Chapter 22

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   Before Nightmare Bonnie could grab Chica, Funtime Foxy made it to her first and scooped her up off the ground. She carried her and the four Minnerinas on her back and she sprinted down a hallway, hoping it would lead to somewhere safe. Chica screamed that he was getting closer, which made Funtime Foxy go faster, being careful to not trip. Her heart nearly stopped as she saw a dead-end in front of them. As she was slowing down, she frantically looked around, to try and find some kind of space they could crawl through to get away from him. Before she could turn around, they suddenly heard screaming behind them, and slashing and shoving. The Minnerinas gasped, as they were the first to see what was happening. Funtime Foxy spun around, and her expression quickly changed as she noticed four of their friends, Foxy, Lolbit, Plushtrap, and Funtime Freddy, holding Bonnie still. Before the two could say anything, a white flash of light lit up the entire area, blinding them for several seconds.

Once it went away, Chica and the Minnerinas hopped off of Funtime Foxy, Chica hid behind her as she stared at unconscious Bonnie. Foxy's group stood up, looking at them.
"You guys alright?" asked Plushtrap. None of them could say anything, they just continued staring at them.
Lolbit approached closer to them. "Hey, it's us! Don't worry, we were saving you, and Bonnie! He'll be awake any moment. We won't hurt you, the four of us have been brought back too!"
Once Funtime Foxy was sure they were telling the truth, she nodded, smiling as tears streamed down her face. She ran over to Lolbit and hugged her. They both laughed and cried as they held each other. Funtime Foxy hugged Funtime Freddy next, kissing him, and then she thanked the group.
Chica hugged them too as she started to cry with joy. "H-How did you guys know we were here?!"
"We saw you guys being chased down this hallway by Bonnie and followed you," Plushtrap answered.
"Don't worry, guys. We're ALL getting out of here alive, no one gets left behind!" Foxy said to everyone.
"You guys are joining our group, right? Because I think that's better for all of us," said Funtime Freddy.
Funtime Foxy hugged him again, "Of course! I'm NEVER leaving your side!"
Chica and the Minnerinas agreed with her.

Everyone turned to Bonnie as they started hearing groaning. They smiled with relief as he slowly rose from the ground, leaning against the wall. Chica gasped and ran into his arms, sobbing even more.
"I'm s-so happy you're back! I thought at first that I would lose you!"
Bonnie looked at her and the others, and his eyes widened with fear as he noticed that they looked like the other Nightmares.
Foxy quickly realized this and put a hand on his shoulder. "Oh, don't worry about our look! We're all still normal, really! It'll take us all a while for our bodies to change back, including yours."
Bonnie looked at his own body and instantly let out a yelp. "What the-?! Okey...what the heck's going on? I'm so confused..."
The group was about to explain, but then Elizabeth and J.J suddenly appeared next to them.
Plushtrap frowned, "What're you doing here? Aren't you two looking for Baby?"
Elizabeth replied, "Yes, but we still need to help protect you guys too. There're still more Nightmares roaming around the place, and the more people we take back to the pizzeria, the more people that are safe from them. I noticed that you guys have brought more of your friends back, we need to take some of them to the pizzeria so they can help protect the others that are there. We can't have too many people here because someone can get lost easily, or snatched by a Nightmare without us noticing. And we can't keep using our power to bring the same people back, that's how our power will get drained."
Everyone nodded, understanding. Funtime Foxy looked around at the group, "Well, I'm certainly not going. I wanna have the chance to help my friends out too! I need to be here."
After the Minnerinas have talked it out, they decided they would go. "We'll help keep them safe for you," one of them told Elizabeth.
"Okey, but I don't think that'll be enough. We need at least a couple more people," Elizabeth said.
Most people in the group had a hard time deciding, they were a little surprised that Bonnie stepped up.
"I'll go. It's not that I don't wanna help fight, I'm honestly fine with either. But the others need some people there too, I'm sure you guys will be fine without me."
Chica quickly stepped beside him, hugging his arm. "I'm going too. I wanna be there with them, it's terrifying here! But I don't wanna be useless to the group either...and I wanna stay with Bonnie."
Elizabeth nodded. "Okey then. All of you huddle together, so I can get you out of here."

