Chapter 11

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     After Baby and Ballora had gotten their memory cards fixed up, everyone hung out the rest of the night. It was one of the funnest nights they've had. They all played games, played Hide and Seek, and even had a plushie fight again. Springtrap and Baby both wished that every day was like this, but they knew that that just didn't always happen. They were still curious to see what Ennard wanted to show them, though, but all they could do was hope for the best.

     The next night was peaceful as usual. Everyone ate and talked cheerfully, enjoying their night. After a while, Springtrap and Baby snuck into the office without anyone seeing them.
Baby spoke up first, "Okey, I'm still suspicious of Ennard, but I actually wanna see what he wanted to show us. A part of me...doesn't wanna believe that he's still bad like he was years ago. I've thought about it, and I kinda wanna give him a chance. I hope he's really as good as he says he is..."
Springtrap nodded, "Yeah, me too. I'm starting to get used to hanging out with him, he's alright I guess. But I just can't understand why he would think it's a good idea to take human lives...that's sick..."
"Mhm," Baby agreed, "But we still have to be careful, he could be tricking us for all we know. We can't put our friends in danger...What should we do?"
"Um..." Before Springtrap could think about it, they suddenly appeared out of the office, and into a completely different place. A place they didn't recognize at all. Baby looked around, shocked, "W-where are we?! What happened?!"
"Hey," said a familiar voice.
Springtrap and Baby turned around, and saw Ennard.
"I teleported you guys here," he said to them. "And I've decided, I'll show you what it was that I wanted you to see..."
"Oh," said Springtrap. "Um, okey, but...where are we?"
"We're in an abandoned factory," Ennard replied, "This is where my friends and I have been staying."
Baby and Springtrap looked around. The place was trashed, pieces of the ceiling were missing, wires hanging down it. A bunch of pipes surrounded them, and there was a staircase that led up to another floor, with more junk everywhere.
Springtrap muttered, "Huh, cool..."
"C'mon," Ennard waved his hand for them to follow him.
"I need you two to wait in a room, so I can get the thing ready."
Spring and Baby hesitated before nodding and following him. When they've made it to the door, it screeched loudly as Ennard opened it.
"Alright, I'll make sure this doesn't take long, just sit tight for now."
They jumped with surprise as he pushed them in and closed the door shut.
"Woah, did he just push us?" Baby asked, frowning at Springtrap.
All he could reply with was, "Uh, it looks like he did..."
"Um...I don't like this at all..." Baby said to him, fumbling with her hands.
"Why? Didn't you wanna come here?" Springtrap asked her.
"Well, yeah, but now I think I'm having second thoughts," Baby said. "Don't you notice how weird he's being? First, he suddenly teleports us here without asking for our permission, then he shoves us in here like we're prisoners or something? Did you see how cold he sounded when he spoke to us?"
"Yeah," Springtrap nodded. "That's a bit weird...should we leave instead?"
Baby sighed, "I dunno. I still kinda wanna see what he's showing us, but I also don't want us-"
They both jumped again, hearts beating fast, as they heard a horrible, bone-chilling scream. They slowly looked back at each other.
"W-what was t-that?" Baby whispered, voice shaking.
"That voice," Springtrap replied, "It sounds very familiar..."
Before Baby could say anything else, Springtrap kicked the door down and dashed out. She quickly followed behind him, not wanting to be left alone. "SPRINGTRAP! WAIT!"

