Chapter 5

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"So what d'ya think of the place so far?" Foxy asked Lolbit as they walked around the restaurant.
Lolbit shrugged. "Eh, it's alright." Foxy looked at her, frowning.
Lolbit snickered, nudging his arm, "I'm KIDDING, ya limp noodle. It's awesome! I'd choose this over that underground stink-hole any day!"
"I think anyone would," Foxy said.
"True," said Lolbit, nodding.
"Heh, you sure do joke a lot..." Foxy said, grinning a little.
Lolbit shrugged again, looking over at him, "That's what I do. I'm a joker."
After a few minutes of walking, Lolbit sighed and stopped.
Foxy stopped too, once he noticed. "Something wrong?"
Lolbit answered, "I don't know...This just feels weird. I was so used to living in a dark, hidden place with my friends, and a spirit...who took over one of them. Now without her around...It doesn't even feel like she's gone. It's like I see her everywhere I go...mostly when I look at Baby."
"Is that a bad thing?" Foxy asked.
"Um...Not really, I guess..." answered Lolbit, "When I see her, she appears for only a couple of seconds, looking at me, before disappearing. Maybe she just wants to pay a visit sometimes, I don't know."
"Well," said Foxy, "As long as she's not hurting anybody, we should be fine, right? I mean, why would she? We saved her life-or, afterlife, whatever you call it. Does she give off any vibe that seems threatening?"
Lolbit shook her head, "No, not really. I think maybe she's just being weird, she liked to do that to mess with us. But what if she's trying to tell me something?"
"Maybe, maybe not. Wanna find out?" Foxy suggested.
Lolbit scoffed, "How would we do that? Talk to her?"
"I mean, yeah. We've done it before, shouldn't be any different. Let's find a quiet place to go to, and maybe try contacting her. You wanna do that?" Foxy asked her, waiting for an answer.
Lolbit thought about it, and then nodded. "Sure, okey."
"I'll make sure we won't get caught," Foxy said as they started walking again.
"Yeah, you better. Or I'm taking your eyepatch back," Lolbit said, smirking.
Foxy pretended to be shocked, "Oh no, not my EYEPATCH! You MONSTER!"
They both laughed, playfully pushing each other.

"Who are you?" Springtrap asked in a demanding tone, clenching his fists as he stood up.
Baby nearly tripped as she frantically stood up with him. "S-Springtrap, no. Don't talk to him, l-let's just go."
Springtrap looked at her, "You know this guy? Who IS he?"
"Don't worry, I'm won't hurt either of you," the creature spoke again, giving them an unsettling grin. Springtrap took a closer look at him.
He was an animatronic too, because he had wires sticking out of him in a bunch of different directions. His white and red hair hung down the right side of his face, covering it. You could only see his left eye, the iris a light blue. He wore a yellow and green striped party hat on the top of his head, with an orange ball attached on top of it. It was also obvious that he was a clown, because he had a circular red nose too. The rest of his body was just a mangled mess of wires, same with his hands and feet, he also wore a red button on his chest.

He spoke again, "My name is Ennard." Springtrap was even more confused, he had so many questions. He was about to ask this Ennard something else, but then Baby started tugging on his arm, trying to pull him away.
"Please, just get away from him, Springtrap. We're not suppose to go near him!"
"Why?!" He asked, looking back at her.
He was starting to get frustrated. He didn't know who this guy was, but Baby did. He wasn't hurting them, but he could at any moment. If Baby was really this scared of him, then he must be dangerous.
Baby then replied by blurting out, "BECAUSE HE KILLED MICHEAL!"

Nothing but silence filled the air. Springtrap looked at her, eyes wide with shock. Ennard just stared at them, blankly, muttering, "Awkward..."
"Shut up," Springtrap said, flatly.
"Woah, rude," Ennard muttered, turning away from them to let them talk privately. Springtrap looked away from Ennard, facing Baby again.
He told her with anger, "You guys said you didn't know what happened to Micheal...You LIED to us?"
Baby said shakily, "We-we said we killed him, b-but we didn't know what happened to him after...That was a-a lie...I'm sorry."
"WHY would you LIE about that to us?!" Springtrap asked in a low tone.

