Chapter 20

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     When they were ready, everyone was teleported by the abandoned factory. Elizabeth lead the group inside, to a safe place alone. Once they all re-explained the plan together and knew what to do, everyone split up into groups to go looking for their friends. Puppet and his group were each given powers from Elizabeth and Chris, so they would be able to bring their friends back. They were also taught how to switch the powers with anyone, incase some people didn't help them. They knew that their friends were here, because Ennard kept them here to get them. They knew that he was here too, so they had to be extra careful. Plushtrap and Bonnet wandered around the place for about ten minutes, but so far they didn't find anyone. The silence felt a little creepy to them, but that wasn't the only thing that felt off to Plushtrap. He noticed that Bonnet had been looking sad since they arrived here.
Plushtrap stopped her and asked her quietly, "You alright?"
Bonnet shrugged. "I don't know...I've just been thinking about our brother. They've been here the whole time, under his control, and we never found out...Imagine if Ballora never told Puppet anything!"
Plushtrap sighed, unsure of how to handle this. He wanted to keep her from being down, so he tried his best to come up with the right words to say. "I know it sucks, not knowing any of this was happening. I wish I knew sooner, too. But at least we know NOW, and at least there's a way to turn everything back to normal. Don't start losing hope now, our friends are counting on us. They need us. We're all a family, and we stick together!"
Bonnet looked up at him, a little surprised. " really think we're all a family?"
Plushtrap nodded, "Yeah. Just look at all we've done to save you and your friends! Look at how far we've come! We know who the other bad guys are here, and we're gonna take them out! You wanted to help, and we're giving you a chance! I know you're tough, you literally tackled me twice when we were playing Hide and Seek!"
Bonnet smiled, "Oh yeah...I know what you're saying, Plushtrap. And you're right. I just wish I could've told you guys about Ennard...instead of hiding him from you."
Plushtrap smiled too, patting her on her small head. "Well, I'm not mad, Bonnet. That doesn't stop you from being cute!"
Bonnet giggled, "Hey, I thought you said you were dangerous and scary!"
Plushtrap nodded, "Oh I can be at times, but not with you, as long as you stay on my good side!"
"Heheh, yeah. But...sometimes it seemed like you didn't want to be nice to us," Bonnet told him.
Plushtrap looked down. "Oh yeah...I was just confused at the time, everything I did with you guys seemed so new to me, it WAS new. It was bad memories that held me back. I'm not used to doing this kinda stuff, but it's way better than being stuck with those dumb Nightmares."
Bonnet nodded, "Yeah, I bet. But hey, wether you feel lost or not, I'll still hang out with you! I know you're nice! Everyone does, you just like to be a little demon when you want to be!"
"Thanks, Bonnet. You really do have a heart of gold," Plushtrap said to her. Bonnet beamed, feeling better. Both their ears twitched as they started hearing movement nearby. Plushtrap stayed close to Bonnet as they looked around. Bonnet's eyes widened as they noticed two pairs of eyes, peeking out from the dark.

"PUPPET! LOOK OUT!" Goldie shouted, pointing behind Puppet. Puppet turned around just as a hook came slashing at him. Luckily it was only inches away from his face. The familiar fox that stood in front of them screamed loudly, it's tongue sticking out. Puppet told loudly to his group, "It's Foxy! We need to get him, quick!"
Golden Freddy acted fast and jumped Nightmare Foxy before he came at Puppet. The Bidybabs helped Goldie and held his arms down, to keep him from scratching anyone. Golden Freddy held his mouth closed, but his jaw was very strong. He growled and snarled at them, drooling furiously. The eight of them kept him still, while Puppet floated over to them and placed his hands on the top of Foxy's head. A bright light instantly flashed through his eyes, mouth, and the holes and tears on his body. A loud noise that sounded like thunder blocked out his screams. It lasted for almost a minute before the place was silent again. Everyone got up off of Foxy and stood back, waiting.
They watched as he twitched and moved his arms and legs. He groaned, slowly opening his eye. Foxy sat up and rubbed his head.
"Foxy, is that you?" Goldie asked him, keeping his distance.
Foxy lifted his head and looked around at them. He frowned, "Um...yeah. Why wouldn't it be?"
Puppet sighed, smiling. "Oh thank goodness. It worked."
"What worked? What're you talking about?" Foxy asked as he stood up. "And where the heck are we?"

Once they explained everything to him, Foxy's eye widened. "Woah...oh dang...uh...well..."
Golden Freddy nodded, "Yeeeeaaah, that was our same reaction, too. But you know what to do now, right? Because we really need your help with getting the rest of our friends."
Foxy nodded, "Yeah, I was listening. But, why do I still look like a Nightmare?" "Oh yeah, that," said Puppet. "Well, even though your mind is back to normal, your body will still take a while to fully change back. You'll have to give it time."
"Oh..." Foxy nodded again. His eye suddenly widened again once he realized something.
Golden Freddy frowned, "What?"
He muttered, "Lolbit...w-where is she?"
Puppet placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, don't worry. She's around here, they all are. We WILL find them, okey? Are you helping?"
Foxy took a deep breath and sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I am. Where we looking first?"
"Everywhere, because that's where everyone is," Golden Freddy replied as he gave Foxy some of his power. "There, that should be enough to help bring an animatronic back."
"Okey..." said Foxy, frowning at them. "But I wanna look for Lolbit first. I don't mind splitting up. Whoever is coming with me better start walking fast, because I'm not stopping."
He started walking off away from them, "I'll see you later, good luck finding the others."
Puppet nodded, "Okey, we understand! Good luck to you, too!"
Three Bidybabs ran off too, following Foxy.
Goldie nodded, "Okey then. Let's keep going."
He, Puppet, and the remaining four Bidybabs continued the search.

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