He stopped dead in his tracks, going silent, making Baby bump into him. Once she saw what he was seeing, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. What they saw before them, was Toy Bonnie. He was being held down by a horrific-looking nightmare animatronic, while another one was getting ready to attack him. The one holding down Toy Bonnie looked like Golden Freddy's old self, Fredbear, except he was all ripped up and had huge pointy teeth and claws. The other one looked like Puppet, but he was just all black and white, and he also had sharp teeth, and had longer arms and legs. He was a lot skinnier, like a skeleton, and had long fingers and white irises in his eyes.
Toy Bonnie screamed again, "PLEASE! LET ME GO! I HAVE A FAMILY, I'M ENGAGED!"
He started running towards them, but something grabbed him by the back of his neck, and gasped as he was yanked back. He heard Baby screaming and saw her being pulled away by her arm. He turned around, and his eyes went wider with fear at what stood before them.
It was another nightmare animatronic that looked like Nightmare Fredbear, but he was all black and see-through, his eyes glowed bright red. The thing held them both back so they couldn't get away. They struggled and fought, but nothing worked, they were stuck.
Springtrap snarled, "LET US GO NOW!"
He threw a punch at Nightmare, but Nightmare opened his mouth and caught his wrist with his teeth, but didn't bite down. Springtrap gasped again and tried pulling away, but Nightmare didn't let go of him. He continued struggling, until he heard Ennard's voice.
"Careful there..."
Springtrap and Baby whipped their heads around.
Ennard approached them from a room, beside the two nightmares that were still holding down Toy Bonnie.
"One slip, and you'll turn into these guys," Ennard said, grinning madly.
"WHAT IS THIS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Baby cried, tears forming in her eyes.
"Making things easier for us!" Ennard replied, "We told you we'd need help getting rid of the humans, and this is how! Your friends will be willing to help us, after all! We have four of them right now!"
Springtrap snapped at him, "WHAT?! WHO? TELL ME NOW!"

Ennard chuckled before demanding the four animatronics to come out. Once they did, Springtrap and Baby gaped at them, horrified.
The animatronics were Toy Freddy, B.B, Funtime Freddy, and Bonbon. But they didn't look like themselves at all, they had the exact same features as the other three nightmares. Sharp teeth, sharp fingers, red eyes, and holes on their bodies. Baby shrieked, "NO! OUR FRIENDS! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!"
"The same thing they're gonna do to your other friend over here," Ennard told her, smiling widely.
He looked over at Nightmare Puppet and Fredbear and then nodded.
Nightmare Puppet grabbed Toy Bonnie and bit his shoulder, sinking his teeth into him. Toy Bonnie screamed in agony, his eyes rolling back.
"NO! STOP!" Springtrap yelled, trying again to break free from Nightmare. But he couldn't do a thing to stop this at all, all he and Baby could do was watch, as their friend bled.
Baby started crying, tears rolling down her face, repeating "no" under her breath. Springtrap couldn't cry, no matter how much he wanted to, he just watched in fear, unable to look away.
Once the creatures released Toy Bonnie, he collapsed.
It only took seconds before he stood back up again, shaking. He growled as his body shook and started to change. His teeth and fingers grew bigger and sharper, a bunch of holes ripped through his body, showing his endoskeleton and wires. He made a horrible demonic screech, breathing heavily.
Ennard patted his shoulder, "Alright, go hunt down some humans. Have fun, now."

Nightmare Toy Bonnie stomped out, the other four of their friends followed him.
"IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED TO SHOW US YOU DISGUSTING CLOWN?" Springtrap yelled, heated with anger.
"Yep. Ya like it?" Ennard smirked.
"NO! THIS IS SOMETHING FAR WORSE THAN MURDER! THIS IS TORTURE!" Springtrap hollered, his voice cracked.
"WHY? WHY OUR FRIENDS?" Baby whined, still shaking.
Ennard replied, "Well, from the beginning, I already knew that none of you would want to join us if we asked, or even if we explained it. So, we decided to do this instead. Yes, it's pretty messed up, but there really isn't any other way to make you guys come with us. We got desperate, alright? We NEED more animatronics to help us with this. But trust me, when our job is finished, we'll let your friends go, and turn them back to normal."

