Chapter 19

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     Plushtrap looked around, confused. "What the- where the heck are we?"
"I was able to teleport some of us outside, so they wouldn't be able to catch us all," replied Puppet, quietly. "But we need to be quiet. We're in the streets right now, hiding. We can't cause any ruckus."
Plushtrap looked around at all that were with him. Puppet, Yendo, Bonnet, J.J, the Minnerinas, and the Bidybabs.
Bonnet held on to Plushtrap close as she asked Puppet, "W-what happened to our friends?"
Puppet sighed, rubbing his arm. "They were Ennard."
"We're getting them back, right?" Yendo asked him.
Puppet nodded, "Of course! But right now, we need to make sure we're safe before going back to the pizzeria and thinking of a plan."
Suddenly, they heard a "psst" from nearby. Everyone looked around, and then noticed a child standing by a dumpster.
Puppet squinted at the figure, whispering, "Chris?"
Chris stepped out from the dark, revealing himself to them. "Elizabeth is almost here, we need to hurry back to the pizzeria. It's safe there now."
"Good. Do you know what's happening to our friends right now?" Puppet asked, approaching closer to him.
"They're all under the nightmares' control," replied a voice.
Plushtrap jumped, nearly falling over, as he saw Elizabeth right in front of him. "JEEZ!" A Bidybab shushed him.
In an instant, they were all teleported back to their home. Puppet's group gasped, not expecting that to happen so quick. They looked around the place. There were tables knocked over, from when the fight broke out between everyone. The fake broken animatronics were still laying on the ground. They noticed that Chris wasn't with them. Once he appeared again, their eyes widened as they saw Golden Freddy beside him.
"Goldie! You didn't get bit? How?!" Puppet questioned, smiling with relief.
Golden Freddy replied, "I'm surprised I made it, too! Uh, well what happened was, when they arrived, that nightmare version of me was trying to take some of the others. I held him back, but how I did it...was very shocking. I just, held onto him, pulling him back, but it felt like I was connecting to him when I did it. I felt some energy being pulled out of him, and into me! He was still able to take me, along with the others, but I managed to escape and hide, before Chris found me. But I feel different now, I feel stronger..."
Chris said to him, "What you just did was take some of his energy away, meaning that he's a bit weaker now. That's what we all need to do to bring your friends back, and set Micheal free."
Plushtrap looked at him, confused. "Set Micheal free? What happened to him?"
Puppet explained to everyone how Micheal failed to set Elizabeth free, ended up getting scooped by Ennard, how his skin was worn to escape the underground, and how Ennard's been using Micheal to give himself more power.
Golden Freddy frowned, "Wait, Baby and her friends never told us any of that!"
"That's because Ennard threatened to kill them if they did," Puppet told him. "But either way, he was still going to hurt them, so Ballora told me anyway."
"So we gotta find the nightmares, take their energy, and then use that to bring our friends back to normal?" asked Plushtrap.
"Well, Chris and I already did that," Elizabeth answered, "Once those other nightmare animatronics were killed, Ennard and the three nightmares took all of their energy to become stronger. We've been slowly taking their energy after that, so we could use their own power against them. We've been using them to try to get Micheal out, but he's been refusing to leave every time we try to convince him. He's been trying to kill Ennard himself, but that guy is a lot stronger than him. He needs our help, but he doesn't want to see it. But what he doesn't realize is that Ennard has been using his energy to become stronger and more powerful, that negativity that Micheal has is what keeps Ennard going."
Puppet nodded, "Right. So if we get him to let us help, things will be easier!"
Plushtrap frowned at them. "I don't get it...Why would you wanna help Micheal, after all he's done to you?"
Chris sighed. "I couldn't see it at the time, but he was in a lot of pain, after what happened to Elizabeth, and how our Dad treated him. If he was just raised right, he wouldn't have been acting that way. Now that I look at him, I see that he's been trying to be a better person all these years. He's tried setting Elizabeth free, and he's been trying to get rid of Ennard, so none of us would get hurt! He's still doing that, and he obviously hasn't given up, so I wanna give him a chance. So does Elizabeth."
Elizabeth nodded. "Another thing you should know about, is that Ennard has been trying to get our Circus Baby and Fredbear plushies, so he can burn them...and destroy our spirits."
J.J's eyes widened. "What? Well, where are they now?"
Chris replied, "Elizabeth was able to steal her plushie back from him. She gave it to Puppet, who hid it in his box. Baby has my plush right now, in her stomach. I placed it under the stairs, so she and Springtrap could find it and hide it. They know about the plushies, too."
"We need to find a way to keep the plushies safe, so Ennard or the nightmares won't find them," said Puppet. "I sealed my box with my powers, so nothing but me can go through it. Elizabeth's plushie is safe, but not Chris'. We have to get it back."
"We're about to go to the factory to get it," Chris told everyone. "That's where everyone else is at. We're gonna teleport you there."

