Chapter 10

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     It was Springtrap and Baby's second night deciding if they wanted to join Ennard or not. Of course they still said no, they still wanted to know him more, and try to make sense of everything he was telling them. They wanted to understand, and that's what they're going to do. They're planning on meeting Ennard out back in a few hours, so he'll show them their strengths. If they were really more strong than they thought, like Ennard said, then shouldn't they be a little worried about that? Or was that a good thing? That's what they've been wondering, but soon they would find the answer to that.

After spending a few hours with their friends, they both snuck outside at the back of the pizzeria, while making sure they weren't being watched.
Once Springtrap shut the door, Baby asked, "Okey, where is he?"
"Dunno. Let's say his name three times and see if that'll do anything," Springtrap suggested. Suddenly, Ennard appeared right in front of them, they both jumped with terror.
"JEEZ!" said Springtrap.
Ennard smiled, "Sup, roaches."
"No, YOU'RE a roach!" Baby glared, slapping his arm.
Ennard wasn't fazed by that at all. He spoke again, "Anyway. So you guys ready to test out your strengths or what?"
"I guess, but we're not gonna hurt anyone, are we?" Springtrap asked him.
Ennard replied, "Well, not humans, if that's what you mean. But we ARE gonna test them out on each other. Yeah, we'll get hurt a bit, but my friend can heal us."
"Why the heck would we do it on each other?" asked Baby.
"It's a better way of practicing, to get better at fighting. If you ever change your minds about erasing the humans, you'll have to have a lot of energy and strength to join my group," Ennard told her.
Baby shook her head, "Yeah, I still haven't changed my mind about that. Can't we use our strength for other things?"
"Oh I'll show you what you can use them for..." Ennard used his wires to pick up a giant piece of metal and before Spring or Baby could react, he threw it directly towards them.

     Foxy sat in his cove, trying to think of what to do. He wanted to hang out with Lolbit, but all she had been doing was ignoring him. He'd been giving her space, but he couldn't stand being alone any longer. He was starting to think that it was his fault for trying to contact Elizabeth, but he just wanted to help Lolbit out. He tried sleeping, but he wasn't tired at all. Foxy sighed and decided to get up and walk around the place instead. He stepped out of his cove and started his walk. As he walked down the hallway, he thought about contacting her again in the office, but he decided not to, assuming it would probably make things worse. He looked at the drawings on the walls. They were all colorful and bright, but also messy.
But as he kept walking, he started to notice that they were all slowly changing from happy drawings to creepy and gory ones. Scary faces were painted on them, limbs were missing from bodies, blood was everywhere, almost covering the whole picture. Foxy stopped as he also started noticing that the air was feeling more heavy around him.
Foxy nearly jumped as he heard laughing behind him. He turned around, and quickly relaxed when he saw that it was just B.B. The kid was running towards him with a piece of paper in his hand. Foxy looked at him with surprise once B.B handed him the paper. Foxy hesitantly took it and unfolded it. His eye nearly popped out of his head. It was a drawing of Circus Baby with her scooper out, scooping out a person's guts.
Baby smiled creepily, her eyes black with blood running down from them, her neck was also bent at an unusual angle. Foxy looked down at Balloon Boy.
He whispered to him, "Don't tell," before running off again.
Foxy looked around him again, noticing that all of the drawings looked completely normal again, like they never changed.
Foxy shook his head and tossed the paper aside. "Weirdo..."

     As the metal flew towards them, all Baby could do was stumble backwards, legs shaking. Springtrap gasped as the metal hit him and pushed him back against a building. Dirt and gravel flew everywhere.
"SPRINGTRAP!" Baby sprinted over to him. Ennard didn't move, he just watched them. Once Baby took a look at him, she noticed that Springtrap was holding his hands against the metal as his back rested against the wall. She could hear the metal bend as his hands pressed on it harder, trying to get it off of him.
He slowly opened his eyes and hardened his grip, until the metal was completely off, falling to the ground with a big crash.
"Are you okay?" Baby asked as she helped him stand up right.
"Uh, yeah," Springtrap grunted. He quickly turned to face Ennard, giving him a mean glare. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!" He shouted at him.
Ennard laughed. "She asked what you could use your strengths for, and I gave her an answer."
"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT AT ALL!" Baby yelled, also fuming.
"THIS is what we came here to do! You both agreed to do this with me!" Ennard told them. 
"I NEVER AGREED TO US ATTACKING EACH OTHER!" Springtrap hollered. Baby nodded.
"I told you I'd get you guys healed," Ennard said, rolling his eyes.
Springtrap looked at him and huffed, "Really? Well will YOU be able to get healed from THIS?!"
He scooped up a big rock from the ground and swung it at Ennard.
Ennard knew it was coming at him, but he let it hit him anyway.
He fell to the ground, coughing and laughing. "OH-HO MAN! THAT FELT GREAT! DO IT AGAIN!"
"My turn."
Baby picked up a broken pole from the dumpster behind the pizzeria, and swung it at his side.
Ennard flinched with pain, holding the left side of his stomach. "Oh j-jeez, that actually really hurt."
"GOOD!" Baby kept hitting him repeatedly with the pole.
He laughed, "Okey now you're hitting like a wimp."
He grabbed the pole and yanked it from her hands, pulling her to the ground. He picked her up and threw her into the dumpster, making a big crash sound. A bunch of junk went flying in the air.
Springtrap caught a piece of glass from the air and without hesitation, flew it over to Ennard like a frisbee. Before Ennard could react, it hit his face, slashing his lower jaw up to his cheek. He growled loudly in pain, holding the side of his face, but he still smiled. He reached his wires over to the piece of medal again, and picked it up. He swung it at Springtrap, knocking the wind out of him. Ennard started walking towards him, but he shouted in more pain as he took a broken glass bottle to the head, which came from Baby's direction.
She climbed out of the dumpster and started picking things up and threw them at him. He grabbed her by his wires and threw her against a wall of a building. Springtrap grabbed him from behind and kicked him in the back, pushing him to the ground. Ennard wrapped his wires around Springtrap's body and held him to the ground, while he slashed his claws at his skin. Once Baby was able to get up, she immediately picked up the same pole and threw it at Ennard, hitting his legs. He yelled and fell to the ground, loosing his grip on Springtrap. Spring ripped several of his wires apart and jumped him. He sat on Ennard's back while he held his head up, punching his face repeatedly. He got up and took Ennard's feet, and started dragging him across the pavement. Baby ran over to them and kicked Ennard in the chin. Ennard cackled again before shoving them both down with his wires and standing back up. He grabbed the pole and approached Baby. He stood over her and instantly swung at her, but didn't hit her quick enough. He gasped as something sharp underneath him grabbed at his stomach and held him there in that position. Baby quickly grabbed the pole before it could hit her, and held it above her, while he still had it in his hands. Springtrap sat up and looked at both of them, his eyes widened. So did theirs.