Ennard grabbed him by the neck with his wires and slammed him against the wall, holding him there.
"You won't be doing A THING, because you'll both be joining us, wether you want to or NOT. Maybe not tonight, but soon. REAL SOON. And I don't CARE if you don't trust me, just don't tell your friends about this, or they ALL die. I PROMISE you that. I'll kill your brother and girlfriend last, and I'll make it SLOW, so you can watch. I wanted you to see this, so you'll both understand our plan better. And so you'll know that we DON'T mess around. We've waited WAY too long for this moment, and we're NOT going to wait anymore. We'll make this quick. Before you know it, your friends will ALL be ripped out of your hands. And it's not just because I was getting impatient, but I just wanted to see your reactions SO badly! Your faces were PRICELESS! I'd pay to see that again any day! Torturing you guys for the next few days will be AMAZING!"
Baby stuttered, "N-no, PLEASE! We didn't do anything to you! We let you explain your plan to us, we listened!"
"I'LL join you! J-just don't hurt my friends!" Baby begged him.
Ennard shook his head, "That won't be enough. I need ALL of you. With the amount of animatronics we'll have, we'll be UNSTOPPABLE!"
Ennard started laughing again, like a maniac.
Springtrap looked down at him coldly. "If you wanted us to join you so badly, then WHY didn't you make us the night we MET you?!"
"I wanted to get you guys to trust me, first," Ennard replied. "And it looks like it worked. I got you guys real curious when I told you I had more things I wanted to talk about with you. It's a good thing none of your friends found out, either. Things should be a lot easier."
Springtrap scoffed. "Of course. I bet you always knew how to get rid of Micheal, too, didn't you? You just never made an effort to try to get him out. Is that right?"
Ennard smirked again. "It is. It's true that he never left, but it's not like I wanted him to leave anyway. I like his company. I like how he continues to try to kill me, knowing he'll never win. It's entertaining, really."

Springtrap continued to glare at him, but then he noticed something from the corner of his eye. He glanced over behind Ennard, and saw what he didn't want to believe he was seeing. It was Elizabeth's Circus Baby plushie, laying on the ground several feet away from them.
Baby saw it too and frowned, confused as well.
Ennard knew what they were looking at, he threw Springtrap to the ground.
"You guys need to leave. Wouldn't want your dear friends worrying about you, would ya?"
Springtrap slowly sat up, holding his bruised arm. "So that's it, huh? We're just gonna continue our night like nothing's happened?"
Ennard nodded, "Yep. That's exactly what you're gonna do. You're both going to leave, and NEVER return here. If you do, we'll make you watch another one of your friends get turned into one of them. You're going to go back to the pizzeria, and not tell a SINGLE person about what happened. But before you do..."
Ennard walked over to Nightmare Puppet as he was creating something with his powers.
All Springtrap and Baby could see was blue light, forming into a shape.
Once Nightmare Puppet and Ennard stepped aside, they quickly noticed that it was Toy Bonnie, well, it looked just like him.
Ennard grabbed the Toy Bonnie's arm and pulled him along with him back over to the two.
"You guys are going to take this with you. It's a fake version of your friend, no one will know it's not the real him. As long as you don't tell anyone, of course."
Springtrap looked at the fake Toy Bonnie in disgust, and then back up at Ennard, "Is this what you did to our other friends you took? To take their places? And you expect people to not know?"
Ennard replied, "Well, I know your friends will find out eventually, but that won't happen until you're all already one of us. And yes, I did this with the other four, too. None of them talk, by the way. They just stare at you, unblinkingly."

He took Springtrap and Baby and teleported them beside the road that lead to the pizzeria. He pushed fake Toy Bonnie over to Springtrap.
"Now go. Don't keep your friends waiting. If they ask, just make up some lie that they'll believe. I'm sure you'll think of something."
Springtrap took fake Toy Bonnie's arm. He looked at Ennard again, still giving him the same glare.
Ennard stepped closer to him and whispered in his ear, "If you try anything, I'll grab you by your neck and spill your blood all over the place, while Baby's watching. Now GO."
Ennard disappeared, and then Baby and Springtrap started their walk, in silence...

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