Chapter 7

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     " gonna use the ladder or...?" Springtrap asks Ennard, who quickly shook his head. "Nah, I don't have to. I can just use my wires to climb down, that's how I got up here, actually."
"Weird..." Baby said, scrunching up her face.
"Oh, and maybe don't tell anyone about our conversation. They can't know about me...I don't trust them, and I don't wanna lose your guys' trust," Ennard told them.
Springtrap and Baby both nodded, then Spring said, "Okey, but why don't you trust them? They're not that untrustworthy."
Ennard answered, "To you they're not, but I just don't really like them...Alright, I'll see you guys the next night. Bye, for now." He waved at them as he walked over to the edge of the building and started climbing down it.
Once he was gone, Baby muttered, "Finally...Let's go."
"I don't get it..." said Springtrap.
"What?" Baby said, looking up at him.
"Did you guys not fight back to him at all when he attacked you?" Springtrap asked her, frowning.
Baby sighed, "He was a lot stronger than us, Springtrap. We did fight, a lot. But we didn't stand a chance against him. But now that he has these strange powers he told us about, I can't even imagine how much stronger he could be now..."
"Well, let's not think about that too much, I sure don't wanna. We have other things to do too, ya know. Like fixing up your guys' memory cards. C'mon," Springtrap said as he started walking back to the ladder, with Baby behind him.
Once they climbed down and made their way inside, their eyes widened as they noticed almost everyone chasing each other around the place, throwing plushies at each other. The ones that sat and watched were Toy Freddy, Ballora, a few Minnerinas and Bidybabs, and Bonnet. Mangle hid behind Springtrap, giggling while throwing stuff at everyone else.
"What the heck is going on?" Springtrap laughed, looking over at her.
"It started when some of us were playing Hide and Seek, and after a while, Bonnet and Plushtrap were just chasing each other down. They started grabbing stuff and they threw things at each other, and then some more of us joined in," Mangle replied as she dodged things people threw at her.
"You did all of this WITHOUT me?!" Springtrap said, acting upset.
"You weren't even here! I was gonna come find you, but I was being CHASED!" Mangle said to him, still laughing. Then she asked him, "What were you two even doing outside? You were gone for nearly two hours!"
Springtrap looked at her, surprised. "Really? That long? Dang...Well, all we really did was talk, looks like we got side-tracked, heheh."
"Well, okey. You two wanna join?" Mangle asked, handing them some things.
"Uh, sure. Alright!" Baby smiled, nodding. Once she ran off, Springtrap agreed to join too, but before he did, he asked Mangle if she knew where Golden Freddy and Puppet were.
"Yeah!" she replied, "Goldie and Freddy are fixing Yendo's memory card, and Puppet is fixing Funtime Foxy's. Why d'you ask?"
"I was just wondering," Springtrap said, then he grinned at her, "Alright, now let's show these clowns who they're messing with. It's me and you against everyone else!"
"Heck yeah!" Mangle said with enthusiasm, jumping up and hugging his neck. He grabbed her hand and they laughed as they joined in with everyone.

After about an hour, everyone got tired and stopped playing. While everyone else picked things up off the floor and tidied back up the place, Foxy took Lolbit and snuck her into the office.
"We're contacting her here?" asked Lolbit.
"Yeah, there's no cameras in here, so no one will see us," Foxy replied, he sat down in the office chair. "But if someone comes by and DOES see us, let's act like we're looking at the cameras while roasting the people we see on them."
Lolbit snickered, "Okey then." She sat on the desk by the cameras and fan, facing him.
"Do you still see her?" Foxy asked.
"Um, I think I saw her a couple of times. Once when I went with you to go play the arcade games. And again when I was hiding behind the table at Prize Corner while we were all playing earlier. I saw her for a second before she disappeared...I wonder if anyone else sees her," Lolbit said.
"You wanna ask her?" said Foxy.
Lolbit shrugged, "I mean, sure. But we could also ask the others if they've seen her, right?"
"Eh, yeah. But I've been wanting to try something that people usually do to contact spirits with, instead," Foxy told her.
"What is it?" Lolbit asked.
Foxy grinned, almost laughing. "This is gonna sound so cringe and stupid...but I've always wanted to use an Ouija board."
Lolbit went quiet. Then she asked, "What the flip is an Ouija board?"
Foxy went quiet too, looking at her with a "are you fricking kidding me?" face.
He suddenly realized that she and her friends HAVE been stuck underground for some time, so of course they'd miss out on a lot that's happened over the years. Plus, before that, all they could do was sing and perform for kids in a pizzeria, so they wouldn't have been able to do anything like that anyway.
He started to speak again, "Okey, I don't have a picture of one to show you, but I'll still explain it. It's this board you can use to talk to know what- I'll just draw it out."
He took out a piece of paper from an old notebook, grabbed a pen, and started drawing out the board while he explained it to her. He then took out another paper and started cutting out a planchette and drew the design on it. Once he was done, he asked if she understood now.
"Oh, okey. Yeah, I get it. Interesting..." Lolbit said, nodding her head.
" wanna try it? It probably won't work, since it's not actually a board, but I guess it's still worth a shot," said Foxy.
"Sure!" Lolbit replied, smiling, "Heh, that's kinda cute, you wanna gwo gwhost hunting!" She said in a baby-ish voice, poking his arm.
"Psh, no! We're just talking to Elizabeth!" Foxy smirked, blushing.
"Alright then, I got a question," Lolbit said, looking over at the paper board.
"You have to put two of your fingers on the planchette first, and then move it around in a circle and ask if there are any spirits here," Foxy told her.
" 'K then." Lolbit and Foxy placed two fingers on the planchette, moved it around the board in a circle, and then Lolbit asked the question. Nothing happened.
Lolbit asked another question, "Um, Elizabeth Afton...if you're here, move the planchette to 'yes'."
After a few seconds had passed, the planchette slipped right out from under their fingers and moved to yes.
Foxy nearly jumped out of his seat, "Woah, holy-"
"CEWL!" Lolbit blurted out, looking at the board with astonishment.
Foxy looked at the board with suspicion. "Wait, spirits lie sometimes...Elizabeth, if you're here, then show yourself."
"Wait, will she still be able to, even after she was set free?" Lolbit asked.
Foxy shrugged, "Dunno. Maybe we'll find out."
A couple minutes had passed. Suddenly, the cameras started glitching, making static noises. Foxy and Lolbit looked over at the cameras, holding in their breaths. Elizabeth appeared for a split second, but then disappeared. Her face kept appearing for every few seconds, she looked and even sounded afraid.
"Elizabeth! Is that really you? Are you alright?" Lolbit asked, moving closer towards the screens. There was nothing but static noises at first, but then they heard two words come out of her mouth: "Help" and "Danger".
Foxy's ear twitched. "... 'help'?"
"What's wrong? What danger?" Lolbit asked her, waiting for an answer. The only words they could make out were "Micheal" and "Trapped".
Foxy's ears went back. "W-wha-"
The cameras glitched again and then shut off. They turned back on and were back to normal. There was no Elizabeth. Lolbit went mute. Foxy turned to her, throat dry.
She didn't respond, or even look at him. He gulped and then asked, "Micheal's not gone, is he?"

