Chapter 13

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Tonight was not a good night for anyone at all. Everyone woke up to the sound of screaming. It came from Mangle. Almost all of her friends shrieked with horror as they saw their poor demolished friend, laying in the Parts and Service room in a puddle of tears. She was so afraid and confused, it took almost an hour to get her to calm down. Golden Freddy and Puppet reassured her that they were going to try to fix her, no matter how long it took. For Mangle, it was like reliving those horrible memories again, and she wanted Springtrap to comfort her. But he'd been very distant since they found her, and she was desperate to know why. He said he'd try to help fix her, but he never showed up to help Goldie, Puppet, and Freddy. Why? Well, Springtrap hated himself even more now, too much to even leave the basement. He was drowning in his thoughts, and he couldn't get out. He felt like he was losing his mind all over again, he wanted to just run away and disappear. He was too tired, sad, and afraid to even think straight. Ennard broke him, and it looks like he broke Baby too. She'd also been distant a lot, since they came back from that mess.

Everyone was in probably the most heated argument they've ever had. People have spent most of their time trying to figure out who would do this to Mangle. They couldn't see what happened on the cameras, because they weren't even working anymore. Someone tampered with them. Things became a lot more difficult, and it was frustrating for everybody. While Mangle was getting fixed, everyone else spent their time in silence, unsure of how to pass the time to get their minds off of her. Most people sat down, while others just walked around, trying to put the pieces together.
After the long, painful silence, Bonnie spoke up. "What do we do now? We've been sitting here for what felt like forever!"
Foxy looked at him, "What are we suppose to do? Go on with our night like nothing happened?"
Chica replied, "I don't think that's what he meant. We just need to do something to try to stay calm. We can't spend the rest of our time, freaking out! Mangle was able to get fixed before, it shouldn't be any problem doing it again!"
Foxy scoffed, "Come on, how would you know that? You can't fix robots! Plus, the only person that was able to fix Mangle was Springtrap! Speaking of which, where the heck is that moron? He should be in there helping them fix her! That's his girlfriend!"
"Foxy! Don't talk like that!" Toy Chica said, frowning at him. "Look, you're right, he should be helping them! But have you ever thought about why he chose to lock himself in the basement instead? Because he's probably traumatized from what he just saw! I would be terrified too if I saw someone I love all broken, laying on the ground! Which I AM! This is the SECOND time I saw my best friend like this! And I NEVER thought that I would EVER see that again!"
Chica nodded, "She's right about Springtrap, we need to give him some space. Maybe he'll come out later. I know we're all still shocked about what happened, but we HAVE to not lose it again! Right now, they're fixing her endoskeleton, but then after that, they're gonna try to find her suit and put her back together..."
Bonnie sighed, "Her suit is lost...of course. Whatever insane person did this must've hidden her suit...Should we look in that hole in the wall again?"
Foxy shook his head. "I doubt it would be there. We're not gonna waste our time tearing down the walls to find it...If we can't find it, then she'll have to cover herself with a blanket or something, if she doesn't want anyone seeing her body."
Toy Chica teared up, "I don't want her to have to do that...I don't wanna see her in any more's unbearable to watch. We HAVE to find her suit, and we WILL tear down the walls if that's what it takes! Please..."
Foxy sighed, "Then we WILL try..."
Bonnie looked over at Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Funtime Freddy, and Bonbon. "You guys have anything to say about this? You've been quiet for a while..."
"They've been quiet for DAYS," Chica told him. "Something's been off about them and we could never figure it out! Is this some kind of prank or something? Because it's not funny at all. It's getting really old."

Suddenly, Funtime Foxy broke down, crying. Ballora looked at her, surprised.
She rested her hand on her back. "Hey, what's wrong?"
Funtime Foxy shook her head, "It's nothing...I-I just..."
She got up and ran off to Kids' Cove.
Lolbit got up too, "I'll go comfort her." Then she ran off to follow her.
"What a great night this has been," Foxy grunted, leaning back in his seat and closing his eye.
Bonnie turned to Plushtrap, who had been sitting quietly, watching them argue. "Please tell me you know how to fix cameras. We need to see who did this to Mangle. I was gonna go in there myself to try to fix them, but I'll need some help."
"Uh," Plushtrap replied, "Well, I've never worked on cameras before, but I guess you could teach me how. I'll see if I can help out."
Bonnie nodded. "Okey, you wanna go now?"
"Sure," Plushtrap nodded and got up.
Before they walked off, Ballora asked, "Oh, are Bonnet and the other kids okay?"
Plushtrap nodded again, "Yeah. They're all in one of the party rooms. But uh, someone should probably go watch them. Last time they were alone, I caught them doing back flips off of a table...It was actually entertaining."
"Oh boy...that's not good at all," Ballora said. "Um, I guess I'll watch them-"
"No, it's fine," Chica shook her head. "You can help Yendo fix another Bidybab's memory card, that's still important. I won't mind watching them."
Ballora smiled, nodding. "Oh, thank you. Um...good luck."
After she and Yendo took a Bidybab, they went their way to the back room, with some tools. Plushtrap and Bonnie walked off to the office.
Chica looked at everyone else in the room. "Anyone wanna help me?"
Toy Chica approached her, "I will. C'mon."