Bonnie, Chica, and the four Minnerinas huddled together while Elizabeth held onto them, and then they all disappeared. When Elizabeth came back, she took hold of J.J's hand.
"We're gonna go now, you guys keep searching for the rest of them. And just so you all know, a few of your friends are already brought back too, and their coming your way right now. So make sure you all stick together, and be safe. DON'T let anyone out of your sight."
The group nodded, and then the two disappeared again.
Foxy smiled at his friends, "Alright, let's go greet the others."
They walked off out of the hallway and into the area they were in before. Once they saw four Bidybabs with Toy Bonnie and noticed that he was normal too, they all ran over to him, hugging him.
He shrieked and quickly pushed them all away, "W-WAIT! Are you all back to normal?"
Foxy quickly nodded. "Yeah! Look, our eyes aren't purple!"
Everyone was talking at once. Plushtrap shushed everyone.
"GUYS! Quiet! Give him some space, let's all talk one at a time! Sheesh! A bunch of incels!"
"If you guys were going to explain to him everything that's happened, we already did. He's helping us," said one of the Bidybabs.
Toy Bonnie frowned as he noticed something about the group that was off, "What happened to you guys? What's with the marks?"
Foxy put a hand over his face. "Oh, right. We forgot to mention it, but we got attacked by Nightmare Fredbear...heh. But hey, we ran him off! He's gone...for now."
Both Funtime Foxy's and Toy Bonnie's eyes were wide, he replied, "Seriously? Are you alright? None of you got bit or scratched, right? Because that can turn you back into a Nightmare...that's what these little guys told me."
Everyone in the group shook their heads.
"We already knew that," answered Lolbit, "But none of us are severely injured. But we do know now that Ennard's Nightmare slaves can jump at us at any time, so we really gotta be on the lookout. They're trying to stop us from saving our friends, and we CAN'T let that happen."
Plushtrap nodded, adding, "And if we all come together and use our power against them, it'll be easier to kill the three of them. We just can't let them try anything on us, or break the group apart. We need to stay together, are you with us?"
The Bidybabs nodded, so did Toy Bonnie, but he didn't look as excited as they were. The group looked at him with concern.
Foxy stepped closer to him, "Hey man, is something wrong?"
Toy Bonnie's eyes filled with tears. "It's...I found...Toy Chica..."
Everyone looked at each other with surprise.
Foxy's ears lowered. "Toy Bonnie...what happened?"
Toy Bonnie started sniffling. "I-I'm sorry, I tried saving her but I couldn't! She-she pushed me down a-and then ran off! I didn't see where she went! I lost her! AGAIN!"
He sobbed, shaking, as his friends came to hug him. Once they were able to help him calm down, they started speaking again.
"Hey man, we were able to get these guys back, we'll be able to get Toy Chica back too!" Lolbit told him.
"She's family just like everyone else, we're NOT leaving without her. You WILL see her again, and you WILL still be able to get married!"
Funtime Foxy nodded, smiling, "She's important to all of us. We know how much you love her, we would never leave her. We're getting her back, she's still around here somewhere. We just gotta keep looking!"
Toy Bonnie slowly nodded, wiping his face. "Y-yeah, you're right. I'm not giving up. Okey, lead the way."
Funtime Freddy patted his back, "Now that's better! Alright then, let's keep moving-"
Their moment was interrupted as they heard a yell from Plushtrap, "LOOK OUT!"