Everyone nodded, understanding. J.J stepped closer to Elizabeth, "Hey, uh, Elizabeth?"
Elizabeth turned to her, "Mhm?"
J.J looked down, sad. "You were able to talk to Puppet, but why not me, too? I've missed you, I missed talking to you!"
Elizabeth gave her a hug. "Please don't be mad, J.J. I wanted to keep talking to you too. But so many things have been going on lately, I've been busy a lot, and I didn't want you to get hurt! Chris and I wanted to get everyone's help, but we were only able to get Puppet, and Lolbit. Lolbit didn't help us though, because she didn't want to believe it was me trying to talk to her. I don't blame her, though, she was just scared. We had a hard time trying to contact you guys, because Ennard and his nightmares have been trying to stop us, and then we'd end up in another fight with them. But now that they're busy, we can finally explain everything to you." J.J nodded.
Yendo frowned. "Wait, you were able to get Lolbit? How?"
Elizabeth replied, "A few nights ago, Foxy and Lolbit contacted me because they knew about me trying to talk to her, so they wanted to find out why. They only knew that Micheal was trapped somewhere, and that I needed their help. I knew that Foxy was wanting to tell Baby or Puppet about it, but Nightmare had been stopping him, by making him hallucinate. We still had Puppet, though."
Plushtrap looked up at Puppet. "So you knew about Ennard and the other three nightmares? What have you guys been doing to try to stop him?"
"Well," Puppet started. "You already know that I've been helping them trying to get Micheal free. But we've also spied on them, to hear about their plans. But then they caught us, and have been trying to kill us. I wanted to get Plushtrap's help with the nightmares, but I knew that if I even tried that, they would get closer to him and try to kill him too. They've been wanting him dead since they found out he was taken here, because he's no use to them, and they know he's helping us. Chris, Elizabeth, and I have been keeping him safe, and Springtrap and Baby here, too, because they're also very important for Ennard's plan. They also want me dead, because I can't be turned into a nightmare, since I'm too powerful for them."
Golden Freddy nodded. "Okey...But how is Plushtrap useless to them? Isn't he a nightmare, just like them?"
Puppet nodded too. "That's exactly what I thought, until Chris explained it more. You see, they COULD'VE taken all his energy from him, but that wouldn't have been enough for them. He used to be the weakest out of all of them, but then Chris came up with the idea to give him emotions, and a personality, so he wouldn't be anything like them. Chris also gave him some of his powers, to make him more stronger, so he could help us. So basically, Plushtrap is a part of Chris, he's kinda like a spirit too. He used to be a hallucination, just like the other nightmares, but Chris made him into a real animatronic, so he could be more useful to fight. He wanted Plushtrap to have a chance at life, like the rest of us, because Plushtrap didn't have a good life with the nightmares."
"It's true," Chris told them.
He looked at Plushtrap, "And Plushtrap, I don't know if you've realized it, but you actually have some of the nightmares' energy, so you're just as strong as them."
Plushtrap's eyes widened again. He looked down at his hands like he could no longer recognize them, "Huh? What? How the heck-"
Chris explained it to him. "Everyone has seen how strong you are, except for you, it looks like. I know you didn't know about Ennard and the three nightmares taking the other nightmares' strengths, they made sure you didn't know about that. I wanted you to be as strong as the rest of us to help us fight them. So what I did was, as I took some of their powers away, I handed some to you, to make you stronger. You shouldn't have much of a problem, fighting them."
Once Plushtrap understood, he slowly nodded. "Oh, um...okey then. Uh...thanks. But we're not just gonna fight them off, right? You know they have to be killed..."
"Yeah," Chris agreed. "And we're gonna do just that. But it can't just be me, you, Elizabeth, Goldie, and Puppet with all the power. We need the rest of your guys' help, too."
Elizabeth nodded, "Yes. We need just enough people to help us get your friends back, so they can team up with us, and we can all deal with the enemies. It'll be easy, at first, but not later on..."
Golden Freddy stepped forward. "Well, I'm definitely helping. They have my brother and my friends! What they just did was a big mistake!"
Yendo nodded, "I'm helping, too. It pains me to have to fight an old friend I've known for so many years, but he has to go. I've found new people, now. I wanna stick with them."
"I'm joining, too," said Plushtrap. "I know these nightmares, and whatever they're planning on doing to the world, know that it would never look good. If you think the world is bad now, imagine wiping out every single living creature and making this earth basically into hell. It's like we've lived for nothing, and we can't go out like that. I've seen how nice it looks outside, I don't want that to be my last time seeing it."
"Can I help, too?" asked Bonnet. "I agree with Plushtrap, but I don't wanna stand by and do nothing while everyone else is risking their lives for their family. That's my family too."
"And mine," said J.J. "I don't know Baby and her friends much, but I want to. I know that they're very nice people, and wouldn't do any harm to us. I know Elizabeth won't be around forever, but I'll still have you guys. I hope this won't be our last day alive..." All of the Minnerinas and Bidybabs agreed with them.
Puppet smiled. "Thanks, guys. This is truly amazing, and we appreciate you a lot. And don't worry, we're ALL gonna make sure that these won't be our last moments together. But this plan that's about to be explained to you, you have to listen very carefully. Once we enter that place, there's no going back. We have to know exactly what our mission is, so we won't fail. Got it?"
Everyone nodded, ready for him, Chris, and Elizabeth to explain the plan...

Don't worry, things shall get more intense in the next chapter >:3

Anyway, here's a late borthday present for a good friend, @RetroFlame

Anyway, here's a late borthday present for a good friend, @RetroFlame

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HAPPY LATE BOOORRRTH (I say borthday instead of birthday cus it's better)

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HAPPY LATE BOOORRRTH (I say borthday instead of birthday cus it's better). And I didn't know which picture was better so I just put both of them on here. I didn't know how else to send it to u so I just put it here, but it's fine. Hope ya like it, breh :D

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