "We'll finish talking later!"

Chris obviously made Mary happy so I was happy for her. I hope that the really do become a couple. They'd be so cute together.


Lunch was okay. Well, it was uneventful since I didn't sit with Mary. Actually, the whole school was pretty much uneventful. Chris was the only person I thought about. You know how on websites like Wattpad theres always stories about the popular boy and loser girl, then they date and its happily every after? What if that happens with me and him? The thought made me giggle. Of course that wouldn't happen. This is real life, not some teenage romance story.

I opened my apartment door to chatter. My Uncle and his wife sat in our dining/living room talking with my Grandma in Arabic. It was a good thing, I'd learned the language. I said my hellos before going into the only bedroom to finish my homework. After that was done I grabbed my towel and made my way to the bathroom to take my daily shower, but I was stopped by my Grandma.

"On Thursday, a new family moved up the street," she spoke, "but I saw a truck outside today, so they're still unpacking. Go introduce yourself and ask if they need help."

I remembered what Mary had said about Chris living close to me. No way would I be going to his house! How embarrassing! I shook my head 'no' to my Grandma. "Thats weird, I don't want to go. And I need to take my shower."

Grandma didn't understand that the world is different now. We can meet the neighbors if we walk past their house. Nobody goes to peoples houses directly to introduce themselves, anymore. she didn't seem to care, though.

"No, its not weird. Remember when we first moved here and Mary's mother said hello and helped us move things? Now, you and Mary are the best of friends. Be kind to others!"

"Fine, whatever I'll go." I threw my towel on the chair and began walking outside. I hope Chris isn't there. If he is, I'll probably die! As I began walking up my street, I saw the bright red stripe of a U-Haul truck. A pretty, young-looking woman was talking on her phone but she saw me going towards her. I'm assuming that was Chris's mom. I waved and then she said to whoever she was talking to, "Hold on really quick."

"Hi, I'm Khadijah," I stuck my hand out so she could shake it, which she did, "I live down the street. I was wondering if you needed any help unpacking." I made sure to be very polite. Have to make a good first impression, right?

By the look of her face, I could tell she was skeptical of me. "No, thank you sweetie y I'm fine," she replied.

"Are you sure? I promise not to steal," I giggled letting her know I was joking. She giggled also then said, "You know what? My husband and son aren't here, I actually do need the help. Could you place the boxes in the kitchen?

I did as I was told. These people apparently had lots of money because the house looked basic on the outside but the inside was gorgeous. We had finished within 30 minutes and now she and I were sitting down, talking.

"Thank you for the help, Khadijah. It would've taken me an hour, maybe more by myself. "

"No problem, ma'am. Just trying to help."

"Ma'am? Honey, I'm not that old. Call me Mama J. So, my family will be home shortly, I was wondering if you and your parents would like to come over for dinner?"

I smiled at Mama J. Wow, she was so sweet. It made me miss my own mother. I wish she was here.

"Um, well I live with my Grandma and she doesn't speak English that well. Actually the only words she knows are "no, English" so. . .." I trailed off hoping she would catch on that I didn't really wanna go. I mean she's super nice, but I don't want to spend any time with Chris. I'll embarrass myself. And on top if that, the only clothes I have are jeans and shirts, nothing cute. Grandma and I can't afford it. The only reason I have some name brand clothing is because my Uncle pays for it all. I definitely don't fit in with people like this family.

"Oh no, its fine. I would still like to meet her. She did a great job of raising you." I smiled at the compliment.

"Thank you ma'am. Uh-I mean Mama J. I should head out to tell my Grandma and whatnot."

Before she could reply, the door opened and footsteps were heard. Chris, and a man who probably was his Dad, stepped in the dining room, where we were sitting. The older man looked at Mama J. Chris on the other hand, had a look on his face that read "Uhh whys this bitch in my house?"

Mama J stood up and ushered me over to the men. "Khadijah, this is my husband, Clinton and my son, Chris." Then she introduced them to me. "This is Khadijah, she lives down the street. Her and her Grandmother will come over for dinner today."

First, I shook Clinton's hand, "Nice to meet you, sir." Then, I shook Chris's. "Hi, Chris."

Clinton and Chris both nodded their heads as a way to acknowledge me. I could tell by body language that I wasn't really wanted here. I faked a cough. "So, um, I'll go now. Bye." Mama J responded back with a 'bye' also. Clinton and Chris didn't say anything.

This dinner is going to be so awkward.

Hey there! Thanks so much for reading this far! I know this story has been boring, but It'll pick up the pace soon. Its my first story so I'm open to constructive criticism. Again, I appreciate that you read!! Hope you enjoy the book.

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