Chapter 6

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     Springtrap and Baby both looked at him like he lost his mind...which he sorta had.
"I should've known you were going to say that," Springtrap spoke first.
Baby didn't say anything, however. She just blinked and calmly walked away, towards the ladder. Ennard grabbed her by the arm by one of his tentacle-like wires that grew out from his back, and yanked her back.
Springtrap grabbed her around the waist, pulling her away from him.
He growled, "Touch her, you DIE."
"What part of 'I'm not going to hurt you' do you two not understand? I need you to stay so you can hear me out," Ennard said calmly, letting go of Baby.
"HEAR YOU OUT?" Springtrap yelled.
"NO!" He yelled again.
"You murdered an innocent human being when he just wanted to free his little sister! Why would we EVER help you?!" Baby said with a raised voice, glaring at him.
Ennard relied, "Because humans AREN'T what you think they are! And Baby, you know good and well that Micheal was never innocent, he murdered his little brother. You didn't forget about Chris, did you? And I know he wanted to free Elizabeth, but it would've never worked anyway, no matter how hard he tried. He had no idea what he got himself into, that was HIS price to pay!"
"He wanted to REDEEM himself! It's not like he MEANT to kill his brother! What kind of person would just leave their own sister in a dark, underground facility, trapped inside a frickin' ROBOT?!" Baby shouted, then she added, "So what if he didn't know what he would be getting himself into? HOW was he SUPPOSE to know? Wether he knew or not, he TOOK that risk!"
Ennard nodded, "Yep. And look where that got him."
Baby scoffed in disgust. "Yeah, and maybe it's better that he's dead. At least he can be with his mother and siblings..."
"Actually...about that..." said Ennard.
Baby and Springtrap looked at him. "What?" said Baby.
Ennard sighed, "Look, what happened between me and Micheal is all true...but there's something you don't know that happened after he died..."
"Go on..." Springtrap glared at him.

Ennard inhaled, and then exhaled. "Okey. When I killed him, I was really hoping that his soul wouldn't end up trapped in the facility, like Elizabeth. I'll admit, no one deserves to be trapped in a place like that. My hopes came true...but he never left. Once I escaped after putting on his skin, he came back and possessed me. He tried to make me kill myself by trying to rip me apart, but I was stronger. I was able to stop him, but it's hard to explain how I did it. I just...took over HIM instead, I had more power over him. I still do, he's been trapped inside my body for decades, like with you two. I don't want him to be here, though. I knew he was angry, but he shouldn't have pulled something like that. He's not really as strong as Elizabeth and William, because he doesn't have as much anger inside him like they did. He wasn't full of hatred like he used to be, mostly just depression. Now he's stuck here, he's tried getting out, but I make sure he doesn't every time, because I'm afraid something will happen to ME if he ever escaped."
Springtrap and Baby looked at each other, raising an eyebrow.
Springtrap sighed, "Okey...that makes more sense. So, do you want him out?"
Ennard replied, "Yeah, I hate that he had to be stuck like this. Look, I never wanted to kill him, but there was literally NO other way for us to escape! That was the ONLY way out! And I couldn't bring Baby and the others with me, because I knew they would just try to find some way to perform for the humans again. That's all they talked about, once I told them the plan. But I didn't agree with that, I just wanted only us as a group to spend the rest of our lives together. I can't help but despise humans...they get to move around and not have to stay in one place, but we couldn't do that. And besides, no one would've wanted us anyway...But after I got out, I had to pay the price by being stuck with Micheal, and I've accepted that a long time ago. But he really shouldn't be here, he deserves to be somewhere better..."
"So...what, you want us to help you get him out or something?" asked Springtrap.
"Um...I'm not sure. I don't think there's even a way you CAN get him out. I wish he would leave, but he won't! He never did! He had the chance once I killed him, but he'd been trying to make me take my own life instead, to stop me from 'trying to cause chaos' to the world. Everything he's tried never worked, because I have more control over him. But he never gives up..." Ennard said to them.
Springtrap thought for a moment, scratching his chin. "Well...we could still try to help you find some way to get him out, if you want."
Baby whipped her head around, looking over at him. "Uhm, no. After what HE did to us, I don't even know if I wanna help him anymore. We've helped him sacrifice a human life just for the chance of being free! And the only repayment we got was getting our heads SLAMMED against a wall!"
"I HAD to do it! You guys would've gotten in my way!" Ennard said, glaring at her.
"IN YOUR WAY?! FROM WHAT? MURDERING HUMANS?!" Baby shouted at him, fuming with anger.
Ennard looked at her in disbelief. "You...really don't know? Are you KIDDING me? Afton programmed us to KIDNAP kids, and KILL them! For his OWN pleasure! Humans around the world are KILLING each other! What's the point in letting them live if all they're gonna do is cause problems?"
Baby sighed, closing her eyes. "Ennard...I already knew about what Afton did to us. But he's gone now, isn't that enough? And not all humans are killers, you know. Take a look at Elizabeth, she was never like that, neither was Chris. And neither were any of the kids that died by Afton's hands. And what are you expecting all of us to do about the bad humans anyway? STOP them? You can't stop evil. Evil's sticking around as long as we're around, too! Trust me, I think the world would be much more perfect if it were more peaceful. But it's not. If you wanna make the world a better place, then do something that DOESN'T involve killing people. Killing is the last thing we wanna do."
"...Yeah, she's got a point," Springtrap shrugged.

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