Baby shrunk down a little, lowering her head and barely making any eye contact with him. "W-we HAD to! H-he told us not to tell anyone if we were ever found...because then people would go looking f-for him, to try to kill him...and if he found out...he would find us and kill us...We didn't want to put any of you i-in danger..."
"What do you mean? What happened with Ennard and Micheal?" Springtrap asked with a fearful look.
Baby looked back at Ennard, and then at Springtrap. "I-if I tell you...he'll hurt us..."
Springtrap looked over at Ennard, "Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't."
Ennard turned back to Baby. "Like I said, I'm not gonna hurt you, or any of your friends. You can tell him everything, I won't stop you."
"I don't believe that!" Baby shouted at him.
"Watch me, then," Ennard said, turning back away from them.
Springtrap said to Baby while keeping his eyes on Ennard, "Go ahead..."
Baby hesitated before nodding. "Um, okey then, I'll start from the beginning...Micheal's body was never found, because it was taken. When we all still performed, Ennard was apart of our group. He used to perform with us, we'd all hang out and have fun together. All of us except for Ennard loved being around the humans. He was convinced that they only used us for entertainment, and never really cared for us. He always told us that, but we always saw it differently. Once we were taken to the underground facility after what happened to Elizabeth, we were just left there. We all tried a bunch of different ways to escape, but nothing worked. Once Micheal entered the place to try to find Elizabeth, Ennard then thought of the idea...the horrible kill Micheal, and wear his skin as a disguise to hide from the humans once we escaped. The way we had to do it, was to trick Micheal into thinking we were on his side, scoop out his guts in the 'Scooping room' on his last night there, then mix ourselves together into one animatronic after we had gotten scooped too. And then wear his skin and escape. He fell for our trick the whole time. Once he came back for his last night here...we waited for the moment to lure him into the 'Scooping room', and scoop his guts out with a big scooper- which Ennard was suppose to use to scoop the rest of us out, so we could combine ourselves with him- so we'd all fit in Micheal's skin. But that never happened, obviously. Ennard tricked us...While Micheal was busy, he attacked me and my friends, and knocked us all out. Once we woke up, he was gone. So was Micheal. We found a note from him, saying he succeeded, and that he didn't need us anymore, if all we were gonna do was put on shows for humans. He also said in the note that if we were ever found and asked about what happened to Micheal, it would be best if we didn't say anything...or else Ennard would find us, know. The police came to try to find Micheal, and they had no luck. Elizabeth told me he really was gone. But she couldn't find him, he wasn't anywhere to be seen, even as a spirit. Plus, Elizabeth was also still trapped with me, she couldn't do much at the time...That's it."
Springtrap took a moment to take all of this in.
He nodded, "Okey, I understand now. Wow, that's uh...really messed up..."
He glanced over at Ennard again, who was still there with them. "But...WHY is he here?"
Baby shrugged, "I honestly don't know. I really wasn't expecting him to come back, ever. Also, how did you know we lied about Micheal?"
"It's obvious, look at Ennard's eye. It's glowing a light purple-ish blue. Micheal's related to William, so if he was trapped inside of an animatronic too- which he is- then the animatronic's eyes would have the same glowing purple in it once they're possessed, it's just hard to see it. That happened to me, and that happened to you too," Springtrap replied.
Baby nodded, "Oh...I didn't know that. why are you here, Ennard? You said you weren't gonna hurt us, why?"
"Because I need you all alive, you're no use to me if you're dead," Ennard said, turning back around to face them again.
Springtrap asked while raising an eyebrow, "Need us? What for?"
Ennard sighed. "I know you won't like the answer I'm about to give you, but I know you wouldn't stop asking, so here I go. I need you alive, so we can all team up get rid of the human race." ...

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