Once they were gone, Foxy looked over at Baby, who had been quiet the entire time they were talking. He wondered why she'd been suddenly so quiet lately, but he didn't want to bother her. He didn't want to bother anyone, he was starting to feel like everyone hated him for some reason. He was still desperate to know about Micheal, but then he remembered what Lolbit had told him. He didn't even know if she was telling the truth. She told him that no one else can know about Micheal...whatever he did, or what really happened to him.
Foxy looked at Baby again.
"She's RIGHT there," Foxy thought, "Just ask her about Micheal! Maybe she'll have answers..."
He sighed and asked her a different question instead. " you know why some of our friends have been quiet?"
Baby looked at him, and then at their friends that stood quietly, and shrugged. "No...Do you?"
Foxy shook his head. "No. You wanna find out?"
Baby shrugged again. "I dunno...Maybe not, they'll probably come around..." "
If only he knew..." Baby thought. The whole time she sat there, she thought about Springtrap. What he did. She knew he did it. She knew he broke Mangle, and she knew that he wouldn't just do that for no reason. Ennard had to have something to do with it, but Baby wouldn't know unless she talked to Springtrap about it. And wether he wanted to talk or not, she was going to try to get the truth out of him. If Ennard did have something to do with it, then Baby knew that she and Springtrap would HAVE to stop him from causing any more chaos. She needed to lift Springtrap back up and give him some confidence to help her fight back to him. They couldn't let this go on.

Baby's thoughts were interrupted once Foxy asked her another question. This one surprised her.
"Do you think Springtrap did it?"
Baby looked at him again and shook her head.
"No. He loves her, he would never do that. I know he's being a little suspicious, but I'll try to talk to him."
Foxy looked at her, a little surprised too, but nodded as she stood up and went her way to the basement.
Foxy got up too and was about to go back to his cove, but then he noticed Lolbit and Funtime Foxy walking out of Kids' Cove. Funtime Foxy joined Chica and Toy Chica at the party room the kids were playing at.
Foxy watched Lolbit approach the fake Funtime Freddy and start talking to him. "Hey. Funtime Foxy was crying, she told me that you weren't talking to her, and she wanted to know why. You really upset her, she's been having a tough time these past couple of days. You aren't going to comfort her?" Lolbit looked at him, waiting for an answer. But he didn't reply, he just stood there, staring at her. Foxy watched both of them, waiting for something to happen.
After a couple minutes had passed, Lolbit sighed.
"So you're just not gonna talk? Is that it? Your WIFE was just crying, and you just STOOD there and watched her run off! I had to go comfort her myself, because I'm not a jerk! Now answer me! Why won't you talk?"
Funtime Freddy still didn't say anything.
"She asked you a question," Foxy said, walking over to them.
Lolbit let out an annoyed sigh. "It's fine, Foxy, I got this."
Foxy ignored her and spoke to the fake robot himself.
"It's rude to ignore people, you know. Whatever your problem is, it's no excuse to just ignore the people that care about you. Just tell us why you're quiet!"
Lolbit sighed again, "Just let me handle this-"

Suddenly, Funtime Freddy started to turn around and walk away from them. Lolbit grabbed his shoulder, "Hold up, we're not done talking-"
Lolbit let out a yelp as the fake Funtime Freddy whirled back around and grabbed her wrist.
Foxy looked at him with shock, "Lolbit!"
Lolbit tried freeing herself from his grasp, but he didn't let go.
"Let go of my arm!" She demanded, trying her best to pull away.
Funtime Freddy yanked her forward, glitching a little.
Foxy knew he wasn't going to just stand there and let this happen. He had to do something. He growled, "Let. Her. GO!"
He pulled Lolbit away from Funtime Freddy and shoved him to the ground.
He went back to Lolbit and helped her stand up steadily. "You alright?"
Lolbit nodded. "Uh, yeah..."
They looked back at Funtime Freddy, and their eyes instantly went wide. Funtime Freddy and Bonbon were on the ground, glitching insanely, weird black sparks flew everywhere from their bodies.
Lolbit started shaking. "W-what's happening to them?"
Foxy didn't answer that, because he didn't know, himself. They just watched their friend flail around, very confused, and a little afraid.

     Baby looked around, frowning. "This isn't the Parts and Service room..." she thought.
When she went through that door to the room to try to go to the basement, she appeared at a completely different place instead. She knew something was off, because this wasn't supposed to happen, this wasn't possible. She couldn't go back to the door, because it disappeared. All she could make out around her were wind, a dark red sky with shadowy clouds, a dog barking in the distance, and faint screaming. Baby was really confused, and scared.
"How the heck do I get back?" she wondered.
She didn't know what else to do, so she took a deep breath and just started walking...

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