Baby's scooper had shot out of her stomach straight towards Ennard, stopping him just in time before he could take a blow at her.
"Woah..." Springtrap slowly stood up and walked over to them.
Baby stared at Ennard with fear. He wasn't dead, but he was definitely stuck. He struggled to get free, but the scooper didn't budge. It was in his stomach, stuck in his wires.
Ennard looked at both of them, "W-well, don't j-just stand there! HELP m-me!" Springtrap slowly walked over to him and started helping them. Once they got the scooper out, Ennard gasped and coughed, holding his stomach. They all sat on the ground, bruised and bleeding.
Springtrap breathed heavily, "Alright, where's your friend? I could really use their healing power thingy right now."
Right as he said that, all of their wounds were healed instantly. Not a single scratch or bruise from the fight was on any of them. Even the stab wound from Ennard's stomach disappeared.
He sighed, "You're welcome..."
Baby got up. "Okey, um...let's not do that again..."
"That was fun," said Ennard.
"Eh, I guess so. But that was way too violent," Springtrap replied, getting up too.
Ennard stood up with them. "So do you see your strengths now? How did it feel?"
"Not good at all!" Baby said to him. "That was horrible! I hate fighting! It doesn't feel great, hurting others. Look, I do see how strong I am now, but that doesn't mean I should go around, killing people! I'd rather die!"
Springtrap nodded, "She has a point. While it was fun fighting, I would never want to kill a human, or anyone of any species, unless they attacked us first. I think we've made our decision, Ennard. We don't wanna go with you."
"Yeah, just let us stay here. You and your group can still go out, murdering humans," said Baby, "We won't tell anyone, if that's what you want. But we don't want anything to do with it, at ALL. I just want to live peacefully, before our lives are over...that's all I want. No more violence."
Ennard was quiet for a moment, and then he sighed. "I'm sorry, but a part of me just can't seem to believe that..."
Springtrap and Baby both looked at him, frowning.
"What makes you say that?" asked Springtrap.
"Look, you guys have NO IDEA what you're missing out on," Ennard said, "I didn't wanna spoil it, but I guess I'll have to. We're not just killing humans, alright? What we're doing is more than that. But I'm afraid to show you guys, because I still think you might tell your friends...and I don't want them to know...I don't want them to ruin it for us."
"I mean, if it's something bad, then of course they would try to ruin it. We'd help them, too," Springtrap replied.
Ennard shook his head, "It's not anything bad. I think you guys would actually like it, what we're doing...I'm just still not sure if I can fully trust you..."
"You can," Springtrap told him. "You can show us whenever you're ready, just think it over for a bit. We're just not into the whole 'killing humans' thing."
Baby nodded, "Yeah. If you really are doing something good, then maybe we can help with some part of it. But...can I ask, why don't you trust our friends? Or even like them?"
Ennard sighed again. " wouldn't really understand...But uh, yeah, maybe we could let you help out some. I'll think about it. Uh, I guess I'll see you the next night, once I've decided."
"We're done already? That was pretty quick," said Springtrap, surprised.
Ennard nodded, "Yeah, I've been busy lately. But if you two still wanna practice your strengths some more, go right ahead." 
Baby laughed nervously, "Uh, maybe not, heheh. I already hurt someone with this stupid thing in my stomach, I don't wanna end up hurting any of my friends too. Luckily I'm getting it taken out soon."
Ennard looked at her with surprise. "Wait, really? You sure you wanna do that? That thing is still tough as nails, it could still come in use for self defense!"
"But it's close to falling out! It can't stay in any longer! I can't risk anything happening while this thing is still in here!" Baby said worriedly.
"Look, I could help you with it, if you want," Ennard told her. "That scooper could be really useful! I think you should rethink your decision before getting it taken out. Just wait until tomorrow night, alright? I'll see what I can do with it, if that's okey."
Baby thought about it. "Um, well...maybe. We'll see."
Ennard nodded, and then teleported out of sight.
"Let's go, I'm getting hungry." Springtrap started picking up the junk from the ground, and threw them back into the dumpster.
Baby helped him out until the area was spotless. Then they went back inside...

It's the author. I hope everyone has a great start next year, I hope for the best in 2021. This year went by faster than sanic (yes I just said sanic). I'm glad I started writing, that was one of the best parts of 2020 for me. Ima write more, for a very long time, I hope. I'll try to get more chapters out, I wanna finish this book soon so I can start on my next one. See ya, peeps.

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