   Golden Freddy yelled in pain as he was thrown onto a pile of metal junk. Before his brother could come any closer, Goldie quickly jumped up and slammed him to the ground. Big mistake. Springtrap growled and dug his claws into Goldie's back. Golden Freddy yelped in pain as he tried to pull himself off of him. Puppet pulled him off of Springtrap and shoved Springtrap into a wall, making a gigantic hole in it.
Puppet quickly healed Golden Freddy and then they waited as Springtrap struggled to crawl out of the hole. Once he was fully out, he glared at them with evil red eyes and charged at them. He blocked every hit and body slammed Puppet. Golden Freddy held his head back before he could bite Puppet. He threw Springtrap off of him and grabbed a broken metal pole. Springtrap sprung back up and leaped at both of them, but then he suddenly stopped.
Puppet got up in pain and walked over to them, noticing what just happened. "What the..."
Golden Freddy looked at his frozen brother, confused. "What's...happening?" Springtrap's body twitched and shook, and then he fell on the ground, trembling. He choked and gasped, drooling. He tried to grab Puppet, but he was held back, like he was being forced still. That's exactly what Goldie was thinking.
He turned to Puppet, "Is...something stopping him?"
Puppet didn't respond, he was distracted by what was happening in front of them. They suddenly noticed that his body was glowing a bright purple.
Golden Freddy stared down at him, with fear. "S...Springtrap?"

Springtrap looked up at them, eyes wide with fury, but what also looked like fear. Puppet and Goldie's eyes went wide once he started to speak.
"H-h-hurry...g-et him..."
Puppet quickly noticed that that wasn't Springtrap's voice. "Micheal?"
Micheal looked at them with pleading eyes. "Pl-please...I-I-I can't hold h-im any longer—"
Puppet gasped, turning to Goldie. "Quick! He's holding Springtrap still so we can bring him back!"
Golden Freddy was shocked, but did what he said and they quickly placed their hands on Springtrap's head. There was a quick flash of light, screaming, and then there was suppose to be silence after...but something went wrong. There was a shriek of pain from Micheal, a flash of purple light, and then silence. Goldie and Puppet gazed at Springtrap, confused. He was on the ground, not moving.
Golden Freddy frowned, worried. "Did"
Puppet shrugged, shaking his head. "I'm...not sure. What happened to Mi-"
They both shrieked in horror as Springtrap jump-scared both of them, springing on top of them. He held them down by their necks, nearly choking them.
Golden Freddy looked at him with terror. "S-Springtrap- don't-"
They both gasped as they started hearing laughing and clapping nearby. They saw a shadow behind Springtrap, walking around him, and then in front of them, smiling. It was Ennard.
He cackled madly. "Oh man! This guy is really good at jumping people! It's too funny! You guys should've SEEN your faces!"
Golden Freddy hoped that Puppet would do something, but he wasn't doing anything at all. He just laid there and let this happen.
Ennard looked at them, snickering. "See, this is why Springtrap and Baby are my favorites! They're the scariest! I can't WAIT to see what the humans' reactions will be like! I bet they'll be even better-"
"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU WILL WIN, ENNARD?" Puppet shouted at him. "WE ALREADY HAVE MORE THAN HALF OF OUR FRIENDS! YOU WON'T STAND A-" Springtrap screamed in his face angrily, growling.

Ennard circled around them, chuckling. "Oh Puppet, always stupid, as usual. It doesn't matter WHAT you do. You'll NEVER beat me. I can easily get them all back, they have nothing against my Nightmare animatronics. They can try as hard as they like. Nothing you guys do will ever work."
He looked over at Springtrap. "Alright, this has been fun, but I gotta go take care of a couple of annoyances. I'll let Springtrap do his thing. And don't worry, it only stings for a second."
Before he started to leave, he smirked at them, laughing again. "Just kidding."
He continued laughing as he walked off, leaving them alone, with Springtrap choking them. Goldie growled under his breath, "Since no one else will do anything, I will."
He was about to shove Springtrap off of him, but then stopped, frozen in shock, as Springtrap suddenly got up himself. Before Puppet and Goldie could even get up to see what was going on, they suddenly started hearing screaming...from Ennard...

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