     "Did you have fun?" Bonnet asked Plushtrap as they sat and ate their pizza.
Plushtrap laughed, "Did you not see me running around, chucking stuff at everybody while laughing in their faces?" Bonnet giggled.
"Um...have you ever done anything like that with the nightmare animatronics?" She asked him.
"Only when we were angry. Which was pretty much all the time," Plushtrap said, grinning as he thought about it.
He asked Bonnet, "So, you like it here so far?"
Bonnet smiled, "Yeah! It's so fun here, there's way more stuff to do. And I've even made a few new friends! I just hope we get to stay here."
"I bet you will, Puppet might warm up to you guys quickly," Plushtrap told her.
Bonnet looked up at him, "What about you?"
Plushtrap did a half shrug, "Eh, I don't know. I honestly doubt I'll be able to stay here."
Bonnet frowned, "Really? What makes you say that?"
"Look at me. I don't look like someone you'd wanna be around," Plushtrap said to her.
"That's not true at all. At first you did, when I first saw you. But once we started hanging out, you actually look more fun than scary!" Bonnet said.
Plushtrap gave her a surprised and almost disappointed look. "What? I don't look scary?"
"I wasn't saying that in a mean way! You are scary at times, but that doesn't make you bad, because you've only been nice to us since we met. I would be lying if I said you weren't scary while playing Hide and Seek, heh."
Plushtrap smirked, feeling proud of himself.
"I think he'll let you stay, too," Bonnet told him. "You haven't done a single thing wrong, so far. And keep it that way! There's nothing wrong with being nice!"
Plushtrap just nodded.

When it was almost 6 am, everyone gathered around like Puppet had asked them to. Once he appeared before them, he said, "Alright, Funtime Foxy's and Yendo's memory cards are fixed. Yendo will start helping us fix the rest of the Sister Location's cards. And Springtrap, Goldie, and I talked. We're gonna give Baby and her friends their own places to sleep. They can't all stay in that basement, it's too crowded down there. If anyone is willing to let a few of them stay in the same room with them, just let us know."
Toy Chica spoke first, "The back room is available for at least two more people."
"You could stay with us in there, Yendo," Toy Bonnie told him. Yendo nodded.
"Will Toy Freddy be okay with that?" T.C asked him.
"I'm sure he won't mind," Toy Bonnie said to her, "Yendo's chill."
"Wait, where is he?" Freddy asked.
"He's already in the back room, asleep. I don't think he wanted to show up, he must've been really tired," T.C replied to him. Freddy frowned, but nodded.
"Yendo can sleep with you guys in there, it's fine," said Puppet.
"Anyone else alright with staying with us?" Toy Chica asked the rest of Baby's friends.
"Um, I don't mind," said Ballora, "My Minnerinas can cuddle up with me, to make more room for you."
Toy Chica smiled, nodding. "Okey!"
"No one sleeps in Kids' Cove, about three or four people are able to fit in there," said Mangle.
"I could take it," Funtime Foxy said.
"Me too," said Funtime Freddy. Bonbon and Bonnet nodded with him.
"Two more people can go, since Bonbon and Bonnet are small enough to make more room," Mangle said.
"I'll go," said Lolbit, "and the Bidybabs can come too, we could all pile together to keep warm."
Mangle nodded, "Alright, sounds good."
"There's enough room in the basement for Baby and Plushtrap, they can stay with us in there," said Golden Freddy.
"Okey, looks like it's settled then. I hope everyone has a good rest, and I'll see you all early the next night." Once Puppet floated away, everyone else separated and went to their spots to sleep. So far, the week was going by smoothly...But how long will that last?



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